Monday, August 10, 2009

Hobo Mama's breastfeeding posts by category

Thank you for joining me in Hobo Mama's observance of World Breastfeeding Week: August 1-7, 2009. It's been wonderful to celebrate breastfeeding with all of you! I've so appreciated your thoughtful comments and the chance to visit your blogs and hear your thoughts on breastfeeding as well.

Here's one last post to wrap it all up.


If you're new to Hobo Mama or want to catch up on some articles having to do with breastfeeding, here's a roundup of some of my best breastfeeding posts, indexed by category. Some will repeat if they fit in multiple categories, but this way you'll be able to select a specific topic of interest to you to read about. The posts are listed within each category in reverse chronological order, most recent at top.

If you're reading this past the day it was posted, feel free to use the general breastfeeding label search to find any new posts and any I might have missed.

(click to jump to a category listing)



     • "Nothing by mouth": surgery guidelines for the breastfed baby: New anesthesia guidelines for nurslings
     • Establishing breastfeeding in private: Telling unhelpful visitors to wait
     • Starting breastfeeding right with a topless babymoon: Take a couple days for just you and your newborn
     • Breastfeeding pillow: Boppy or My Brest Friend?: Helping navigate the choices of nursing pillows, plus how to nurse without one
     • Cache and carry: Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Nancy Mohrbacher
     • I won a Skinies Nursing Cami!: Skinies Nursing Cami preview
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier: Discreet nursing in a soft structured carrier
     • Parenting alone: We need more allomothers: Have we abandoned our reproductive strategy for raising our young?
     • Belly bands keep your pants and spirits high: Cover your middle while you lift your top to feed
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: mei tai: Front-facing nursing in public
     • Nursing tank for the busty breastfeeding mama: Preview of Modest Middles
     • Money-saving breastfeeding ideas: Penny pinching while nursing
     • In Defense of Food: Nutritionism and breastfeeding: Breastmilk as a whole food vs. formula as a food-like product
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Ring sling: Newborn to toddler nursing
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Stretchy wrap: Newborn hands-free nursing
     • Breastfeeding resolutions: Start off with strong goals
     • Why don't parents trust research?: A look into the scientific literature
     • Pediatricians less likely to promote breastfeeding: Interest in recommending breastfeeding to patients has, sadly, waned
     • Breastfeeding education: How I learned to breastfeed
     • Finger feeding and baby hickeys: The challenges of breastfeeding: On pumping and using supplemental nursing systems to start off breastfeeding
     • Practice makes perfect: You get a lot of tries to get breastfeeding right
     • Buddha babies and body image: On breastfed babies being the perfect size
     • Hot tub wisdom: Why you should ignore people's well-meaning but ludicrous advice
     • Unintended consequences of child safety: How the injunctions against cosleeping undermine breastfeeding
     • Monkey see, monkey do: The importance of seeing breastfeeding demonstrated
     • Beginning to communicate: Being able to ask for it does not mean they're too old
     • Practice, practice, practice...breastfeeding: Learning how to breastfeed on the go without pillows


     • Easy, discreet way to breastfeed a toddler in public: The secret is confidence
     • "Hello, nipple!" and other toddler breastfeeding stories, plus a breastfeeding carnival: Toddlers talk nursing
     • Breastfeeding carnival roundup: the nursing toddler and breastfeeding how-tos: This is what a nursing toddler looks like at a baptism
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier: Discreet nursing in a soft structured carrier that's easy on your back
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Ring sling: Toddler nursing in a hip carry
     • Breastfeeding resolutions: A look back at the goals that got me to 19 months of breastfeeding so far
     • Hiding a nursing toddler: Is extra discretion necessary?
     • Update on postpartum visits from Aunt Flo: Returning fertility is not always a straight path when practicing extended, ecological breastfeeding
     • Pregnancy scare & child spacing: How extended nursing relates to how far apart to have children
     • My nursing necklace: Useful to distract those grabby little hands!
     • Twiddling leads to a nursing necklace: Make your own bead necklace if you can't stand the nipple tweaking
     • Breastfeeding while pregnant: You can continue to nurse your toddler while pregnant — and tandem nurse after the new baby arrives
     • Frozen feeding cubes: The wide range in how breastfed babies respond to eating solids, how to save food from a finicky eater, and how to trick him into eating medicine!
     • "For at least 12 months...": Reflections on making it to one full year of breastfeeding so far
     • Even more humor in breastfeeding: Unorthodox latch
     • Practice makes perfect: You get a lot of tries to get breastfeeding right
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: The biological and cultural foundations of breastfeeding from an anthropologist's perspective, including the tradition of nursing through toddlerhood
     • Beginning to communicate: Being able to ask for it does not mean they're too old


     • Prepared for Life: Breastfeeding in local and global crises: August 2009 — Prepared for Life
     • Easy, discreet way to breastfeed a toddler in public: June 2009 — Nursing in public
     • "Hello, nipple!" and other toddler breastfeeding stories, plus a breastfeeding carnival: May 2009 — Share a story
     • Breastfeeding carnival roundup: the nursing toddler and breastfeeding how-tos: April 2009 — "This is what a nursing toddler looks like" plus "How-to"
     • Money-saving breastfeeding ideas: February 2009 — Penny pinching while nursing
     • Breastfeeding resolutions: January 2009 — Breastfeeding goals
     • Essential breastfeeding product: Save your shirt & your dignity!: November 2008 — Breastfeeding product reviews
     • Breastfeeding education: September 2008 — Learning about breastfeeding
     • The thrills and chills of person-to-person milk donation: June 2008 — Pumping it up!
     • Finger feeding and baby hickeys: The challenges of breastfeeding: April 2008 — Thrush and mastitis and blebs, oh my!
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: November 2008 — Breastfeeding and parenting book reviews


     • Don't flash your father-in-law: A Skinies Nursing Cami review: Discreet nursing with your own favorite nursing bra
     • Easy, discreet way to breastfeed a toddler in public: The secret is confidence
     • Cover that up! It's disgusting: A misinterpretation of another mother's discretion
     • Mayim Bialik blossoms as an attachment parent: Nursing in public in an ERGO carrier
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier: Discreet nursing in a soft structured carrier
     • Belly bands keep your pants and spirits high: Cover your middle while you lift your top to feed
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: mei tai: Front-facing nursing in public
     • Just say no to hiding hooters: One more joke about nursing covers
     • Nursing tank for the busty breastfeeding mama: Preview of Modest Middles
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Ring sling: Newborn to toddler nursing
     • Breastfeeding resolutions: Including my resolution to treat nursing in public as normal
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Stretchy wrap: Newborn hands-free nursing
     • Hiding a nursing toddler: Is extra discretion necessary?
     • Essential breastfeeding product: Save your shirt & your dignity!: Pads are a must-have for nursing in public to avoid telltale leak rings!
     • Angelina Jolie nursing in public: The actress shows you how to look gorgeous while doing it
     • Breastfeeding education: How I learned to breastfeed, and how I hope to demonstrate to others
     • "For at least 12 months...": Now officially nursing in public past the usual timeframe
     • Citizens Against Breastfeeding: Professional hoaxer Alan Abel gets people riled up again
     • Monkey see, monkey do: The importance of seeing breastfeeding demonstrated
     • NIP tips: Compilation of discreet nursing strategies
     • Nursing in public: How covering up makes me feel less discreet


     • Starting breastfeeding right with a topless babymoon: Take a couple days for just you and your newborn
     • Mayim Bialik blossoms as an attachment parent: Nursing in public in an ERGO carrier
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier: Discreet nursing in a soft structured carrier
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Ring sling: Newborn to toddler nursing
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Stretchy wrap: Newborn hands-free nursing
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: The biological and cultural foundations of breastfeeding from an anthropologist's perspective, including the tradition of babywearing
     • Practice, practice, practice...breastfeeding: Taking the time to get nursing while babywearing right
     • Nursing in public: How covering up makes me feel less discreet


     • Starting breastfeeding right with a topless babymoon: Take a couple days for just you and your newborn
     • Road trip with a 20-month-old: High, narrow hotel beds and side-lying nursing
     • Breastfeeding resolutions: Including my early resolution to learn side-lying nursing
     • Why don't parents trust research?: The science points to cosleeping as best for breastfeeding babies
     • Unintended consequences of child safety: How the injunctions against cosleeping undermine breastfeeding
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: The biological and cultural foundations of breastfeeding from an anthropologist's perspective, including the tradition of cosleeping


     • "Nothing by mouth": surgery guidelines for the breastfed baby: New anesthesia guidelines for breastmilk
     • Cache and carry: Our breastfeeding patterns explained by what type of mammal we are
     • A response to "The Case Against Breastfeeding": Calling out Rosin on her "evidence"

     • Can an attachment parent use daycare if there's not a really good reason?: How we're forced into unnatural mother-child relationships in our culture
     • Parenting alone: We need more allomothers: A longing for tribe
     • Breastfeeding and scheduled for a breast biopsy?: Research study on early detection of breast cancer through breast milk
     • Parenting alone: We need more allomothers: Have we abandoned our reproductive strategy for raising our young?
     • In Defense of Food: Nutritionism and breastfeeding: Breastmilk as a whole food vs. formula as a food-like product
     • Why don't parents trust research?: A look into the scientific literature
     • Pediatricians less likely to promote breastfeeding: Interest in recommending breastfeeding to patients has, sadly, waned
     • Update on postpartum visits from Aunt Flo: The ups and downs of lactation-induced infertility
     • Breastfeeding education: The process of learning to breastfeed
     • Pregnancy scare & child spacing: The research on child spacing and giving our baby his full extent of nursing
     • Breastfeeding while pregnant: A lactation consultant confirms that you can continue to nurse your toddler while pregnant — and tandem nurse after the new baby arrives
     • Buddha babies and body image: On breastfed babies being the perfect size
     • Lifeblood: A return to fertility while lactating
     • Would my grandfather drink my milk?: Breastmilk as a strengthening treatment for cancer patients
     • The simple cure for acne: Breastfeeding-safe acne treatments
     • She's back!: The end of lactational amenorrhea
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: The biological and cultural foundations of breastfeeding from an anthropologist's perspective


Breastfeeding on a park bench -- shealisahammond     • "Nothing by mouth": surgery guidelines for the breastfed baby: Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, by Drs. Ruth Lawrence and Robert Lawrence
     • Cache and carry: Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Nancy Mohrbacher
     • Parenting alone: We need more allomothers: Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding, by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
     • In Defense of Food: Nutritionism and breastfeeding: In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan
     • Buddha babies and body image: The Obesity Myth, by Paul Campos; Fat Politics, by J. Eric Oliver
     • The historical inconvenience of breastfeeding: Our Babies, Ourselves, by Meredith F. Small; Jane Austen: A Life, by Claire Tomalin; Childbirth or The Happy Deliverie of Women, by James Guillemeau
     • What "Our Babies, Ourselves" taught me about my baby & myself: Our Babies, Ourselves, by Meredith F. Small
     • Monkey see, monkey do: Our Babies, Ourselves, by Meredith F. Small
     • Why do we push our babies out of the nest?: Our Babies, Ourselves, by Meredith F. Small
     • Beginning to communicate: Our Babies, Ourselves, by Meredith F. Small


20080309-047 --  Indrani Soemardjan

     • "Baby Glutton" breastfeeding doll: Normalizing breastfeeding, or weirding people out?
     • Prepared for Life: Breastfeeding in local and global crises: The role of breastfeeding in saving lives in immediate and long-term crisis situations
     • Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week 2009!: A celebration of breastfeeding
     • Support nursing and working mothers' rights with the Breastfeeding Promotion Act: The bill would bring breastfeeding mothers under the protection of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect breastfeeding women from being fired or discriminated against in the workplace
     • A response to "The Case Against Breastfeeding": Defending breastfeeding
     • Join the Facebook nurse-in on Dec. 27: Protesting Facebook's removal of breastfeeding photographs
     • Breastfeeding fine art offends Photobucket: Astonishing how breastfeeding is considered obscene
     • Judging other mommies: Giving an educated opinion without being a jerk
     • Even more humor in breastfeeding: Poking fun at the hot-button topics
     • Citizens Against Breastfeeding: Professional hoaxer Alan Abel gets people riled up
     • A tiny dissenting voice in the parenting culture: On being a member of the breastfeeding minority
     • Cracked comment on coworkers breastfeeding: Taking the idea of milk siblings one step further
     • Unintended consequences of child safety: How the injunctions against cosleeping undermine breastfeeding
     • Be careful what you wish for: Annoyance at sharing the cry room
     • The historical inconvenience of breastfeeding: Artificial infant feeding has a long history
     • To donate or toss formula samples: A philosophical dilemma
     • Why do we push our babies out of the nest?: Breastfeeding and the cult of independence
     • Beginning to communicate: Being able to ask for it does not mean they're too old
     • Google doesn't like-a da boobies: SafeSearch won't return accurate breastfeeding results
     • Breastfeeding doesn't make you droop: It's pregnancy, not nursing, that causes the sag
     • Is breast or bottle better?: An explication of an idiotic comparison chart


breastfeeding -- johnbullas     • "Baby Glutton" breastfeeding doll: Normalizing breastfeeding, or weirding people out?
     • Cover that up! It's disgusting: A misinterpretation of another mother's discretion
     • "Hello, nipple!" and other toddler breastfeeding stories, plus a breastfeeding carnival: Once they can talk, nursing gets funnier
     • Breastfeeding carnival roundup: the nursing toddler and breastfeeding how-tos: This is what a nursing toddler looks like at a baptism
     • Money-saving breastfeeding ideas: Penny pinching while nursing
     • Finger feeding and baby hickeys: The challenges of breastfeeding: There's at least one funny story in here
     • Even more humor in breastfeeding: Unorthodox latch and a recap on Abel's hoaxes
     • Practice makes perfect: A sucky latch
     • Hey, if it's available: This used to be an embedded video showing a baby latching onto a mom doing an upside-down yoga pose; maybe if you search YouTube it's still around somewhere?
     • Citizens Against Breastfeeding: Professional hoaxer Alan Abel gets people riled up again
     • Hot tub wisdom: Why you should ignore people's well-meaning but ludicrous advice
     • Cracked comment on coworkers breastfeeding: Taking the idea of milk siblings one step further
     • Is breast or bottle better?: An explication of an idiotic comparison chart


Leche -- Daquella manera     • Don't flash your father-in-law: A Skinies Nursing Cami review: Discreet nursing with your own favorite nursing bra
     • Breastfeeding pillow: Boppy or My Brest Friend?: Helping navigate the choices of nursing pillows
     • I won a Skinies Nursing Cami!: Skinies Nursing Cami preview
     • A review of Baby Signing Time DVDs, aka the cocaine of signing babies: Breastfeeding affirmed in Baby Signing Time DVDs
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier: Discreet nursing in a soft structured carrier
     • Belly bands keep your pants and spirits high: Cover your middle while you lift your top to feed
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: mei tai: Front-facing nursing in public
     • Just say no to hiding hooters: One more joke about nursing covers
     • Nursing tank for the busty breastfeeding mama: Preview of Modest Middles
     • Money-saving breastfeeding ideas: Penny pinching while nursing with recommendations for a stool, bra, pump, glider, pads, and clothing
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Ring sling: Newborn to toddler nursing
     • Babywearing the heavy baby: Stretchy wrap: Newborn hands-free nursing
     • Essential breastfeeding product: Save your shirt & your dignity!: Pads are a must-have to avoid telltale leak rings!
     • Sports bras for nursing women: My sad, doomed quest to find a sports bra that fits mammoth mammaries, plus a plug for Anita and Target nursing bras
     • My nursing necklace: Useful to distract those grabby little hands!
     • Twiddling leads to a nursing necklace: Make your own bead necklace!
     • The thrills and chills of person-to-person milk donation: Using an Avent Isis manual pump and Lansinoh bags for donating breastmilk
     • NIP tips: Make your own wardrobe into nursing clothing


Redbook cover breastfeeding Keely Shaye Smith Pierce Brosnan     • Traveling in a ring sling: Gwen Stefani's baby, et al.: Mayim Bialik finds out how to be stylish and still breastfeed an infant
     • Mayim Bialik blossoms as an attachment parent: Nursing in public in an ERGO carrier
     • Salma is breastfeeding "like an alcoholic": Salma Hayek talks love of breastfeeding and dispels the myth that you automatically lose weight
     • Jamie Lynn Spears breastfeeding brouhaha: Someone stole the minor's nursing pictures from Wal-Mart
     • Angelina Jolie nursing in public: Photo nursing a twin on the cover of W magazine
     • Breastfeeding celebrities: How Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Garner, and the like help normalize breastfeeding


Lena and Breast -- Terri Frank     • "Hello, nipple!" and other toddler breastfeeding stories, plus a breastfeeding carnival: See the candidates for the breastfeeding icon
     • Bosom Buddies: Petra Finkenzeller's photography collection of breastfeeding mothers and children
     • Join the Facebook nurse-in on Dec. 27: Fine art or casual snapshots for Facebook demonstration
     • Jamie Lynn Spears breastfeeding brouhaha: Breastfeeding pictures are, too, popular
     • Angelina Jolie nursing in public: Photo nursing a twin on the cover of W magazine
     • Breastfeeding fine art offends Photobucket: Astonishing how breastfeeding is considered obscene
     • Breastfeeding in art: A collection of favorite nursing paintings
     • Breastfeeding in pictures: Rachel Valley's Mother.Culture gallery of fine-art breastfeeding photographs, and inspiration to take my own


     • Support nursing and working mothers' rights with the Breastfeeding Promotion Act: Protect the rights and safety of working, pumping mamas
     • A response to "The Case Against Breastfeeding": Mothers, particularly pumping and working mothers, should be treated better, I agree
     • The thrills and chills of person-to-person milk donation: Wherein I whine about pumping and donating the milk to an adopted baby
     • Finger feeding and baby hickeys: The challenges of breastfeeding: On pumping and using supplemental nursing systems to start off breastfeeding
     • To donate or toss formula samples: A philosophical dilemma
     • Is breast or bottle better?: A stupid expectation that breastfeeding requires pumping, and that pumping is terrible


     • "Nothing by mouth": surgery guidelines for the breastfed baby: New anesthesia guidelines for nurslings
     • TITLE: description
     • Establishing breastfeeding in private: Telling unhelpful visitors to wait
     • Starting breastfeeding right with a topless babymoon: Take a couple days for just you and your newborn
     • Prepared for Life: Breastfeeding in local and global crises: Breastfeeding as a lifesaving tool
     • My nursing necklace: Useful to distract those grabby little hands!
     • Twiddling leads to a nursing necklace: Make your own bead necklace!
     • Finger feeding and baby hickeys: The challenges of breastfeeding: On pumping and using supplemental nursing systems to start off breastfeeding
     • Practice, practice, practice...breastfeeding: Learning how to breastfeed on the go without pillows


     • Can an attachment parent use daycare if there's not a really good reason?: How we're forced into unnatural mother-child relationships in our culture
     • Parenting alone: We need more allomothers: Have we abandoned our reproductive strategy for raising our young?
     • Do not hinder them: A wish that our church could be more like a tribe
     • In Defense of Food: Nutritionism and breastfeeding: The rise in formula's popularity
     • Cracked comment on coworkers breastfeeding: Taking the idea of milk siblings one step further
     • The historical inconvenience of breastfeeding: Artificial infant feeding has a long history
     • Monkey see, monkey do: The importance of seeing breastfeeding demonstrated
     • Beginning to communicate: Being able to ask for it does not mean they're too old

Feel free to let me know if any links are broken or if you want to suggest different topic groupings. Also feel free to suggest new posts on specific topics!

Image credits, from the top:
• "Enganchado" via Daquella manera
• Newborn: "Dinnertime" via diathesis
• Full-term: "2 years old, still breastfed regularly" via © noborders
• Carnivals: "Breastfeeding Friendly" via saturnine
• NIP: "Breastfeeding in public" via andycarvin
• Babywearing: "B's first movie!" via webchicken
• Cosleeping: "Nursing" via archangeldeb
• Science: "Breastfeeding baby" via rkimpeljr
• Books: "Breastfeeding on a park bench" via shealisahammond
• Lactivism: Breastfeeding demonstration in Indonesia via Indrani Soemardjan
• Humor: "I think he's still hungry," by Tony Husband, via johnbullas
• Products: "Leche" via Daquella manera
• Celebrities: Keely Shaye Smith and Pierce Brosnan Redbook special subscription cover via Cover vs. Cover
• Art: "Lena and Breast," by Terri Frank, via
• Pumping: "Syringe feeding" via crimfants
• Challenges: "Israeli Mothers Attend Breast Feeding Classes After Powdered Milk Scare" via BlogHer PicApp
• Historical: "The Wet Nurse," by Mattia Pretti, via
Much appreciated, thank you!


Betsy B. Honest said...

Holy Knackers! Yer so prolific! Do you write these fabulous articles while nursing? How long have you been working on this excellent blog?

Betsy B. Honest said...

Okay, well since 2007 obviously. Impressive!

Lisa C said...

Wow, what a list! Hopefully it will help a lot of people.

Lauren Wayne said...

Yes, since 2007. My baby was born in June, so I gave myself a few months to get my act together. I found I was overflowing with things to say about parenting, and it needed an outlet! (No one around here wanted to listen to me natter on...) I have found typing while nursing to be extremely frustrating and try to fob the kiddo off onto Sam or wait till he's asleep to write. You know what's even more frustrating? Typing one-handed in the dark while trying to put a baby to sleep. Makes me want to scream, hunting and pecking for keys when I can't judge distances on the keyboard. So I just read inane things online or play computer games. If I read blog posts I want to comment on, I can't stand it, because I can't type right then to reply!

This index of breastfeeding posts took me so much longer to compile than I thought it would. I seriously almost gave up. And now that it's done, I think it's so fun to have that I feel like I should do one for every major category on the site: babywearing, cosleeping, elimination communication, etc. Have I lost my mind?? :)

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