Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traveling in a ring sling: Gwen Stefani's baby, et al.

Well, every time I open the celebrity door, more possibilities come streaming through. I couldn't resist sharing this ultra-cute picture of Gwen Stefani's little boy cuddled in a ring sling.

It's always smart to travel wearing the baby rather than trying to juggle all sorts of plastic equipment! I know when we traveled with Mikko, we had to lug along his car seat for the plane and our rental car on the other end, so hauling a stroller or plastic carrier would have been just one more thing to handle. Instead, we kept him snug in our cuddly fleece mei tai.

I wanted to give a little update on the Mayim Bialik post as well. I watched the episode of "What Not to Wear," because I dig that show anyway, and I thought she did a great job of being positive and courteous despite having her self-esteem ripped apart along with her wardrobe. Seriously, if I were ever selected to be on that show, I would sob through the entire thing. (Hear that, family and friends? Don't bother nominating me! I'm a crybaby!)

We didn't get a glimpse of Mayim's kidlets, but I have to imagine they were close by, considering she says she breastfeeds every two hours. Unless she was pumping and sending the milk home.

Her end look was both classy and comfortable. She looked her age (read=my age), and I think the clothes she chose will make breastfeeding look good!

I would have loved to have seen the clothes "in action," though, so I could see how they worked out. Style-wise, I'm attracted to fitted blazers and button-down shirts, but I've had issues breastfeeding discreetly in such clothing! I'd love it if they'd concentrated harder on giving out tips for exactly how breastfeeding women can look fab. The one thing they mentioned was that a certain dress had a stretchy neckline that could be pulled down. But then, you know, the whole top globe is showing. And my globes are big and white, and I'd rather just keep them covered if I'm trying to look so nice that I'm wearing an actual dress.

I actually have the episode on tape, so maybe I'll have to look at the end again to see what exactly she's wearing and see if it looks doable.

Photo by INF


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