Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adjusting expectations about sleep: Subscribe to my newsletter!

Adjusting expectations about sleep: Subscribe to my newsletter! == Hobo Mama

The hardest and best thing I ever did when it comes to little ones and sleep? Adjust my expectations.

It's when I'm most stuck in my ideas that I should have a set number of uninterrupted hours of sleep in a particular environment at a particular time that I lose the most sleep! And the sleep that I do get isn't as refreshing or appreciated.

When I can let go of my need for "perfect" sleep, I can enjoy and optimize the sleep opportunities I have as an attachment mother of young children.

Here are a few tips as you transition to a new way of thinking about sleep.

Want to read more? Of course, you do!

Every month the joint newsletter from Hobo Mama, Code Name: Mama, and Natural Parents Network wings its way to inboxes all around the world, bringing compelling content like the article I wrote for the June newsletter on Safe Sleep.

So subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter: original articles, linked resources around the month's theme, newsletter-exclusive giveaways and deals, fun polls, and more — all delivered right to your inbox! Subscribe now to get the June 1 issue with the article above on sleep expectations!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Go with the tide

Wordless Wednesday: Go with the tide == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Go with the tide == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Go with the tide == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Go with the tide == Hobo Mama

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Calling for submissions for the June 2013 Carnival of Natural Parenting!

We continue to be delighted with the inspiration and wisdom our Carnival of Natural Parenting participants share, and we hope you'll join us for the next carnival in June 2013! (Check out May, April, March, January, December, November, October, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January, and a summary of all our 2011 posts if you missed any.)

Your co-hosts are Dionna at Code Name: Mama and Lauren at Hobo Mama.

June 2013 Carnival of Natural Parenting Call for Submissions: Parenting in Theory vs. in RealityHere are the submission details for June 2013:

Theme: Parenting in Theory vs. in Reality: Before you were a parent, there were probably several ideas you had about children or how to raise them that have changed now that you have your own. How did your beliefs about parenting and/or children change? Pick a narrow topic or write about it generally.

Deadline: Tuesday, June 4. Fill out the webform (at the link or at the bottom) and email your submission to us by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time: CarNatPar {at}

Purchase the Mindful Parenting eBundle!

Sales through the links in this post go to support the work of my website and toward the incredible contributors to this bundle! Thank you so much.

Mindful Nurturing banner

And … we're live!

Welcome to the Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale, organized by Jennifer from Hybrid Rasta Mama, Laura from Authentic Parenting, and me!

The Mindful Parenting eBundle is now 22 titles by esteemed parenting authors (we had a fine last-minute addition from Attachment Parenting International and the Dr. Sears folks!).

This is a handpicked selection of e-books, workshops, e-magazines, and audio, with themes such as creativity and play, peaceful guidance, mindfulness for mothers, children and food, self-care and relaxation, and more.

That's an updated total value of $274 USD for the incredible price of $24.95 USD!

I am so thrilled to be offering this bundle to all of you! Our contributors read like a who's-who of conscious-parenting authors, and the resources will help you so much as you seek to parent more mindfully or encourage you on the path you've already taken.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Surf: Family size, simplifying, & a good childhood

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

But first, random adora-pictures:

Sunday Surf: == Hobo Mama
Safety first!

Sunday Surf: == Hobo Mama

I've needed to take a little time off, but I have some good links to share!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Introducing the Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale

I'm very exited to let you know about the upcoming Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale, organized by Jennifer from Hybrid Rasta Mama, Laura from Authentic Parenting, and (me) Lauren from Hobo Mama.

The bundle is 21 titles by esteemed parenting authors. I'm an organizer, contributor, and affiliate of the bundle (nothing like multitasking!), so I'm really excited about this upcoming sale. It starts May 28 and lasts for only 12 days.

If you were wondering why I've been taking a wee vacation from blogging, this is why! Organizing this bundle sale has been a ton of really rewarding work, and I'm so pleased to introduce you to this incredible group of resources.

This bundle is a conscious parent's bonanza: a handpicked selection of e-books, workshops, e-magazines, and audio, with themes such as creativity and play, peaceful guidance, mindfulness for mothers, children and food, self-care and relaxation, and more.

Among the resources is my own e-book, Poetry of a Hobo Mama, a collection of poems inspired by my first three years of parenting Mikko. You can read reviews and excerpts for my book here.

These 21 resources are a total value of $236 but will be available for the incredible price of $24.95!

Are you as excited as I am?

Let me share the list of contributors:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two == Hobo Mama
See this boy?

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two == Hobo Mama
Just a couple days ago, this cool dude was ONE year old!

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two == Hobo Mama
And now…

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two == Hobo Mama
…he's TWO!

Wordless Wednesday: Turning two == Hobo Mama
That's so exciting it makes him want to dance!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Cosleeping brothers

Wordless Wednesday: Cosleeping brothers == Hobo Mama

And now you know why Sam & I have trouble finding a place to sleep…

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pack a car safety kit: 25 must-have items for emergencies

Welcome to the May 2013 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Emergency Preparedness
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared their plans to keep their families safe. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

Pack a car safety kit: 25 must-have items for emergencies == Hobo Mama
If you prepare for the just-in-case car scenarios, you can all rest easier.

Even if you think you're out just running errands or taking a leisurely drive through scenic views, it's prudent to have a just-in-case kit stashed in your car for emergencies. Just a small selection of basic but very useful supplies will help tide you over if your car breaks down somewhere remote, if you get lost or stranded in bad weather, or even if you're fleeing from a natural disaster or other urgent scenario where you have to rely on just what's in your car as you evacuate.

Your car safety kit isn't necessarily supposed to have everything you might want or need in any situation, but it will contain the most likely helpmeets. Except in the most dire circumstances, it should you see you through until you can reach safety and replenish your supplies.

This list is in no particular order, as items popped into my head. That makes it fresh and engaging. Yes, let's go with that.

{Amazon links are affiliate and are provided for your shopping/foraging convenience in finding similar products for your safety stash.}

  • Flashlight:

    Because emergencies don't always happen in daylight or well-lit areas! Include a pack of backup batteries, or invest in a hand-cranking or solar-powered model. If it's solar-powered, be sure to periodically charge it in the sun.

  • Blanket:

    I'd go for fleece or wool so it will be warm (even if wet) but durable. Fleece folds up pretty small, which is nice if you have a compact car. Have at least one full-size one on hand and potentially more if you have a lot of family members to cover in an impromptu car-camping situation. Blankets come in handy for more than just emergencies, though: They're great partners at picnics and outdoor concerts, they can shield small passengers from the sun (or is it just my vampire kids that demand that?), and they can cover up conspicuous shopping bags or backpacks that might attract thieves peering in your windows.

  • Jumper cables:

    In case you need a boost. And here's another tip: Replace your car's battery regularly, about every three to four years. If you're in the U.S. and are not sure if your battery's heading to the auto-parts graveyard, you can take it to AutoZone for free testing (and to get a replacement). Ask me how I know this. We have certain children who like to do "pretend driving" with all the lights and the radio and windshield wipers on — and wouldn't you know it? — our car wouldn't start after the latest round. When we took our battery in, the reader said — I kid you not — "Bad Battery." Ha ha! It calls it like it sees it. After that experience (and two days of waiting around at home for helpers to visit us for a jump and a ride), we also purchased a Jump-N-Carry starter that promises to jump start cars without a second vehicle being needed. We haven't used it yet to vouch for, but I like the extra peace of mind that we're that much more self-sufficient … assuming we don't have a Bad Battery!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Family biking

toddler boy in bike helmet - biking outdoors

I've been meaning to take Alrik on a spin with the WeeRide bike seat
Mikko used to love so much.

mom and toddler boy in bike helmet - biking outdoors
Alrik was terrified at just seeing the bike — afraid it was going to zoom off on its own and crush him? I don't know — and not sure about the bike helmet.

mom and toddler boy in bike helmets on bike with weeride seat - biking outdoors
We got him on the WeeRide seat but had to adjust the straps down down down from when Mikko last rode in it at about age three. As you can see, Alrik was pretty freaked out just sitting there, and I thought this was going to be a disaster.

mom and toddler boy in bike helmets on bike with weeride seat - biking outdoors
We took off for a little glide, Alrik clutching onto my shirt with one hand and the bike with the other. And then … he started laughing. Phew!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Poems for Weekly Parenting Poetry Workshop — Week 5: Enjoy

Weekly Parenting Poetry WorkshopWe're sharing our final poems from the Weekly Parenting Poetry Workshop:

Week 5:


This week — I can't believe it's our last! — we're embracing the camaraderie of parenthood and reveling in our children's joy and creativity.

If you have a poem or poems posted on your blog, link up below, or paste your poem(s) in the comments!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vote now for your favorite photos in Natural Parents Network's Flickr Contest!

Have you joined NPN's new Flickr group yet? Over 1,100 beautiful, inspiring, and hilarious photos have already been added to our Flickr pool, and all 150 (and counting!) of our group's members have been faithfully "starring" their favorite photographs of what natural parenting really looks like, propelling their top picks closer to winning some of the nearly $1,100 in photography-related prizes offered in our Flickr contest.

Now through May 15, visit the Natural Parents Network Flickr Pool — join, if you haven't yet! — and peruse the pics for the ones that speak to you. Vote for as many as you like by clicking on the star marked "favorite" that appears above the lefthand corner of each photo.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Brotherly recollections

adorable brothers in tea collection shirts - siblings
When I saw my two boys sitting there in their matching Tea Collection shirts
(from a giveaway I did a year and a half ago),
I had to grab the camera and ask them to strike a pose.

adorable brothers in tea collection shirts - siblings
Remember back to Christmas 2011?
The boys were seven months and four and a half years.
The shirts still fit and look great — as do the little guys!

adorable brothers in tea collection shirts - siblings
Different shirts, same timeframe. Aw!
And now they're almost two and almost six — hard to believe!

adorable brothers in tea collection shirts - siblings
I love a look back, and seeing how adorable they still are.
There's some brotherly affection.