Angela White at Breastfeeding 1-2-3 sent out some information about the 2009 Breastfeeding Promotion Act (HR2819 / S1244).
The bill would bring breastfeeding mothers under the protection of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect breastfeeding women from being fired or discriminated against in the workplace, as well as require employers with over 50 employees to provide private space and unpaid time for mothers to pump during the workday, and establish tax incentives for employers that comply and tax credits for nursing mamas. It also sets quality standards for breast pumps.
Representative Carolyn Maloney and Senator Jeff Merkley introduced the bill in Congress June 11. If you're a U.S. reader, please lend your support to ensure that this legislation goes through.
• Spread the word on your blogs, with your local breastfeeding groups, and with any U.S. lactivist friends.
• Enter your name and address here to have the United States Breastfeeding Committee send emails to your representatives and senators asking them to cosponsor the bill. You can amend the email to make it more personal if you wish. For instance, here are the current state breastfeeding laws. You can find your ZIP+4 here. (By the way, you can see who is already cosponsoring the bill here by clicking "show cosponsors" — if your representative is listed, you can send a note of thanks and encouragement instead.)
• Mail, fax, or email this letter to your representatives and senators.
• Join this Facebook group to support the bill and spread the word.
Thanks for lending your support to breastfeeding mamas in the workforce!
Photo of pumping in the workplace courtesy webchicken on flickr (cc)
Lauren, thanks so much for supporting the bill and helping to spread the word!
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