This is a joint giveaway between Natural Parents Network and many other natural parenting sites. You may enter for all of the giveaways at one site only. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory entry and optional bonus entries.
Welcome to the Natural Parents Network Holiday Gift Guide!
Have you finished your holiday shopping? The NPN Holiday Gift Guide is a great opportunity to complete your gift-giving purchases for family and friends, while supporting many naturally-minded small businesses. The companies who have provided items for giveaway are almost exclusively made up of small businesses or work-at-home families.
The Rafflecopter entry system is at the bottom of this post (and on every post participating in the Gift Guide). Please visit some of the other review posts listed below and read about the fabulous companies offering giveaways in the Natural Parents Network Holiday Gift Guide.
Please continue reading to learn more about Pip & Bean, which is offering our readers a giveaway of a Superhero Set: Reversible Cape, Reversible Mask, and Arm Bands, a value of $25.
Up, up, and away!
Mikko has got a serious obsession right now with superheroes. So when I saw the fabulous shiny capes in Pip & Bean's Etsy shop, I knew Mikko would be thrilled.
Fun fact: Mikko wore his reversible cape, mask, and arm bands out while running errands, in the car seat and in the store, and then to bed that night! He's a fan. A superfan.
Adjusting his disguise in the car. The mask is made of two layers of sturdy felt with elastic firmly sandwiched between, so you can flip it to either color. Mikko must think his mask feels comfortable, because he left it on a long time! It's got nice wide eyeholes so seeing through it is still easy.
The arm bands are a similar sturdy felt. They come in just one of the coordinating shades, which was fine, and they slip on easily. They seemed to be very comfortable, too — easier for a kid to wear than gloves but still lending that superhero panache to the outfit.
The reversible cape is made of two thick, premium layers of satin. The drape and flow of the fabrics is excellent, and it just feels so nice to the touch. That might explain why Mikko slept in his! It also stood up to the Seattle rain admirably and still looks nice — I love children's wear that's washable!
This is a joint giveaway between Natural Parents Network and many other natural parenting sites. You may enter for all of the giveaways at one site only. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory entry and optional bonus entries.
Welcome to the Natural Parents Network Holiday Gift Guide!
Have you finished your holiday shopping? The NPN Holiday Gift Guide is a great opportunity to complete your gift-giving purchases for family and friends, while supporting many naturally-minded small businesses. The companies who have provided items for giveaway are almost exclusively made up of small businesses or work-at-home families.
The Rafflecopter entry system is at the bottom of this post (and on every post participating in the Gift Guide). Please visit some of the other review posts listed below and read about the fabulous companies offering giveaways in the Natural Parents Network Holiday Gift Guide.
Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.
It's hard to tell in this picture because it was raining so I put my coat on, plus I'm wearing Superbaby, but I went as a wet nurse. Why not! I had the perfect prop for it this year.
"Thoughts, specific thoughts, get in the way of an actual experience of patience. … A potential solution? Presence. I know the word presence may be kind of thrown around these days, but we all have the ability to be present with what’s going on within and around us in the way we choose. That is at the heart of true patience. Choice."
You can link up your own posts on Patience at the Natural Parents Network Blog Hop for the next week: (And read a bunch of great posts already linked!)
My friend JW said this song reminds her of me, because it starts out “I feel like an old hobo…” How did I listen to it a hundred times and not notice that before??
We found that despite all this physical activity, the number of calories that the Hadza burned per day was indistinguishable from that of typical adults in Europe and the United States. We ran a number of statistical tests, accounting for body mass, lean body mass, age, sex and fat mass, and still found no difference in daily energy expenditure between the Hadza and their Western counterparts.
This doesn’t, of course, mean that I should let go my quest to be more primally active. Just thought it was interesting that energy expenditure remains constant, no matter the overall activity level.
Calling for submissions for the November 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting! Theme: Family Service Projects: How do you develop compassion in kids? What are your experiences or suggestions for serving with kids? Or try a service project, and let us know how it goes. Deadline:Tuesday, November 6. Fill out thewebformand email your submission to us by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time: CarNatPar {at}
As a carnival host, you can snag more participants and keep them apprised of due dates and themes!
Check out upcoming carnivals in the calendar below, and click the "plus" button at the bottom to add it to your Google account.
To add carnivals to the calendar, see the static page with an email form that takes you step by step through submitting your carnival information. Any carnivals on topics of interest to natural parenting bloggers are welcome.
I'm Lauren Wayne, writer and natural parent. I embrace attached parenting with an emphasis toward green living.
Riding the rails with my husband, Crackerdog Sam, and our hobo kids, Mikko Lint Picker (born June 2007), Alrik Irontrousers (born May 2011), and Karsten (born October 2014). Trying every day to parent intentionally and with grace.