Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Santa's helper: On tweens' big hearts

Hobo Mama wants you to know she's a professional blogger! Look at how professional she's being!

I've been finding myself sharing posts on my Facebook page about how big kids are sweethearts, too. About how we often attribute malice or disinterest to the gangly tweens and teens with the earbuds in and the cool scowl on their faces, and we don't look further to see the tender, thoughtful souls beneath.

Living with a sweetheart of a 12-year-old who's now wearing men's shoes and is about to outgrow his aunt by height, I know firsthand that appearances can be deceiving and that the warmest hearts can beat beneath the pulled-up hoodies of adolescence.

Leading up to Christmas Eve, Mikko had been making jokes about staying up all night to ambush Santa. He thinks Danny Gonzalez's take on the movie The Santa Clause is hilarious, and he bought the single of Danny's song where he states his intention of murdering Santa so he can take over.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry to you!

Wishing you and your family all the best
this year and always!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Family mad lib theater for the holidays

Hobo Mama wants you to know she's a professional blogger! Look at how professional she's being!

In the category of Things No One Asked Me For, I bring you a family Mad Lib to act out. Wondering what family activity to settle into on Christmas Eve? Trying to head off political arguments when relatives are over? Break out this little giggle starter.

I was inspired by Jimmy Fallon's Mad Lib Theater and thought: We definitely all need this in our very own living rooms. Because this is not just any Mad Libs. This is a DRAMA. Stand up! Emote! Bellow to the back of the theater!

Print the doc out from this link.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Easy DIY fingerprint holiday ornament

Hobo Mama wants you to know she's a professional blogger! Look at how professional she's being!

It's just a couple days before Christmas.
Want a last-minute craft for the holidays?
Here's a simple and meaningful keepsake that's
so easy and inexpensive to make
that you can keep one for you
and send a bunch off to loved ones.

Start with blank ornaments. You can use whatever you have around,
or you can find some at craft stores or online. 
Round ones work, but I preferred the ease of use
of these flat wooden ones I found here.

Next you need at least three colors of paint. Easy peasy!
I went with tempera because that's what I had.

Red, yellow, and green are nice and bright,
but of course you can choose whatever you like.
Don't forget your paintbrushes.