This article from Babble made me laugh so hard:
Uncover Your Nipples! 7 Gems from the Mouths of Nursing Toddlers, by Miriam Axel-Lute
I especially thought this was funny:
"'Hi. Milk. Smile,' said [my toddler] for a while, betraying our attempts to explain what, beyond the technical words, constituted asking nicely."
I love it when kids are literal.
And this — "the gourmet who says 'Yum!' whenever he passes by the bras at Target" — reminded me of my recent breastfeeding-toddler experience: Because we're trying to decide how to decorate our family boudoir (we've lived in our apartment for two years and are still getting things on the walls...), I've been going through artsy, black-and-white photos we took of my growing tummy during my pregnancy, culminating in shots of me cradling a very newborn Mikko to my breasts. (Yes, in some of them we are completely starkers, which is why I'm trying to decide what I want on the wall, back in our private bedroom...or maybe the closet? They're so beautiful, and yet so...breasty. Hmm...)
Anyway, Mikko was befuddled by these pictures. "Mama?" he'd say, pointing. "Baby?" And then he'd repeat it. "Mama? Baby?" I figured he was trying to decipher why his mama was cheating on him with this other infant, because truth be told, he no longer looks anything like himself at that age, whether he could understand the concept or not.
But then he spied something reassuring in the naked series. Nummies. Ahhh... He settled in for a nice feed, having been reminded.

There's another Carnival of Breastfeeding going on right now, where participants are sharing their breastfeeding stories. Surf on over and enjoy a good read!
There are, for instance, stories about weaning a toddler, how breastfeeding comforted a mother through grief at the loss of her brother, how one mother's breastfeeding experience inspired her to start a new career plan, donating expressed milk across the miles, traveling with a nursling in Sri Lanka (check out how close the elephants are!), good breastfeeding advice from a usually unreliable guy friend, helping other mamas feel comfortable nursing in public, successful breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery, and my personal fave, celebrating breastfeeding by getting two dermal anchor chest piercings! And many more! It's a terrific carnival, so read and comment away.

I took the idea from the Babble article to decorate with
pictures from the Mothering.com breastfeeding icon contest.
The winning entry is in the sidebar to the right.
pictures from the Mothering.com breastfeeding icon contest.
The winning entry is in the sidebar to the right.
WHAT A MAJOR HONOR to be your personal fave!
Thank you SO much!
Let's all go get pierced now!!!
Just had to share.., shortly after my son weaned, we were at the zoo and walked by a lady who had just settled down in front of the turtle exhibit to nurse her baby. My little boy (around 20 mos) walked by and looked at the duo and said, in a very sad little voice "oh, nummy, nummy nums". He knew exactly what was happening and apparently longed for the good old days!
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