This post is a continuation of Hobo Mama's celebration of Attachment Parenting Month, October 2009. This article focuses on the fourth principle of attachment parenting: Use Nurturing Touch (Babywearing)

I just realized I've been blogging for two years, so it's about time, right?!
Ta-da! I'm giving away a mei tai, or Asian-style baby carrier!
This fits in with today's attachment parenting topic:
Use Nurturing Touch (Babywearing)
Since I'm skimping on the expository today, check out my attachment parenting primer for some more information about babywearing in general and a couple helpful links.
Because I want to get back to the giveaway!
In "Babywearing the heavy baby: mei tai," I raved about how comfortable and simple our homemade fleece mei tai (pronounced MAY TIE) was for carrying our tremendously large baby.

I was making a new one for a friend who'd just had a baby and was wanting to have her hands free to get more done around the house. I adapted the WearYourBaby pattern a bit, based on our experience wearing it for over a year: widening the straps to make them a little more comfortable and lengthening the apron to make it come up a little higher on the back. I've continued to tweak, as I've just been making a couple new ones for still more baby gifts. I've decided this should be my thing: giving away a baby carrier to each friend or relative who reproduces. I had this idea that I could be a sort of ambassador of attachment parenting, but I'll talk more about that in a later post.
So, here's your chance to win your very own, Hobo Mama-made, fleece mei tai baby carrier.
You can wear your baby in it or give it away as a baby gift. I don't even mind if you fib and pretend you made it yourself.
Now, granted, make it yourself you surely could. All it takes is 2 yards of fleece (50% off at JoAnn's!), sharp scissors, and the ability to use a tape measure.
But...I know that when you're a mama, even the simple tasks can slip away from you. So if you can't find your scissors or make a run to the fabric store, let me come to the rescue with a free one that's already made for you!
The winner will receive:

b. One downloadable babywearing instruction sheet, showing how to put on the mei tai in a front carry, and including bonus safety and breastfeeding tips, complete with pictures and captions. I put this together myself in Word, which means it is definitely all that.
Why this carrier rocks:
• Like all baby carriers, it keeps your hands free while you get on with your exciting life. Baby is snuggled in close to you and can see the world from a safe vantage point.
• The construction of the mei tai spreads the weight of the baby ergonomically across your shoulders and back. It ensures good positioning for the baby, too, keeping their bums well supported and their legs in a natural position.
• There are several different carries you can do with a mei tai: front facing in, front facing out, back, hip. See my post on the mei tai for more information and helpful links.
• You can breastfeed discreetly on the go in the front or hip carry position.
• This style of carrier is popular with men and women alike, and it works for all ages of baby, from newborn up through toddler, so it will get a lot of use.
• The polyester fleece fabric is sturdy and won't unravel. You will want to hug your baby for the softness. It's snuggly on cold days, but the simple construction means it's not too hot for warm days. It folds up nice and tight to fit in a diaper bag.
• The fabric can be used as a blanket or burp cloth in a pinch. Speaking of which, it's machine washable (and I did do a pre-wash in advance, fyi, using fragrance-free detergent and vinegar as a fabric softener). Fleece dries really quickly, too.
Intrigued? Want one?
Of course you do!

I think I'm pretty much willing to ship it anywhere around the world. It's pretty light, and if it gets lost, at least it didn't cost much. So go ahead and enter, all my global friends!
Hobo Mama, Crackerdog Sam, and Mikko Lint Picker are prohibited from entering. Everyone else is fair game, whether or not you have a hobo name.
You can certainly use the baby carrier for your own precious baby. But you absolutely do not have to use the carrier yourself. It makes a splendiferous baby present if you would like to give a tool for attachment parenting.
Giveaway will close Nov. 20. Is that a good day? I picked it scientifically, by randomly thinking of a date. That should give you plenty of time to mail it out for a Christmas present, if you so desire.
I will then use a random number generator to pick a winner from the comments, so make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. Shortly thereafter, I will announce the lucky winner and ship out your prize. I'm a little slow, though, so don't get too antsy.
Make it easy for me to contact you if you win. Either include your email address in your comment, or have it easily accessible on the front page of your blog or linked in your profile. If I can't reach the winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll move on to someone else.
Caveats (because I'm like that):
This is 2 yards of fleece cut out in the form of a baby carrier. It is not as fancy-schmancy as one of them store-bought carriers.
Be cautious with any fabric carrier. Check for tears or weaknesses in the fabric before each use. is not endorsing this contest, because they don't know I exist. I just dig their pattern. They were kind enough to offer this pattern free of charge, for anyone's non-commercial use. I'm not selling these carriers, just giving them as gifts — first locally, and now internationally.
If you don't win, you can still totally make your own, and I will even email you my handy-dandy mei tai instruction sheet if you'd like.
Sorry my pictures of the mei tais stink. We lost our good camera's battery charger in the move (which box are you in??), and our old camera's viewscreen is all fuzzy and pink, so it was a challenge to see what I was shooting. I classed them up for you by adding the "vignette" effect in iPhoto. Snazzy!
Ways to enter:
Leave a separate comment below for each entry.
1. Leave a comment here telling me who will use this carrier if you win. (I'm just interested in hearing the variety!)
2. Blog about this giveaway, and comment with the link to your blog post. (If you're in Blogger, an easy way is to click on "Create a link" at the bottom of the post.)

4. Leave a new comment on another post of mine, and let me know where to find it. I'm a comment whore, so why not use this as an opportunity?
5. Subscribe to Hobo Mama's RSS feed or click Follow Me on my sidebar at right. (See above for why I'm begging.) If you already subscribe or follow, just leave a comment saying so.
6. If you understand how StumbleUpon, Digg, Technorati, or so on works, more power to you. I seriously have no idea. Well, Digg makes sense, but the rest confuse me. Anyway...feel free to recommend or fave an article or my blog at one or more of those sites, and leave a comment for each one. There's a little "Share" button underneath each post and on the sidebar to help you out. Bonus entry if you can explain to me how these sites work!
7. Come on, that was plenty of entry possibilities. Don't get greedy.
But do go and win, win, win!
And babywear! Yea!
Babywearing photos courtesy aslans_child on flickr (cc)
oh how exciting!! happy happy two years and thank you for all the great information and ideas! i buy a little "i heart breastmilk" tshirt to give out at each breastfeeding class, but this would make a great prize for a mom to be. of course, i really want to keep it for myself for future babies (hopefully there will be some). i'm torn! maybe i should give it as a prize at a class and then make my own if a baby comes along.. that seems like the good giving/non-hoarding thing to do...
fakecrab (at) gmail (dot) com
did a twitter entry about the giveaway..
i dont know if that's the url you need or what.. i'm not much of a tweeter.
i am a follower.. and also subscribe with bloglines.. go me!
I'm subscribed to your blog via Google Reader! :) - one entry!
I LOVE mei tai carriers!!! I will use this for my toddler and/or any future baby(ies). :)
Hmmm...I thought I was already following you on Twitter (I rarely check it though), but I guess not! I am now, and I just tweeted about your giveaway!
Off to blog about it now. I want that cute mei tai! LOL!
I'd like to give a mei tai to my sister-in-law whose baby is almost big enough for one.
Gotcha on my blog! :)
I just left a comment on your Wordless Wednesday from last week, that really wasn't wordless, I might add! LOL! I actually meant to comment a few days ago, but hey, now I get to count it here, right? Woohoo!!! Okay, I guess I'm done being greedy now. I do keep up with your blog. I still love it! :)
Okay, I left a comment on your AP Principle #3 post. (Which I would have done anyway, you know me!)
I already follow you and have an RSS feed on my blog, does it count anyway?
this looks great! and i LOVE that you're willing to ship anywhere. i would use it for my 13-month-old, now that my 3.5-year old insists on being carried around 'like a monkey' in the one i already have whenever we go for family night walks. (plus, another baby carrier never hurt). it would also get lent out to friends and family whenever possible.
...i'm now a follower, too.
Well you know I'm a babywearer because you've been to my site! :) So here is my first comment to let you know that I (or my hubs) will be the one using the MT.
I can't access twitter or any other fun social network from work so I will be back once I'm at home!
Great giveaway mama!
I posted a comment on your AP principle #3 post :)
It's so fun to hear what people will be doing with the MT! Missy: Maybe you could quick make one to save before you give one away. I find that the fiddliest thing about making these is doing all the measuring, so it helps to have a ready-made pattern. I just pin a made one to the new fleece and cut around it. (Or you could just keep it for yourself — I don't judge! :)
I've clarified a point in my post — if you already follow or subscribe, just comment to say so as Edenwild did.
Cindy: I can never manage that wordless thing! But I figure it's close for me, considering how much fewer words there are. It's probably fewer than even in my average comment. ;)
Don't worry — if the random generator picks my comment, I won't let me win...
Good luck, everybody!
Followed you on Twitter and tweeted about the contest :)
Blogged about the contest here:
What a great giveaway! I would use this with my 16-month-old daughter, as well as gladly lend it to any friend wanting to babywear. Sadly, not many do, but I keep hoping! kara kschroeder616 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm following! Also, I forgot to mention above: I tried to make one of these with fleece one time, and failed miserably. Would love to have one made with, er, proper dimensions! LOL kara kschroeder616 (at) gmail (dot) com
i think the point is to leave s many comments as possible, as this increases our chances? ok, well rather than leave them all here I will continue to visit other posts. i will also let others know of your giveaway, in exchange for you letting others know about my giveaway???? :-)
Hi! I just tweet this entry and started to follow Hobo_mama on twitter.
I would be very, very, very happy to win this mai tai. I would carry my 4 months old baby girl and the next babies who (hopefully) would come.
I will use the ABC. I have a 3mo boy that loves to be worn.
I am following you now.
Now following on twitter.
Blogged about it here.
I tweeted about the giveaway.
My e-mail is
Thanks for this giveaway!
Awesome! I'd love to win this, and use it for my 9 month old son.
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted the giveaway, and follow.
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
subscribed to your rss feed :)
I LOVE that carrier! ANd you are sio right I would never get around to making it to the fabric store, getting out scissors.....
I would use your wonderful carrier with my 15 month old who is still under 20 pounds:)
I would absolutely love to have this for carrying my own baby! She is currently 6 weeks and probably about 11-12 pounds. (She was 10 pounds at 4 weeks.)
I made my own carrier with my last baby (11 years ago!) and loved it, but can't find the pattern. I probably wouldn't find the time to make it now anyway.
Thanks for the giveaway! I love your blog! I need to figure out how to follow it as an RSS from my blog. As it is, I just have you linked on my blog.
I use Stumble! Basically, you can click on "Stumble" and get a random website relating to any of your pre-selected interests. Alternatively, you can choose to "Stumble" upon a random website relating to any particular interest.
So, if I'm in the mood to read about Parenting, I choose that topic and click Stumble in my tool bar.
Stumble offers a thumbs up "like it" or thumbs down ranking system for any site you view - whether you accessed it through the Stumble button or not.
I have ranked your AP Primer article with a thumbs up and offered the following review, "This blog gives real down-to-earth explanations of Attachment Parenting to which you can relate!" I classified the page under the Parenting tag. (Only one tag allowed per review.) It seems I am the first person to review this page (according to Stumble).
I am glad to help spread the word about your blog, it is a wonderful resource! I love that you always provide so many links, too. You really do your homework!
LiveJournal RSS Feed!
I was checking the FAQs on LJ to figure out how to add your blog to my LJ Friends page as an RSS Feed because I knew it was possible. I don't actually subscribe to any RSS Feeds.
I created a syndication on LJ for you! HoboMama was already taken as a user name, so I used HoboMamaBlog. (Apparently anyone can create an RSS Feed on LJ for any site.) It will start updating tonight! I am so excited to have even easier access to your articles!
I tweeted again today. :)
how I would use this carrier ... for my baby girl I'm expected early next year! we have been told she has a possible heart problem as well as down syndrome ... I can't wait to meet her and keep her close to me!
I'll be a first-time grandpa in a few days---maybe Monday. I would carry Cade around to show him off, and might even let his mom and dad use the mei tai carrier once in a while. Anyway, thanks for the chance to win.
I hope I got my extra entry for explaining Stumble above. lol
Anyway, I was just "stumbling" and discovered this info that I thought might help you for your own blog:
Promote Your Site with StumbleUpon Buttons & Tools
I tweeted again! :)
I'd use the carrier myself. Hoping to have another baby soon and would like to try the Mei Tei, as I've always heard good things.
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted.
I would use it for Snapdragon, I think. Its plausible that I'd give it away, though. I have this fantasy where I am babywearing and a mom syruggling to carry her infant comments on how nice it would be to wear their baby, and I pull a second carrying devise out to show her how it works, then when she likes it, I habd her an instruction sheet and walk away. I love that fantasy.
Fentonslee at- gmail, dot [com]
I tweeted again! Wow, I thought you'd have hundreds of entries by now! I guess people don't need/want a mei tai? Oh, well, better chance for me! LOL!
I've got three month old twins, so this carrier would see a lot of action!! or, more reliably, existere on twitter!!
Tweeted again! Wow, I feel like such a hog entering so many times! LOL!
Wow, really? No one else since my last post here, over 24 hours ago? :( I'll put it on my blog again (for free...LOL), but I just tweeted again too. Oh, and I also commented on a 2nd post, but I'll just combine the two. I don't want to get TOO piggy! LOL!
Cade Stephen arrived yesterday, November 4, 2009, so we are ready to use the mei tai carrier --- 7 pounds 15 ounces, 19 inches.
Just checking in to say "hi" & "good luck"!
I'm linking up blog posts about the giveaway in my reminder post, so if you have a link that's not listed, let me know and I'll add it. Thanks to you all for blogging & tweeting and helping get the word out!
Kara: You're cracking me up with the story of failing to make it the proper dimensions. My first couple times I had to measure, like, 12 times, and I still almost cut it wrong! It should be easy, though, right?? Now that I have one cut out, I just use it to trace around -- much easier!
Medina: If anyone has a giveaway for me to promote, let me know. I love doing giveaway round-ups. Of course, it has to be family- or mama-oriented, but usually my bloggy friends' giveaways are!
Cristina: 4 months old is such a sweet time. Just wanted to say that! :)
Nikki: Thanks for the link & tweet!
Leanna: Thank you! I RTed you.
Kathy: Yes, it's such a challenge to find scissors! They disappear so easily. We have about 5 pairs, and can never find any!
jorjedatoy: You're my superstar! Absolutely you get your extra entries for explaining teh internets to me. Thank you for the Stumble info and for tagging me there and listing me on LJ! You're awesome. Oh, and your little baby sounds sooo sweet.
Sasha: Congratulations on your sweet baby girl to come! I hope her heart problem is quickly resolved. I know babywearing can be so wonderful for babies with Down Syndrome, so happy snuggling!
Steve: Congratulations on new baby Cade & your foray into grandparenthood! Yea! Is his middle name after you? Healthy weight, great name, loving family -- sounds like he's off to a great start!
Elita: I think mei tais are so simple (in a good way) that I think you'd love it for any new baby to come along!
Slee: I LOVE that fantasy, too! I have exactly the same one!
existere: Wow, good on you! I know it's possible to tie one mei tai to the front and one to the back, or one on each hip. I'm not sure exactly how, but I know it's possible! :)
Cindy: You think you'd be happy to have more of a chance to win, lol! Thanks a bunch for all the tweets and links.
I would love to have this for carrying my 13 month old as well as our new little one coming in March!
I'm a little bit obsessed with carriers, and have made a wrap (if you can call cutting a piece of fabric in half *making* it) and am in just moments about to attempt my first pouch. I would LOVE to try out a mei tai!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would use the carrier with my baby who is due the end of this month janelle dot dent at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your rss feed. Janelle dot dent at gmail dot com
I blogged about this giveaway
I just Stumble-reviewed your How to photograph your baby for the beginning photographer as a thumbs up. I figured out how to include multiple tags, so I used photography and parenting.
Yeah, Cade shares the name with both me, Stephen Ray, and his dad, Caleb Stephen. Found out today that he has Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR) and will have to have heart surgery to repair the problem. So your prayers are appreciated.
If I win this baby carrier I will try it on my 17 mo. old (Oliver) and my newborn, whenever he or she arrives (Special Agent 3). Whoever likes it best will get the free ride. Looks nice and cozy and like it would fit over a winter jacket!
And I am a follower!
My cousin who is due on December 4th would make good use of the carrier!
plur268 at yahoo dot com
If I were to win one of these adorable carriers I would definitly be giving it to my sister whom is now 19 weeks preggo
I'd love to win this--I'm due with my son in February!! I love the gender-neutral prints, too!
Hello, dear! If I won, I'd probably give it to one of the several bloggers I read who are having babies this month.
Perfect for my upcoming niece or nephew!! Thanks for the chance.
My hubby and I are currently TTC o I wuld be using this carrier when our little one arrives [hopefully 2010]!
Daily tweet!
I'd love to try a mei tai for my little dude, due January 6th :D
I am very excited to try this because we have a bjorn which my husband and I have to readjust constantly as we are different sizes, this product will help us out very much!
I mentioned the giveaway on my blog, too:
Thanks! :D
velocibadgergirl (at) gmail dot com
I commented on your new entry, Guest Bloggers.
So happy to find you, Hobo Mama, while researching better baby carriers!
What will I be doing if we win yours? WRITING. My little gem, Emily, makes it tough to get any work done at the computer because she wants to help a little too much. If I can press her close to me and have two hands free, I would be at least twice as productive in the prose department.
We have a Bjorn, which is too much of a contraption (Invented by a man, perhaps? Or possibly by the Swedish Chef from the Muppets?)
I'll be taking a whack at making a Mei Tai, but it could take me until Christmas.
Thanks for the giveaway and all the parenting advice.
I don't much Twitter and I should blog, once I have a better baby carrier, but I don't at the moment, alas. So hit me back at writerly68 @
Best regards,
So happy to find you, Hobo Mama, while researching better baby carriers!
What will I be doing if we win yours? WRITING. My little gem, Emily, makes it tough to get any work done at the computer because she wants to help a little too much. If I can press her close to me and have two hands free, I would be at least twice as productive in the prose department.
We have a Bjorn, which is too much of a contraption (Invented by a man, perhaps? Or possibly by the Swedish Chef from the Muppets?)
I'll be taking a whack at making a Mei Tai, but it could take me until Christmas.
Thanks for the giveaway and all the parenting advice.
I don't much Twitter and I should blog, once I have a better baby carrier, but I don't at the moment, alas. So hit me back at writerly68 @
Best regards,
What a great contest- If I win I will be wearing the mei tai with my little girl due in March.
Blogged about your post here!
Tweeted again!
Oh, and this one is for yesterday. I forgot to comment about yesterday's tweet! :)
I'm having a baby boy in Dec (my 2nd child) and I would use it with him! thanks!
I would use this for me and my baby due in Feb. My husband may wear it as well. That is if I let him hold the baby :)
lucycontest at
I'm following you and here is my tweet:
lucycontest at
I would use this for my baby! I've been looking for something like this!
i would give this carrier to my dear friend, who just had her first child and hates to be without him.
My good friend just moved to another country, and I want to give her a bunch of fun things for her son (due in a few weeks) since I can't throw her a shower there. This is her first baby, and she is very excited!
I'm glad that the patterns are gender neutral, because I am sure both she and her husband will want to use this.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the idea of a fleece carrier for winter! Now I just need it to get cold...I know, San Diegans shouldn't complain about the weather, but it's nice to wear your fall clothes and have a hot drink sometimes! I would wear this with my son, Levi, and whoever comes along next.
My niece would use it for her first baby about to be born.
This would be gifted to a young very poor couple I know. They have lots of needs for their month old baby, and this is one of them! Thanks for the contest, it's sweet.
i love mei tai carriers! i have one but we are having twins this spring so it will be handy to have another one!
Hi, I would give this to some great friends of mine who have just had their first child. They are an awesome couple; they have been married for some years, but wanted to wait until everything was just right before having children - like buying a house which they also just did!
I would use it my very own self when I have my baby in April! Thanks so much!
My great niece is pregnant so I would give it to her to use
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
This would be for the brand new grandchild!!
I just became a follower of your blog.
I would love to win this carrier! We are due with our second baby in three weeks and I have wanted to buy a sling or something to hold baby sister close to me while chasing around big sister!
email in profile.
I tweeted again! :) Oh, this is Cindy, btw! I changed my profile.
Okay, I know this is lame because it was only a few minutes apart, but it is after midnight now, so I tweeted again! LOL!
I would use it for my 22 month old and any future babies
I would love to win this. I would definitely use it to carry around my soon-to-be-born baby.
I would use it with my baby due in January! Thanks!
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
Just thought I would leave another comment before the contest ends this week. Do I get extra points for being the only guy to post?!? :)
I posted a comment on
Yay! Congratulations!
Of course, if I were to win this, I'd put my newborn in it come April when the little guy is due...but until then, I'm sure my 3-year-old and I would find lots of stuffed animals to wear and other creative ways to use it, and then of course I'd have to pass it on after I was done with it, so I'd say the mei tai's future would include several cuddly newborns, drooly 9-month-olds, and fussy 18-month-olds as well as other...beings. ;)
susanbaranow (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thank you!
Count me in :)
ktgonyea at
I finally posted about this giveaway in my own blog:
Well, I didn't want there to be TOO much competition! :-D
I will use the carrier! I'm expecting and can't wait to carry my little one around!!!
Following you and tweeted it!! @hadlb
Following your blog :)
i will be using the carrier my baby is due in 2 weeks!!!!!!
I commented on the post "Wordless Wednesday: Attachment Parenting throughout the ages"
Oh, this would be awesome to win! Will be wonderful for use with my 8 wk old lovey girl.
Tweeted again! (Cindy)
The carrier is beautiful! I'd love to carry my 8 month old little girl in it. She loves to be close and comfy!!! Thanks for the contest, xoxo. Kelly
I'd love this for my baby due in Feb. I'd also love your instruction sheet to make more (if they're as easy as you say they are! :)
Cool. I love babywearing. I would definately try this wrap out with my tot!
I am now a follower!
I posted about your contest.
I would give this as a gift to a friend expecting a baby!
I'd love to give this to my friend who has a new grandbaby. I'd love to have your "handy-dandy mei tai instruction sheet" whether I win or not. Thank you!
I will be going to a baby shower soon and this would be a great gift to give them!
I would give this to my sister for my new little nephew!
I would use this to hold one of my twins. I am always holding at least one and it is getting hard to hold two now that they are growing (and wiggling). theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com
This would be for my son.
MY sister in law. She is due at the end of Jan.
I blogged here:
I follow on twitter and I tweeted:
I also follow your blog with Google Friend Connect!
If I win, I intend to give this to my daughter who has a 3 1/2 week old baby to carry around. She will absolutely love it! Thanks for hosting your first giveaway!
I am following you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway at
Last day for entries! If you want to tweet one last time, go for it & then leave another comment!
I feel like each and every one of you would put the carrier to good use, and I wish I had one for everybody! I hope the rest of you will consider making your own, because it truly is really easy, or check out my November giveaway roundup, wherein I list several other baby-carrier giveaways (in the post and in the linky below).
Steve: I hope Cade is doing well! I've been praying about his heart surgery and hope he's recovering. And congrats on being our male representative here! :)
Julie (Emily's mother): The Swedish Chef think had me giggling. And you're right, you definitely need some baby-trapping contraption when you're trying to write! :)
JJ: Haven't tried the fleece in San Diego, so I know not of what I speak, but in Seattle summers it was fine! :)
Susan: I love that it would see lots of creatures!
I will try to figure out how to post the instruction sheet. I was having some printer issues that I think I've ironed out.
To all of you with a baby, I love that you're holding them close! To all of you expecting or wanting to expect a baby, I wish the very best for your pregnancy and birth. To those gifting the carrier to someone special, what a generous gift!
Thanks to everyone for visiting and entering and sharing your stories!
I became a fan on Facebook. Does that count for one more entry?
Yeah, I am a babywearing freak! I will wear my baby boy, and any other baby that will let me! In fact, I am wearing my son right now while he naps, and I do chores (read blogs). Great thing about babywearing, babies NEVER go out of fashion. And if they get to big to wear...just make more!
I would use it! They are beautiful!
My tweet;
I would love the mei tai baby carrier! I have a chunky baby and a 3 year old so this would really come in handy!
If I win it would be for my daughter for her first baby
following on twitter and tweeted
i would use the mei tai with my son
following your blog
I posted a comment on Spanking as Just Kinda Creepy. Also, I wondered... do you get notices of comments? I've commented on some other older entries, too... so I just wondered.
I haven't entered up til now since I already made my own carrier and wanted the opportunity for someone else to have one since IT ROCKS! I've also given your instructions to several other people. Since you are the expert though, I will enter to win for my friend Kristen who is 12 weeks or so pregnant with their second. This would make a great (and free!) shower gift for her!
I haven't entered up til now since I already made my own carrier and wanted the opportunity for someone else to have one since IT ROCKS! I've also given your instructions to several other people. Since you are the expert though, I will enter to win for my friend Kristen who is 12 weeks or so pregnant with their second. This would make a great (and free!) shower gift for her!
I subscribe via Google Reader! :-)
I would be using it.. I have twins so I can always use a free hand :)
I would use it but I think I would also let my mom use it. She would love it i think!
I would be using it! I live in the cold mountains, so this would be great :)
i follow on twitter and tweeted
My friend would use this carrier.
I subscribed to your feed.
Oh, I'd love to be entered in the draw! I love baby-wearing and would love to try this kind! Looks comfy and cozy. :)
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