[ETA 11/18: I just had the BRILLIANT idea that I'll add any new fun November giveaways I want to feature into the McLinky at the bottom rather than having to change the code for the post each time. Hooray! Everyone else is still free to add in giveaways into the McLinky as well!]
I love doing giveaway roundups for some reason. I've been squirreling away links to share with you, and procrastinated on my November post to the point that many of them have already expired. But, AN-yway...
I'll give you what I have so far, and if you're into entering contests, feel free to bookmark this page and check back occasionally throughout November. I often come back to these roundups (often = always) to add awesome new giveaways as I find 'em.
A new feature this time is a McLinky list at the bottom, for you to add any giveaways you've discovered. They can be your own or a friend's or a complete stranger's, as long as you think fellow hobo fans would love to win what's on offer.
All right, here goes. Let the winning commence.
• Wear your baby!Hobo Mama (gasp! that's me!) is giving away a fleece mei tai baby wrap in your choice of two cute, multi-gender-approved prints. Enter by Nov. 20.
To continue the babywearing theme, babybix is giving away an ERGO Organic Baby Carrier set, worth $200! I can hardly believe the generosity of this giveaway. The whole package includes an organic ERGObaby carrier, a backpack, and a front pouch, all of which can be used together or separately. I love my ERGO, and Mikko still uses it at age 2-point-almost-five. As much as I love the ERGO Baby Carrier (see my adulation for the ERGO here), one drawback is that it's expensive. I was fortunate enough to strong armpersuade my mom to buy me one instead of an expensive stroller or crib. Maybe you'll be fortunate enough to get one for free, too! (FYI, babybix's post mentions that you can get a gently used ERGO at a discount by calling the ERGO offices, so that's another option!) Enter by Nov. 23. There are also two chances that I know of to win a stretchy wrap, which was my favorite type of carrier in the newborn phase. Just for Me...and You is giving away a Moby Wrap baby carrier from The Baby's Bundle (Nov. 17), and All Things Granola is giving away a Sleepy Wrap (Nov. 24, via Learning in a Family Environment).
• Adventures in Babywearing is giving away two baby pouches: a black HugaMonkey pouch(gotta love the name) and a gorgeous Petunia Pickle Bottom Sojourn in the Dancing in Dublin pattern. Pouches have an easy learning curve so can be great for first-time babywearers. Be sure to check the sizes there, though, because pouches are more size-specific since they're not adjustable. Enter by Nov. 17.
• Familylicious Reviews is giving away a Sleeping Baby Productions Ring Sling. A ring sling can be perfect for discreet nursing in the newborn phase, and convenient hip carries as the baby gets older. A ring sling is adjustable and allows for popping your baby in and out as needed. SleepingBaby.net is a fantastic site run by a seamstress and babywearer who sells very high quality ring slings as well as offers a host of free tutorials if you're interested in sewing your own slings or carriers. I've used Jan's site as a babywearing reference many times. Enter to win one of her linen slings, in your choice of size and color, by Dec. 12.
Remember, feel free to enter any giveaways for a baby sling, wrap, or other carrier, even if you personally don't have a wearable baby at the moment or planned for the near future. Babywearing items make perfect baby gifts — they're a way to pass on a tool for attachment parenting. Who knows what you'll inspire!
• If you're up for cosleeping, you might want some jammies to help make it safer. J. Leigh Designz is giving away an aden + anais Breathable Muslin Baby Sleeping Bag (Nov. 19) and SwaddleDesigns zzZipMe Sack (Nov. 20). One of the guidelines for cosleeping safety is not to have heavy blankets near a young baby's face. The safest way to achieve this is not to use blankets at all, and a second option is to tuck the blankets in so that they come up only to your waist. We had a summer baby, so we dressed him lightly and pulled the sheet up to his waist, but a winter baby will need something more to help keep warm. A sleep sack like one of these will keep the baby toasty without the need of blankets. I personally preferred dressing Mikko in as little as possible when he was a newborn, so that we could do elimination communication and diaper changes without major undressing, but again, we were dealing with the summer months. Both the zzZipMe and aden + anais bags have zippers at the bottom to help with easier access to the underside, and the aden + anais bag goes up to an 18-24 month size, which would be a plus for older or larger babies. The zzZipMe is a snuggly fleece, and the a + a's soft cotton muslin sounds lovely. Remember that cosleeping babies are kept warmer from your body heat than a crib-sleeping baby, so make sure they don't overheat. It depends on the temperature of your home, but probably a fleece sleep sack alone with a diaper underneath (if you're using one) would do it. With a muslin sack, the baby might need extra jammies underneath.
J. Leigh Designz is a giveaway site, so they have plenty of other great prizes to win. Here are a few of my favorites that are up right now, but you can poke around and see if something else catches your fancy: This adorable wooden PlanCity Airport from Plan Toys — Plan Toys is eco-friendly and design-dazzling, so check out their site for more of their philosophy and aesthetic (Nov. 25). A cute animal or theme umbrella from Kidorable Rain Gear — this one seems especially inspiring to me given Seattle's return into its usual drizzly winter state. Looking at the designs reminded me of how much I so dearly loved my see-through Snoopy umbrella when I was five! (Dec. 2). Running Bike from Strider Sports — this is a valuable giveaway, because these pre-training-wheels bikes don't come cheap. This would make a great Christmas present for a kid who's not quite yet ready to balance but wants to start riding (Dec. 2). For the pregnant or breastfeeding mama, a $25 gift certificate to Passion Spice, where you can buy sultry nursing or maternity lingerie (Nov. 17), or there's always a handbag of your choice from Handbag Heaven — from clutches to totes (Nov. 25). Burger Builder from Play-Doh — ok, this one just made me laugh. Check out the burger in the last picture! (Dec. 2).
• Swistle: Reviews, the review arm of the venerable main Swistle blog (not to mention the advice-giving Swistle: Baby Names blog) is participating in a BlogHer review circle that is giving away one Philips Sonicare toothbrush and ten $100 Visa gift cards. Yeah, I know, which is better? But you can enter for both or either. Just read all the rules and then enter away, but do it fast because you have to enter by Nov. 15.
• Look What Mom Found...and Dad too! is always giving away great items. Here are a few of my faves right now, which all happen to be for your pleasure instead of your kids' (go figure!): a $35 gift certificate to Everyday Minerals, my absolute favoritest makeup (Nov. 30); DreamSacks Sophie Short Wrap that looks mega-comfy and chic (Nov. 18); and a gorgeous freshwater pearl necklace from Pearl Paradise in case you have a hankering to be as genteel-looking as Julia Child (Nov. 20).
• This one's pretty outstanding. Daddy Forever, partnered with MAGHOUND, is giving away a trip to New York City with $1500 shopping spree, and 180 magazines. Runner-up prizes include $100 gift cards for Macy's or Sephora. I could take or leave the mag subscription service, but I'd jump at a free trip to New York! You enter for the magazine service at Daddy Forever, and the New York spree at MAGHOUND. To enter at Daddy Forever, you leave a comment saying what your favorite magazine is on MAGHOUND — I thought this could be a good opportunity to suggest MAGHOUND start carrying Mothering, Brain, Child, or any of your other favorite parenting magazines — what do you think? Enter by Dec. 15.
• Are you a pumping mama? Technically, these first two belong in the previous category, because they're still from Mommy News & Views, but I wanted to make a special category of giveaways of interest to mothers who use breast pumps to express breastmilk: Pump Ease Hands Free Pumping Support, which allows you to pump hands-free, plus a refrigerator magnet and a door tag that reads "Please Do Not Disturb: Mom at Work!" to hang on your office door (Nov. 20) and a Pumpin' Pal set-up, also for pumping hands-free: This includes a Hands-Free Strap, a pair of Super Shields (angled flanges to allow you to lean back while you pump in your choice of size), and Air-Dry Accessory Bag (Nov. 21). If you a pump a lot and don't yet have a way to pump in comfort and hands-free, you need a kit like these!
In related prizes, Growing a Baby in Seattle is giving away a set of 2 glass baby bottles from SproutBaby.com. With all the concerns over BPA leaching from plastics, it's safest to stick with glass for any expressed breast milk you give your baby. The Wee Go has a silicone sleeve to help with gripping, and the Born Free has a built-in venting system. Enter by Nov. 20.
• I love the crisp sweetness of freeze-dried fruit, and I've discovered it's a convenient and popular snack for toddlers on the go! Contest Corner is giving away a Today's Farm Freeze-Dried Fruit Bag o' Gold gift pack. Enter by Nov. 19.
• This one's a fun grab bag. Cool Baby Kid is giving away an Unclaimed Prize Pack reportedly worth $500. It's basically every prize from the past two years that the winner never stepped forward to claim, so it's a fun assortment and it all goes to one lucky reader. Enter by Nov. 23.
• This Tummy Tub being given away by Just for Me...and You could not be more adorable. It's supposed to replicate the gentle squeeze of warmth and wetness from being in the womb (plus, you know, get your baby clean). Good for up to 3 years old and 35 pounds! Enter by Nov. 20.
• Blacktating Reviews is offering the book Does This Pregnancy Make Me Look Fat?, which makes me laugh just from the title. The book aims at enhancing good body image and taking the focus away from the scale. Blacktating is featured in the book! Enter by Nov. 18.
• I want to give a shout-out to a couple handmade-giveaway sites that listed my mei tai giveaway (thanks!). If you're a homemade and Etsy fan, these are the giveaway sites for you! You can find some wonderful and unique Christmas presents here: Etsy Giveaways: "the only thing better than buying handmade is winning it!" Handmade Giveaways: Check it out for the gorgeous picture — yea!
My standard disclosure, because I'm honest and all that: Sometimes I get an extra entry into a contest by blogging about it, though usually not. I'm entering some of these and not others, but I think they're all worthy. There are seriously so many giveaways in blogland, but I wanted to highlight a few. As you can see, generally speaking, the giveaways I feature are more attuned to attachment-parenting ideals, feature eco-friendly baby gear, come from unique and small-time companies, or are simply from blogs I like! And every once in awhile, something fits into none of those categories, but I go with it anyway because I want to. I'm like that. Go to the links provided for full contest rules and to find out how to enter. Oh, by the way, if any of these companies are linked to Nestle or otherwise offensive, please do let me know so I can remove them. I know the responsible thing would be to do the research myself, but I'm having enough trouble getting this post up as it is! Mikko's got the sniffles, a cough, and sore throat, and he basically just wants to sit on my lap all day nursing. Poor thing!
I'm experimenting this time with including a McLinky widget. If you want to promote a giveaway (your own or someone else's) that's oriented to families, parents, mothers, babies, or children, please feel free to link up below. You can also leave a comment to give more information on your giveaway.
Enter your giveaway in this order so that people can easily figure out what you're offering: Blog Name -- Giveaway Item (End Date). And then put in the link to the specific post for your giveaway, not your general blog URL. For example, I would put Hobo Mama -- Fleece Baby Carrier (11/20), and then my URL of http://www.hobomama.com/2009/10/ap-principle-4-giveaway-of-mei-tai.html. I went ahead and listed mine as a sample.
Excellent summary of contests!! thanks so much for including the ones going on my blog. It's been a blast and there are still quite a few more to enter!! http://mommynewsblog.com/blogiversary
Thanks for the linky! Everyone is welcome to use mine as well! http://whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/2009/11/mcklinkys-is-up-come-and-list-your.html
I'm Lauren Wayne, writer and natural parent. I embrace attached parenting with an emphasis toward green living.
Riding the rails with my husband, Crackerdog Sam, and our hobo kids, Mikko Lint Picker (born June 2007), Alrik Irontrousers (born May 2011), and Karsten (born October 2014). Trying every day to parent intentionally and with grace.
Excellent summary of contests!! thanks so much for including the ones going on my blog. It's been a blast and there are still quite a few more to enter!! http://mommynewsblog.com/blogiversary
Thanks for the linky! Everyone is welcome to use mine as well! http://whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/2009/11/mcklinkys-is-up-come-and-list-your.html
Thanks for the Linky!!
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