One of my favorite moments as a new mama was when my baby first smiled up at me. Gas? Reflex? Just messing with me? What did I care? It was a big, toothless, engaging grin, and I ate it up.
That toothless mouth soon filled up with teeth, early on. My firstborn, Mikko, started growing them early, at around 3 months. It was one of his primary skills: growing teeth and hair, every parent's pride. Even through the increased drool and the sharp little white points emerging, his smiles never became any less cute!
Our second baby, Alrik, took his time getting started on teething, but now he's making up for it. At 10 months, he seems to be growing them ALL. At once.
Three sharp ones have popped through on the bottom. (Why three? Why lopsided? Come on, kid, think of the aesthetics.) Two fang-like spaced ones on the top have descended, giving him the moniker Vampire Baby. The middle ones are creeping out to fill the gap.

Vampire baby filling in those front teeth!
Since I know how much tooth pain can hurt (boy howdy!), I want to make sure he's comfortable as he cuts all these new chompers.
Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Tablets
So I was happy to try out the new Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Tablets with Alrik. I had thought we would be getting a numbing gel, but the tablets we got are actually a homeopathic treatment. Baby Orajel is a well-established brand (#1 for teething), and this is their first foray into homeopathy. I'm glad the bigger companies are getting on board with natural remedies.
Using Chamomilla as one of its key ingredients, Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Tablets are belladonna-free, benzocaine-free, dye-free, alcohol-free and paraben-free.
The three ingredients with their purpose:
- Calcarea phosphorica, 3x HPUS — supports dentition
- Coffea cruda, 3x HPUS — wakefulness and diuresis
- Chamomilla, 3x HPUS — irritability
HPUS means the ingredients are officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
If you'll remember, there was a kerfuffle recently because a different brand of teething tablets had belladonna, which is a poison in higher doses. Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Tablets have the other key homeopathic ingredients without the controversial one, which is reassuring. The Chamomlia, in particular, is supposed to help with the fussiness associated with teething. Chamomile flowers have long been used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory to ease discomfort.
Using the tablets
The directions are to dissolve 2-3 tablets (1 at a time) under the baby’s tongue. You can also dissolve them in a teaspoon of water before giving the water to the baby. You can give 2-3 tablets every hour for up to 4 times a day or as recommended by a licensed health care professional.
The tablets feature a quick dissolve rate of about 10 seconds. I found that this is true. I had a little trouble getting them under Alrik's tongue. If you put something in his mouth, he thrusts his tongue out and down, effectively blocking my homeopathic reach.
I'm not sure how legit this is, but I just surrendered to putting them on top of his tongue, and watched him thrust his tongue in and out in confusion, trying to figure out why there was now some sort of white powder coating it. But, they really did dissolve within seconds, so he got the benefit of them regardless of where it started.
I tried one out myself, just to make sure there wasn't some weird taste; there was no taste, which I thought was a good thing. Though I can see how that could be disconcerting to a baby wondering why I'm putting a tasteless, disappearing treat on his tongue!
The bottle is compact and holds a lot of tablets. It's easy to slip into a diaper bag pocket to keep handy. I break them out on car rides when Alrik is screaming, and I'm not sure why (besides the obvious car-seat-jail indignity).

Come on, Mama, let's get this puppy open. Time's a-wastin'.

So is this how you apply it? This does feel good on my gums…
How do they work?
I know many of my readers swear by homeopathy, and I've been given homeopathic treatments by midwives and naturopaths. I believe the basic premise is that small amounts of natural substances can produce healthful results.
With both my kids, I've never been totally sure if their teething is bothering them or not. They have the drool (hoo boy, do they ever!), and the gumming everything in sight, but they haven't had fevers or diarrhea or other symptoms that some people swear are connected to teething.
However, Alrik does have this near-constant expression that we describe as his teething face, as if he's half-grimacing all the time (but in a super cute way!). I'm never sure if I should be medicating him just in case, or if the fact that I can't tell if he's in discomfort means that he's not. (Any insight appreciated!) On the one hand, Alrik will sometimes get upset and start screaming for what we think is no clear reason. On the other hand, I don't want to dope him up with pain meds that he doesn't need.

Teething face. Translated: What is going ON in my mouth?!
To that end, I appreciate having a natural, low-intervention way to soothe any discomfort he's experiencing. I can feel confident that the Baby Orajel Naturals aren't doing him any harm, and I'm happy for any beneficial effect he's receiving. I pop one in whenever he seems most uncomfortable, so I'm glad to have them on hand.

Happy teething baby
If you want to give them a try for yourself, Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Tablets are becoming available nationwide in early 2012. Look for them on Amazon, at Target, your local drugstore, grocery store, baby store, or superstore.
For your own chance to win a $100 Target gift card, courtesy of BlogHer and Baby Orajel Naturals, enter for a chance to by leaving a comment below, telling me a favorite moment you had as a new mom. Not a mom? Let me know your favorite homeopathic remedy.
Contest is open to UNITED STATES residents, age 18 or older, only.
TO ENTER, TELL ME: What was your favorite moment as a new mom? Share yours in the comments for a chance to win!
Leave a valid email address so we can contact you if you win. You can enter it like this to foil spambots: mail {at} naturalparentsnetwork {dot} com
No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
- Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
- Tweet about this promotion (click here to Tweet) and leave the URL to that Tweet in a comment on this post
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- For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me; otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 5/1 – 5/31/2012.
Be sure to visit the Baby Orajel page on where you can read other bloggers' reviews and find even more chances to win.
Disclosure: I received a sample product for review purposes.
This post is sponsored by BlogHer and the sponsors.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
Orajel® is a registered trademark of Church & Dwight.
My son had a speech delay and one of my favorite moments was when he finally was able to say Mommy. It warmed my heart.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I like to keep an aloe plant around to apply to burns incurred in the kitchen.
jmkidwell at gmail dot com
My favorite moment as a new mom was holding my baby's hand for the first time.
Her first laugh. Almost 4 years later and I can still hear a hint of it each time she giggles.
I'm expecting baby # 2 and am glad to hear about these teething tablets--owes a big fan of another brand that is no longer available. Teething was brutal here--great birth control. :p
kschroeder616 at gmail dot com
My fave new mom moment was unswaddling my daughter after a nap and watching her reach and stretch out her arms, it was the cutest.
My favorite moment(s) is seeing my son take a nap with his father. Their body language is nearly identical and they tend to look like mirror images of each other.!/hannabert/status/197390137141886977 - Hannabert needs these!
My favorite moment as a new mom was the first time I realized I could sooth her just by being there. So sweet.
My favorite moment was to see my baby's first smile!/ElenaIstomina/status/197427125320560640
Belladonna is actually a go-to in my house along with Pulstilla - both good for menstrual cramps.
mssluna02 at gmail dot com
Ugh I kinda hate questions like this, to be perfectly honest. I never have a "favorite moment" to answer. How do you pick between first snuggles, first smiles, first words, first steps, and so many other wonderful moments??? For purposes of entering the contest, I'll say the first time he stuck out his tongue, because that was like the first trick we taught him and it was exciting to see him do something intentionally and realize it!
Pulsatilla! It helps my cramps every time!
I wouldn't really call it a homeopathic remedy,but apple cider vinegar is my natural go to for a lot of things. Sore throat,acid reflux,high blood pressure,dandruff control/shiny hair,headaches,acne..everything! :P
Forgot to leave my email address!
I have to pick just one favorite?! Smiles are definitely incredible. The first few times Daniel nursed I was totally amazed that both of our bodies knew what to do (for the most part) even though neither of us had ever done it before.
My favorite, heart-hiccuppy moment was hearing her first cry after a scary 70 hour labor that ended in c-section.
my favorite mama moment? hearing my babies cry for the very first time at birth and seeing their sweet faces!
my favorite moment was when my daughter was able to say I love You too mommy back, it was sweet
My favorite moments were the first words and first steps.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
the first time my baby laughed was my favorite moment
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
The open-mouth smiles are the best.
Mandatory Entry:
my favorite moment is after 9 long months and baby gets in motion and you feel like you are in a war against your own body!
Thanks for the chance!
Email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
My favorite moment as a new Mom was seeing my baby sound asleep in my arms. That’s just sweet and peaceful.
Amy [at] utry [dot] it
Amy [at] utry [dot] it
My favorite mom moment, i thought, happened when my little girl was 9 months old and she crawled up to me and gave me a huge kiss and said "mama" without any prompting for the first slobbery time. However, i then got pregnant with baby number two and had him on March 15th. We've been having a rough go at it and my little girl wasn't too happy, but about 2 weeks ago she came up to us laying on the couch from playing with her blocks and gave him another slobbery kiss and touched his nose and said buubbyaaa (her form of bubba) i burst into tears to see both of my babies so happy. To make it better, he had his first real smile immediately after this.
My favorite moments were watching her sleep.....I could watch her peaceful
cgies25 at homtail
Just being able to watch them grow, and learn Is just amazing.
My favorite moment was when I told my toddler I loved her. She responded back saying I love you. When I asked how much, she replied by stretching her arms wide an saying 3! That was as far as she could count!!! Andthat was a big number. Now today, my toddler all grown up and planning a family of her own, we reflect back on that small statment, that had a huge impact in our lives.
My first special moment as a new mom was when I knew my son was going to start babbling, just that anticipation and then there it was while just gazing into his face and those little lips moving and at first no sound came out of them. He caught on fast and that sweet little voice came out. I'll never forget it.
My favorite moment was the first time I saw the smile on DD's little face.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com!/tcarolinep/status/199373127107620866
Holding my baby for the first time :)
family74014 at gmail dot com
I love taking naps together - so peaceful!
My most recent proud moment is hearing my son declare "I did it, I did it" with a big grin on his face whenever he accomplishes a task he has never done before. Seeing his pride makes me smile.
My favorite moment as a mom is every day at nap time when I rock my twin boys to sleep. They both lay there on my chest so peacefully and snugglely and lovely. It makes all the stress of the day melt away.
hearing my baby's first cry as i lay on the operating table made me wail along with her,'
thememoirsofmegan at gmail dot com
Sleep, milky smiles wrapped around my breast... very sweet moment.
Wow, favorite moment? ... I think maybe it was when my son learned to give actual kisses instead of open-mouthed scary vampire attacks! :)
With my first daughter, it was when we first saw her, confirming this beautiful, special life we'd created. With my second daughter, it was having her placed on my chest as soon as she was born and having her latch on. I needed that immediate bond with her. – blondredhead at mac dot com
blondredhead at mac dot com
The first "mommy" word really made my day! But there are so many moments it's too hard to pin one!
2nd entry tweet!!/kytah00/status/199990771082989569
so far our first ultrasound! scg00387 at yahoo dot com!/DesMoinesDealin/status/200048073907507200 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
the first time they smile at you.
pokergrl8 at!/aes529/status/200248542877597697
pokergrl8 at!/thepryfamily2/status/200264956044779521
my favorite mommy moment is hearing my baby giggle
Is there anything better than a first smile? I think not.
My fav moment as a new dad was holding my DS For the very first time, memorable day in my life
Johnsylvestor at gmail dotcom
Johnsylvestor at gmail Dotcom!/benz1171/status/201138694311251969
My daughter had colic which was concerning at the time. Now what I remember of that time is just holding her while rocking in the rocking chair and listening/humming to music. Eventually she went off to sleep and I cherish those memories of us together.
i am not amom b ut i love hot tea for home remedies
That picture of him chewing the box is so cute! One of my favorite moments of being a mom is when the baby is FIRST born. The second they emerge and you get your first look is so special.
zucchinisummer at gmail dot com
The day my daughter was born. After being in the hospital almost 3 days. When the doctor laid her in my arms she looked at us with bright eyes. When she heard her daddy's voice she turned and smiled.
fave moment is when breastfeeding finally 'clicked'. i thought we'd never get the hang of it but now i'm still nursing my son who is 15 mo old and it's the most natural, wonderful thing in the world!! :)
annae07 at aol dot com
i'd love to try these-never heard of them but i think they sound like a great option! i prefer homeopathic/natural things for myself and children.
My favorite was my son's first smile!/HappyTina0115/status/201421855280730112
One of my favorite moments as a new mom was when my baby was breastfeeding and would stop and look up at me and smile. :)
Watching him rub his head to go to sleep.
My favorite moments as a new mom was when I first held my children in my arms after they were born!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
My favorite moment as a new mom was holding my baby girl for the first time, and look forward to getting to holding my son for the first time when he arrives in July. I also loved and still do love seeing all my daughter's firsts
heididaily at gmail dot com
I love every day as a mom, but especially when my baby girl snuggles into my body. it's the best, and it doesn't happen every day!
karinaroselee at gmail dot com
holding my baby for the first time
karinaroselee at gmail dot com
I smiled from ear to ear when my 14 mos. old son signed his first sign- MORE!! So exciteing
pesceebay {at} yahoo {dot} com
My favorite moment as a new mom was the first time my baby girl smiled at me--I'll never forget it! beecasagrand at gmail dot com
Tweeted!!/BeeBigHouse/status/202173458501730304 beecasagrand at gmail dot com
My favorite moment was when my daughter took her first step. I was getting so worried because, while she'd pull herself up on the table, she would never let go and take a step. It was our dog that got her to walk for the first time; she took her pacifier and walked a few steps away from my daughter and dropped it on the ground...and my daughter went after it and took two steps. She was more shocked than I was LOL
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
Honestly, my favorite moment with the moment my daughter and I first met. :)
My favorite moments were getting those first little smiles, before the little teeth came in.
Angie M
Ngelicamtz at gmail dot com
After months of using baby sign to reiterate words to my son without him responding, he finally crawled over to his high chair and signed "more" and "eat"!! I was elated! It wasn't all a waste of time!! Hooray!
favorite moment as a new mom was just being able to hold my new baby for the first time....I melted!
My favorite moment is the first time I saw/held my children for the first time. jtmrj07 at qwest dot net
It's so hard to choose just one moment! I guess I would have to say the first time he latched on to nurse, it was amazing!
essential_energy at
My favorite moments as a mom with both of babies (one is 13 years old, one is 3 months old ;))is the early morning breastfeeding sessions. I love how connected I feel/felt to my little ones during this time. <3
I tweeted about the giveaway! :)!/suburghiafoodie/status/202795668371283968
My email is carriebice at hotmail (.com). Sorry! I forgot to post it with my 2 entries above!
I loved rocking my babies to sleep at night.
One of my favorite moments was bringing her home from the hospital. It was father's day and my birthday and everyone came just to see her. It made me realize how much I loved her and how important she is to our family.
I tweeted!/colleen1477/status/203157374578597889
cthompson1477@gmail dot com
My favorite thing as a new mom was watching my baby learn so many new things and being curious about the world!
Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!
My favorite was when my daughter giggled for the first time!
that first smile is always a heart stopper
The first smile is always the best =)
I'm expecting my first in December and I can't wait to create these special moments.
I like having an aloe plant at home for burns.
Each morning she wakes up & smiles at me becomes my new favorite moment :)
greenglassbottle {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Hyland's calms forte sleep remedy.!/prizepuzzle/status/204339121018253312
I loved hearing their first coos
Judy S
pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com
tweet tweet!/pookiecat123/status/204706299873726465
Judy S
pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com
my favorite moment was bringing my daughter home for the first time
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
Seeing my baby for the first time 24 hours later when they brought her to me in ICU
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My favorite new mom moment is the first time I made my baby laugh. There is nothing like hearing a baby giggle! Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite moment was hearing my babies laugh for the first time.
One of my favorite moments as a new mom was my daughter's first smile at around 6 weeks old.
Carmen Q
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com
My favorite moment as a new Mom was when I talked with him, he laughed and responded with his “baby talk” happily.
I tweeted about this giveaway:
My favorite moment as a new mom (so far) has been the first time my baby boy giggled. It is infectious :)
I was a totally inexperienced 18 year old when my oldest son was born. I'd never even changed a diaper. The first time I changed him in the hospital I put the diaper on backwards. Now that baby is about to turn 30. I can barely believe it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Oh...favorite moment.....oh so many! Every first! :) I guess if I had to pick ......probably the first smile! Forever etched in my heart!
landfjacobson @
I tweeted
landfjacobson @
It has been a little bit since I was a new mom, but my favorite moments were the closeness I felt with my babies when they were nursing.
Definitely when my son said mama for the first time!
My best new mom moment was the day we brought our preemie home from the NICU!
Best moment, hands down when they fall asleep in your arms, to this day I'm cherishing the days my 6 year old does it, she's my youngest.
Tweet #1
Tweet 2
Holding my daughter for the first time.
the first smile just for Mommy
i tweeted
adinatm(at)aol (dot)com
one of the most memorable, almost 3 years later is being able to hold him for the first time. He was in the NICU for a few days and i couldn't hold was pretty much magical :)
my favorite moment with my mom was mother daughter shopping. nothing beats the laughs and bonding during shopping
seeing her first smile! so cute!
everytime my baby leans his head on my chest
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
i love when my girls play and giggle together
My favorite was meeting my daughter for the first time. Incredible! Julia at naturallifemom dot com
My favorite moments of a new mom was getting up for the feedings, it let me know I was actually needed. Being a mom is priceless. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
My favorite new mom moment has been any moment that didn't involve poop!
z853www at hotmail dot com
z853www at hotmail dot com
My comment was on may 6 at 4:39
My husband is prone to ear aches, and the thing that helps the most is just a hot compress.
While I am not biologically a mom my friend refers to me as her son's second mommy. Because from the time he was born until he was 1 year old I lived with her and actively participated in his care. I loved getting up with him at night sitting in the quiet feeding him, changing him and putting him back to bed. Some times I even did this before his mother or father woke up. His mom only knew I had gotten up with him because his diaper was a different color (cloth diapers are great) or a bottle was missing from his night time cooler. She was always grateful for the extra sleep this afforded her, I was grateful for the experience because I may never get to have children myself. Now I help other women who are struggling with their children.
My fave moment was when I saw my son's first smile.
dlatany at gmail dot com
My favorite moment as a new mom, was nursing my baby girl for the first time and not having an issues with her latching at all. I had nothing but problems with our son for the first few weeks trying to establish a good latch and getting him to nurse.
Heather K.
mysticbutterfly37 at
dlatany at gmail dot com
I tweeted.
Heather K.
mysticbutterfly37 at
The first time I held my baby girl was priceless.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
My favorite moments as a new mom were when my daughter would pretend to get mad and she would get this really serious look on her face, stomp her foot and shout "I'm mad!" Haha! I almost died laughing everytime!
By the way - My email address is
I tweeted!
My favorite moment happened recently when my 1 yr old niece said "Hi" to me for the first time. It just melted my heart.
My favorite moment would have to be recently in the car. My 4.5 month old son was hungry and used that opportunity to let us know he could say Ma Ma by calling out for me! Granted it was whiny and he was fussing, but it was adorable that he chose that moment to get my attention!
Not a mom but very much into homeopathic treatments! One of the best ones I have recently found is the use of peppermint essential oil to help relieve migraine headaches, or any headache really.
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
My favorite moment as a mom of 3 is seeing each baby for the first time, once they are born. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
If I have a headache I eat or drink something with caffeine in it -it works!
geminicalli at yahoo dot com
When my baby was put in my arms for the first time.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
Their first smiles
shelly sawicki lash neuhouser
mneuhouser at gmsail dot com
My favorite moment has been the first real smile (that was not just gas!)
Mermont84 at
mermont84 at
My favorite moment had to be snuggling in the morning as we both woke up and went back to sleep and just snuggled in the mornings.
I loved seeing my daughter smile in response to us for the first time.
Watching my baby laugh in her sleep was my favorite part of becoming a mom just 10 weeks ago. Really just watching her dream at all. She laughs, she looks worried, she coos, it's all too damn sweet. I love it.
Laceyjane413 at
Watching my baby laugh in her sleep was my favorite part of becoming a mom just 10 weeks ago. Really just watching her dream at all. She laughs, she looks worried, she coos, it's all too damn sweet. I love it.
Laceyjane413 at
I tweeted about the giveaway:
ashleyonsager {at} hotmail {dot} com
The first smiles and giggles are the best part about having a newborn who takes away every ounce of your energy...and then some :o)
ashleyonsager{at} hotmail {dot} com
Tweet -
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
The first time my daughter was playing, heard a song, and stopped to dance a little jig!
Not entering but just wanted to say... My daughter had some awful teething days, and I swear by the homeopathic remedies. They helped her more than anything else! I don't know how the stuff works but it does. :)
My favorite moment i love watching him sleep.
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
feeling that unconditional love
One of my favorite moments so far has been laying in bed with my husband, while our son crawls all over us like he's on a jungle gym or scaling mountains.
My favorite moment is when she smiles at me and says, "I love you, Mom!"
sadiebeery at hotmail dot com
sadiebeery at hotmail dot com
There are so many moments. But now that my baby is walking and talking and all too quickly growing up, it absolutely melts my heart when she stops and signs "I love you" to me. She'll even do this from across the room.
when he first smiled at me :)
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a huge fan of homeopathic remedies - I've tried a number of them with great success.
My son came to us first as a foster child. I’ve had many wonderful moments, but probably one of the most memorable was when he started calling me “Mom”.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My favorite new mommoment was seeing my baby daughter'sfirst toothless smile of happiness.
dmarie824 at aol dot com
dmarie824 at aol dot com
My favorite moment is seeing my baby smile up at me! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh favorite-finally putting him in a wrap and wearing him so close to me.
mrsdresses at gmail dot com
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