And then I realized: What makes a best post? And who gets to decide?
Well, it's my blog, peeps, so I do. And I am nothing if not thorough, so herewith are the best in a few different categories, like a little awards ceremony. Some of these might overlap, but I'll pick the best fitting category for each. Enjoy!
Most Visits
Culled from my Google Analytics pageview data and Postrank analysis. I've noticed that these are kind of random and not what I would have thought would score so highly.
- Mayim Bialik blossoms as an attachment parent — Write about a quirky celebrity and get Google hits. Lesson learned.
- Babywearing and maternity coat: the easy way — Poke gentle fun at a small company, and they sic the loyalist dogs after you. Another lesson learned.
- Babywearing the heavy baby: mei tai and Babywearing the heavy baby: ERGO Baby Carrier — Probably because I link to these suckers so often.
- Essential breastfeeding product: Save your shirt & your dignity! and Sports bras for nursing women and The breastfeeding pillow: Boppy or My Brest Friend? and Nursing tank for the busty breastfeeding mama and A review of Baby Signing Time DVDs, aka the cocaine of signing babies — My theory on these, plus some other similarly popular baby-product-related posts, is that people were searching for reviews on these items and stumbled across my ramblings. Happy to oblige.
- You had me at hobo and We never wanted to buy a house and Taking stock of my visitors and Conversations with myself and Navel gazing and Tidbits from a hobo mama — Among the most random of my popular articles, the ones I thought everyone would politely ignore.
- A response to "The Case Against Breastfeeding" — Responses to that article were everywhere, and I jumped into the fray.
- Wordless Wednesday, except for the words — I love this sign.
- Pictorial follow-up to Bebé Glotón breastfeeding doll — and these pictures. Bless flickr.
Most Commented
Based on sheer numbers of reader responses, which should be some measure of resonance with the community. (NB: When I say "sheer," I mean relatively speaking...)
- The conversation: Should we have another baby? — Wherein I muse about whether to keep reproducing, and you lovely people chime in to console, encourage, and commiserate.
- AP Principle #4: Giveaway of a mei tai baby carrier for babywearing! — Well, duh, considering that commenting was how people entered. This probably doesn't count, but it was popular — and a whole lot of fun!
- AP Principle #5: How to have sex when you're cosleeping — See what I mean about controversial topics?
- AP Principle #3: Crying it out vs. the responsiveness of attachment parenting — And again...
- Spanking as just kinda creepy — And again.
- Easy, discreet way to feed a toddler in public and Prepared for life: Breastfeeding in local and global crises and AP Principle #2: What I wish I'd known about breastfeeding and Breastfeeding support: A tale of two hospitals — These were breastfeeding carnival posts, which always helps boost numbers. (Hint: Join our Carnival of Natural Parenting!)
- A call to persist in babywearing — Here, too, I was shilling for comments, because it was for a blog contest. I didn't win, but what fun to enter and receive so much support! And I really do like that article.
- Why boys don't wear pink, and why girls do — Internet synergy, with links flying back and forth on this very interesting topic.
- Hobo Mama is looking for guest bloggers — This worked out well!
- Leaving her behind — Hobo Mama's first guest post, by Molly Jarrell, on motherhood intersecting with employment.
- Reasons to get behind elimination communication — Another guest post, by Lisa from My World Edenwild, on the wherefores behind the ancient but unusual practice of infant pottying.
- Flexibility and finding sleep — I knew Amber Strocel would deliver with a guest post about practical cosleeping arrangements.
- Post-Natal: Pain in childbirth — Who wouldn't want to share their experiences with Betsy B. Honest?
- Wordless Wednesday: 50,000 words down to one and Wordless Wednesday: Holiday babies — Sometimes when you don't say much, other people step in and do the talking for you. Nice!
- Happy Attachment Parenting Month: Here's how I came to attachment parenting — Sharing our stories.
- How to have a waste-free Christmas — So, did anyone manage it?
- AP Principle #8: Balance and how you can't do it all, at least not all at once — I guess we all have something to say on this subject.
Most Meaningful
As in, to me, natch. Some of these were appreciated at the time but faded into obscurity, and others had nary a comment, but I still think they're all worthy.
- Rainy-day movement ideas for toddlers — I still refer to this for reminders. I think it's a nice, practical list. I thought other people might add suggestions, but maybe I covered too many bases!
- Parenting alone: We need more allomothers — I still think so.
- Speaking out against violence toward babies — I was pleasantly astonished that a commenter said she was rethinking routine male circumcision as a result of this post. That's one of those times you realize writing really can make a difference.
- Do not hinder them — My take on bringing children into church.
- Road trip with a 20-month-old — I still haven't tried out my own advice, but I think it's valid and really want to give it a shot.
- Tantrums and the terrible twos — On not labeling my child's behavior as bad.
- Further proof that children are socially cooperative creatures — My happiness at seeing my child's innate ability to bond with his group.
- In Defense of Food: Growing your own — My plug of a really inspiring book on how and what to eat.
- Reviving Dr. Seuss and other old favorites and Reading snazzy jazzy books to baby — Some of my favorite children's books, dusted off for Mikko's (and my) enjoyment.
- Healthy Child, Healthy World: Simple steps to create a cleaner, greener, safer home and Get started baby signing: A review of Baby Sign Language for Hearing Babies — Two books I didn't even have to read to get reviews!
- Lazy night owls vs. industrious morning larks — My attempt to stand against a perceived prejudice, probably perceived only by me.
- Monolingual raising a bilingual baby, or why we're choosing a German immersion preschool — This topic fascinates me.
- Cloth diapers the easy way: Use a diaper service — If I don't advertise for diaper services, I'm afraid they'll go the way of the dinosaur.
- Calling all poets — It's National Poetry Month! — Who else is gonna make you write poetry?
- Parenting poetry and Never check out anything from the library again — ... And then share her own?
- Consumer Reports helpfully shows attachment parenting is dangerous — My reasoned, researched rebuttal to some stupid statements on the CR blog. My summary here was going to be, in contrast, "Screw you, Consumer Reports."
- Elimination communication and potty training: the toddler months — So many helpful resources all in one place!
- How to photograph your baby for the beginning photographer — Similarly, I think this one is really practical and helpful. Let me sum up: Get closer and turn off your flash!
- Sharing is a dirty word — On natural vs. coerced cooperation.
- Standing up for your kids — Doing the hard job of being your child's advocate.
- Biking with your baby or toddler: In praise of a front-mounted seat — Having used ours for months now, I still believe it's the way to go.
- Reaching out and saying "yes": Creating intentional community through accepting offers of friendship and starting a babysitting co-op — Still in the midst of starting this, but I think it's a great idea.
- "Nothing by mouth": surgery guidelines for the breastfed baby — I somehow had the idea that medical students would start quoting my article.
- Growing a garden when you'd don't have a yard — My lack of garden space still makes me sad, so I was hoping this could give someone else some inspiration and perhaps spark some reader ideas back at me.
- Lying-in: Rest, recovery, and bonding — A guest post from Jessica of This Is Worthwhile that is, as they say, worthwhile.
- Starting breastfeeding right with a topless babymoon — Along the same lines as the above.
- Why I want my son to take ballet classes — Counting down the days till he turns 3.
- I'd like to thank my sponsor — A tribute to my awesome partner and co-parent, Sam.
- Taking responsibility — Last year's overarching resolution, and one I'm still working on this year — and for the rest of my life.
- Carnival of Natural Parenting — Yes, this has been up for only a day, but I just want to make sure you know it's out there. Join us!
No, that's not my entire archive. I left at least a few posts unsung. I would trim this down, but I've used up my writing time for the day just reading through and listing them all.
At any rate, it's been fun to look back at 2009 and see the variety. This past year was the one in which I really stepped it up and decided to take blogging to a serious new level. I'm looking forward to what 2010 will bring.
Feel free to agree, disagree, and post your own favorites, from me or from you or others. I'm not picky! If you also have a 2009 round-up post, I'd love to click over and read it.
Happy New Year, and thank you for reading along!
Photo courtesy Dmitri Popov on stock.xchng
Great post, Mama. I enjoyed reading up on your favourites as well as learning what gave your posts legs.
Hey, just getting around to reading this post! I'm excited that my post was one of the most commented upon!
I loved the post about why boys wear blue and girl wear pink. I seriously think about it all the time.
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