If you're unfamiliar with elimination communication, basically it's the traditional practice of offering your baby opportunities to pee or poop other than in their pants.
Here are some good sites:
• DiaperFreeBaby.org
• Free to EC
• Infant Potty Training
• DiaperFreeBaby.com
• Part Time EC!
• Happy Pottying!
and some good books:
• Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene
• The Diaper-Free Baby: The Natural Toilet Training Alternative
• Infant Potty Training: A Gentle and Primeval Method Adapted to Modern Living
and a DVD:
• Potty Whispering: The Gentle Art of Infant Potty Training
and a couple forums:
• Mothering.com's Elimination Communication Forum
• Elimination Communication Yahoo! Group
and fun places to buy EC swag:
• The EC Store
• EC Wear
• Nekkie Blankie
Now that Mikko's 23 months old and on a little more regulated schedule of elimination, pottying him has become easier, and I'm so glad we did EC so that it's not a big leap to potty learning at this age.
Mikko can be so resistant to new things that I'm thankful that the potty is now normal to him. We did have months in there of having him buck and cry when I'd try to potty him (called a "potty strike" or "potty pause" in ECville), so I backed off at those times and hoped that he would come back around to letting us use it. Fortunately, that seemed to be the right approach, because he's matter of fact about it most of the time now, and for our dramatic little guy, that's saying something!

But what works for us best at this age is for me to put the BBLP between my legs facing away from me, then pick Mikko up in the classic, under-the-thighs ECing pose to place him facing away from me on the potty. That seems to situate him well to avoid soaking us and the bed, though I still point the stream down into the pot to be on the safe side. He doesn't know how to aim himself still, so I'm just trying to talk about what I'm doing in hopes that he'll eventually handle it himself.

We do have a toilet seat reducer on the regular toilet, which we use infrequently. I don't like that Mikko has nowhere to rest his feet (our attempts to find a stool of just the right height have been for naught), and it's harder to know if he's peed or not. (The padded seat reducer we got was so cheap and basic I can't even find something similar online, but here's the well-liked BabyBjörn Toilet Trainer
We've tried other brands of potties and other receptacles (sink, bucket, bowl, etc.), but this is what we've found works the best for us right now, though nothing is ideal. Oh, how I wish they made a potty for big-size boys with a splashguard that really works! Sam and I have dreamed of designing our own and becoming bazillionaires...and then we remember the EC market isn't big enough to make us bazillionaires. Oh, well!
As far as timing goes, I pee Mikko at regular cues: coming home from somewhere, going out somewhere, going to sleep, waking up. Beyond that, I offer a pee if it seems like it's been awhile. When we're home, he wears no pants and no diaper. Admittedly, this makes visitors nervous, but it has worked surprisingly well, with only a few misses here and there (recently in a box of inventory — whoops!). If Mikko seems unwilling to go but I think he needs to, usually a cuddle and breastfeeding calm him and soon he wants to try.

I definitely think using cloth diapers as a backup instead of disposables has been helpful, in keeping him aware of the sensation of wetness. I have trouble telling whether a disposable diaper is wet, so I'm sure he must, too!
We do still have our challenges, though.
The first relates to the pantsless-at-home vs. diaper-when-out experience. As soon as we put anything on his bottom half, he knows he can go in it (or thinks he can). This goes for underpants and training pants as well, which we've tried out with not so great results. We're trying to put undies on him for short periods right after he's peed so that he can get used to having them on and practice taking them on and off. He doesn't yet have the dexterity to do it himself, though. We tried buying some disposable pull-ups for his preschool days, but they're actually really tight and hard for us to get up and down. We've just bought him some looser boxer-style pants to see if those will be easier to manage. I'm also trying to model the underpants wearing on his stuffed animals. His bear is wearing some nice dino-themed tighty-whities right now.

One big problem with other restrooms is that he doesn't like being held or perched on that big hole of an adult toilet, even though I sit backwards with him and hold him securely and he hasn't fallen in (yet). To that end, I'm trying to get him used to the idea that he could pee standing up instead. This isn't something I can model on my own (ha ha), so I'm trying to get Sam involved, reminding him to talk about peeing standing up whenever Mikko's watching him go. Mikko will pee standing up only by accident so far!
My newest resolve is to always have a BBLP in the car so he has somewhere he can go comfortably, even if it's the trunk! And I also want to have an empty bottle handy to see if he'll consent to using one as a urinal again. He would when he was younger and didn't know any better, but now he's squirmier.
The other big hurdle I see now is that Mikko is inconsistent about signaling and signing to us that he needs to go. We mostly rely on my timing, but every once in awhile he'll sign "POTTY" (shaken T hand) before he has to go, which is so gratifying. He poops much less often, but it's very clear that he needs to. Funny enough, he thinks the "POOP" sign (thumb poops out your other fist) is wonderful and will helpfully sign it for me every time I'm on the pot. After he's finished on the potty, he eagerly signs "ALL DONE" (flapping hands) to let me know to take him off so he can have some more nummies!

I have all sorts of faith and hope that Mikko will achieve all the next steps I outlined above in his own good time. I anticipate that someday I will look back and laugh that he ever had a time that putting underpants on would immediately make him pee, or that public restrooms made him wail and cling. I don't have any sort of timetable in mind for when he'll get to full potty-trained competence, but I'm realizing there's no rush.

If you're an EC-ing parent and have good resources to add to my link list above, let me know! And feel free to share your own stories and advice. (Any tips on getting a toddler over fear of public pottying?)
Pottying baby photo at top courtesy squiddles on flickr (cc)
A great post.
May I suggest my own site as a resource?
It's new; I'd like to invite you over to join!
P.S Oh yes, pottying in public - perhaps, when you go out, take a quick detour past the toilet when you first arrive - that helped with Maven; he then knew where it was and it was more familia, you know?
'familiar' that should say!
I'd love to share your story on my site, too!
Perfect addition — thank you! I like that your site mentions baby sign language options, too, including alternative signs that might be easier for some parents.
Feel free to share what you'd like on your site!
Thanks for the tip about doing a quick visit to the public restroom. I'll try that tonight when we go out.
P.S. Seriously, when I first read "familia," I just took it as a Boston accent. That's where my family lives. :)
To my other readers: You might like to check out her related site www.tribalbaby.org as well (breastfeeding, baby-led solids, hypnosis for birth, etc.).
It's too late for you guys, but I'd like to suggest a folding potty seat reducer to people looking at this for ideas on ECing supplies for a toddler. Fits easily into an out and about bag (along with a change of undies and pants :D)
I would like to add my site as well: www.NaturallyDiaperFree.com. There you will find EC products for sale such as diaper belts, potty cozies, potties, clothing and more. I list the benefits of EC and even an EC group page to help you locate an active EC meeting in your area.
Jenay Burke
Owner, Naturally Diaper Free
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