Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Holiday babies

When I was looking for a picture for my holiday Carnival of Breastfeeding post, I came across a bunch of good runners-up. For a little early Christmas present, here they are!

Baby Santa
"Baby Santa," from kkbutterfly01 on flickr (cc)

Best gift — newborn girl under Christmas tree
"Best gift," from NVJ on flickr and (cc)

Baby's first Christmas
"Baby's First Christmas," from bryanminear on flickr and (cc)

aunt megan discusses breastfeeding - _MG_7682 -- sean dreilinger
I used this before but didn't notice it was Christmassy until I looked closely at the stockings. It's titled "aunt megan discusses breastfeeding," which makes me happy. From sean dreilinger on flickr and (cc), who linked back to me. I don't know why it always surprises me that people I link to find me, but that also makes me happy, especially since I love sean dreilinger's photo stream in general.

Andrea Solario — The Virgin With the Green Cushion
I had to include a great Mary-breastfeeding-Jesus picture. The Virgin With the Green Cushion, by Andrea Solario. See Breastfeeding 1-2-3 for a joke.

And to make you laugh some more...

Boy suckling on fake breasts
A 10-month-old who knows even what fake breasts are for. The caption: "I swear, he did that without us coming up with the idea. However, after he did it we spent a lot of time trying to convince him to do it again." From Scrunchleface on flickr (cc)


CaroLyn said...

Great selections. I looove the last one: priceless!

Felicia said...

Oh man! that last one cracks me up!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love the last one, that is too funny.
Merry Christmas!
The Road to Here

Dionna said...

Oh my gosh, that last one is hysterical!

There is a great bf'ing painting by Picasso - it's called Maternity. I have a postcard of it on my fridge that my sister sent me.

Bekah said...

At least the kid's got the right idea about what boobs are really for!

My daughter is in the second pic. I'm glad you like it - both of our girls are such cuties and my husband does so well at taking photos!

Bekah said...

Forgot to mention - I'm linking to this post from my blog. Gotta show off my kid!

Anonymous said...

I love the last one! My daughter would do the same thing! She loves her some titties!

Melodie said...

Ho ho ho, the last one makes me laugh too. And thanks for the link to the joke at Breastfeeding1-2-3. That was really good too.

Angela said...

LOL - I thought I recognized that "Boppy" picture :)

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