Thursday, November 21, 2013

What brings you joy?

What brings you joy? - a new e-book at Raising Loveliness on Nurturing Joy for mothers
I'm happy to contribute to a joyful post today at Raising Loveliness.

Becky Lyter McCleery has put together a collaborative e-book called Nurturing Joy: Illuminating Everyday Enchantment, featuring interviews with mothers and writers about what brings them joy, and I am delighted to be a part of it.

In my chapter, I share about what brought me joy as a child, how our family celebrates special occasions (and how that's changed since having kids), how motherhood and my children daily bring me joy, and my advice for other mamas seeking joy in their lives.

Here's a brief excerpt:

What amazes you about your children?

I am fascinated daily by how much themselves my children are. It's even clearer with two how very much apart from me they are, how very much they have their own souls and dreams and characters and plans. It's liberating, because it reminds me it's not on me to make them develop; they are doing that on their own. We can prepare the soil and water and fertilize, but no one can force a seed to grow, or change its nature to some other plant.

It's also a delight to watch, because I get to be surprised at every turn by what my children will say and do next, and how they will change in the next year, month, minute. I love watching the process unfold.

What brings you joy? - a new e-book at Raising Loveliness on Nurturing Joy for mothers
Read more about the book at the book's page on Raising Loveliness, and you can sign up for the community there to receive it — for FREE. Becky says she approached this project because "I wanted to learn how other mothers were recharging and reconnecting with joy and celebration, in the midst of the many duties of mothering."

Head over to Becky's blog today as well for a group post in sharing our current joyful moments. And feel free to share your own current joys, here or there!

My contribution for today begins like this:
My six-year-old is losing baby teeth faster than we can count them. He says I'm not allowed to wiggle them anymore, because I squeal too loudly. (It's true.)

Continue reading at Raising Loveliness ››

Disclosure: I'm receiving no compensation
for being part of this free e-book beyond the pleasure
of being part of a community of joy-seeking mamas.
See my full disclosure policy here.


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