Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Big brother, little brother

You'll also love this week's photos on the topic of Autumn over at Natural Parents Network! (You might just see a picture repeated over there…)

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Elisabeth@Manic Mrs. Stone said...

This is seriously the most adorable pic post ever. I just want you to know that I am now 100,000,000,000,000,000 times more excited to have my lil' baby so I can get cute sibling pics (only mine would be 'big sis, little sis').

Btw, when the heck did that baby grow up? :)

xo, mrs. stone

melissa said...

Total cuteness overload! They are both adorable, Lauren!

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Awwwww love the shots! And the big brother, little brother tops were so cute!!

Good Girl Gone Green said...

I love that they are wearing matching PJ's! Your boys are seriously the cutest, Lauren! :)

Melissa said...

These are absolutely precious, Lauren! So sweet.

Unknown said...

Yay, brothers getting along long enough to catch it on film!

Gaby @ Tmuffin said...

Ok, first of all--Stop growing, Alrik! He is so big and looks a lot like his big bro sometimes, but other times he is very much is own sweet little guy.

Second of all--these pics brought tears to my eyes. Maybe because I am baby-less today, or maybe because it's nice to take a step back and see other families that are so similar to mine. (It's easier to see the sweetness when you're not standing over the older kid hitting the other one with his toys).

Unknown said...

So, so sweet! I miss you guys. =(

Unknown said...

Aaaw, your boys are so gorgeous!

Momma Jorje said...

Visiting from Natural Parents Network!

I love the matching jammies! Those are too cute! Lots of great shots. Does Mikko have any negativity about having a baby brother or is it all love and cuddles?

MomAgain@40 said...

Stunning photos! Great memories here already!
You can see that the older brother already loves his younger sibling!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! They give me that warm, happy feeling inside :)

susie @newdaynewlesson said...

Your kids have great smiles (and hubby too). Was great meeting you guys in person.

Lisa C said...

What is it about matching cute! And they are a sweet pair.

teresa said...

how lucky they are to love each other so much. A lifetime of good stuff awaits them.
Mikko is so sweet with his baby brother. oh my gosh how do you stand it all day long?

Witch Mom said...

What a lovely and inspirational wordless post. I have been wondering whether it would be good or bad for my son to have a sibling. This adds one to the "pro" camp!

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