Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: There were four in the bed

And the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."

little one in bed cosleeping

So they all rolled over and one fell out.

boy cosleeping off the bed

You'll also love this week's photos on the topic of Big Kids over at Natural Parents Network, where you can see one of the goofiest pictures of me available! I'm posing with my brother round about 13 years ago.

Remember, tomorrow's the last day to enter my MotherMoonPads giveaway for an assortment of beautiful cloth pads! {$27 ARV; 9.28; Worldwide}

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

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Verena said...

Ha, ha that is so cute! There are sometimes 5 in our bed. And our three kids make themselfs always very comfortable in our bed. ;)
Happy WW!

Run DMT said...

So cute! I love the family bed.

...sarah. said...

BIG laughs! How funny. =)

Rachael @ The Variegated Life said...

And yet, apparently, the one who fell out did not wake? Oh, my.

Gaby @ Tmuffin said...

That looks so sweet and snuggly!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is hilarious! And now that song will be going through my head all day... ;)

Unknown said...

This sounds very familiar... and we only have 3 in our bed :D

Melissa said...

Too funny! That's a nice aspect of having the mattress on the floor- not too far to fall. :0)

Unknown said...

It is amazing how much space little people can take up in bed. We are wall to wall beds (drop side crib, King, Toddler) and we still end up scrunched.

JustOneMama said...

Absolutely adorable! I am usually the one getting pushed out of the bed by the baby in our house LOL!

Nev said...

Hahahaa love it. :D


Art of RetroCollage said...

Adorable! Thanks for sharing, and have a happy WW!

Faythe said...

You DO realize that that tune is stuck in my head now, don't you ?? baby is so big already :) hugs, Faythe @GMT~

Momma Jorje said...

Aww, is he taking it well? This is one reason I wanted to transition Sasha to next to our bed before Spencer's arrival. I don't want there to be any avoidable hard feelings.

Unknown said...

That is absolutely adorable!

lisaplus6 said...

awww!!! that is so very super sweet!

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