I'm not talented enough to get a picture of him breastfeeding with hands in mouth, so this happy capture of his general predilection will have to suffice.
- Evin C.: Mine is trying to eat her toes and nurse...
- Sara Jo P.: My 18-month-old was just nursing with his finger up his nose;-)
- Amanda B.: My 5-month-old does the same thing! He's also tried to shove his whole fist in his mouth and talk while feeding. lol
- Jamie P.: Tell my daughter she can't put round toys around the nipple then suck through them.
- Tenielle R.: My daughter's done the exact same thing since she was a newborn (she's 6 months now) - her latest trick is trying to fit in a rusk, her thumb/fist, and my nipple all at once... Yeah, doesn't work, sweetheart.
- Olivia S.: Lydia has a pacimal she does that with. You can see her judge before she puts it down, lol.
- Rachel H.: My son successfully latched through my t shirt, ouch!
- Eve S.: Or suck your thumb, nurse, and sing Twinkle Little Star while kicking your Mom in the head. Nursing a 2-y-o is so amusing!
Now I'm feeling lucky Alrik hasn't learned quite so many tricks yet!
What nursing acrobatics have you been put through? Anything to top Rachel H.'s story?
P.S. I'd love for you to join the fun and conversations on Facebook or Twitter! There is much such nonsense going around.
My 7 month old son likes to nurse for about 20 seconds at a time and in between chomp on my fingers. If I take my finger away he gets upset! I'm wondering if other babies do this.
Ha! I can remember Kieran trying to stick fingers in his mouth, and lunging for me before I had exposed a nipple, but never did he latch on through something - I'm super impressed ;)
I was just thinking the other day when Sylvia suddenly swung a foot up my direction that I'm in for a crazy ride since Liam never made it past 4 months so I'm learning new things every day! She's crazy about shoving her hands in her mouth while she nurses... or grabbing and pinching my boob to death. :)
I've had babies try to stick their fist in MY mouth while nursing! Sasha likes to run her toes through my hair. She holds the hair steady with her hands. This does result in some occasional kicks to the head!
I am especially impressed with the through-the-shirt nursling, though! Sasha and I have our own little joke where she wants to nurse and I offer her the breast without raising my bra. She pretends she is going in for a latch, then we both smile and laugh. :-)
Mine tries to talk while nursing, and has been known to take a bite of snack and try to chew it while nursing. That one doesn't work so well, ouch!
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