We're on a six-week path to eat more whole foods, guided by one simple rule: Buy foods with six ingredients or fewer. And we're blogging about our journey on the way.
This week we're answering the question: What has been the easiest part of this challenge for you so far? The most difficult part?
You can see all the responses to this question today at this link-up post at Hobo Mama and Anktangle. If you're a blogger who's published a response, please post the URL in the linky below so we can visit to read. If you don't have a blog or haven't published a response, feel free to provide your answer in the comments on this post on either Hobo Mama or Anktangle.
Next week's writing prompt is at the end of this post along with posting instructions.
To join in the Six Ingredient Challenge anytime during the six weeks, visit the sign-up page for a list of posts and to link up!
My answer:
The easiest part of the challenge was probably how quickly Sam and I adapted. I also was so glad he was in this with me, because I think (I know) trying to eat in a different way from my partner would have been really hard. Especially since he does the cooking!The hardest part has probably been convincing our children to come on board. It's still a struggle, and Mikko doesn't understand (or, maybe, embrace) the whole idea of eating less processed food. We've tried to explain it in kid terms. In fact, I have a children's book I've written (waiting on illustrations) that's all about explaining food to preschoolers by talking about what foods have what nutrients in an easy and nonjudgmental way. Besides the talk of nutrients, we also point out that foods that aren't so great for us have a lot of "fillers" as we've termed the empty ingredients that processed and fast foods tend to include. However, despite our efforts, Mikko and Alrik only know that foods with fillers and without nutrients … still taste good. And, to them, they often taste better than the whole foods we want to replace them with. (Naturally this is true, since there's a whole science behind making processed foods addictive!)
So there's the area we're still working on — transitioning our picky and opinionated sons over to the light. Wish us luck, or give us some advice!

But, Mama, foods with lots of ingredients are so yummy!
We hope you'll join us by blogging or journaling about the writing prompt each week. We'll introduce the prompt each Thursday and host a link-up for the answers the following week.
Start formulating your answers to Writing Prompt #5
Writing prompt #5 guidelines:
- You have till next week to think of a response to the prompt. Post your response on your blog anytime by next Thursday.
- Next week's post (3/7) will have a writing prompt linky where you can link up your response.
- If you don't have a blog, you can leave your response in the comments on next week's post (3/7).
- Copy and paste the header below into your post to tag it as part of the challenge.
- Responding to the writing prompts is optional and just a fun extra way to play along! We encourage you to at least think out a response.
Header code for your writing prompt #5:
Simply copy the code in the box and paste it into the html box of your blogging software to appear at the top of your response post.Link up your answers to prompt #4!
What has been the easiest part of this challenge for you so far? The most difficult part? 3. | 4. |
My oldest son, Alex, had the hardest time switching to our healthy eating habits. He knew that he liked processed foods! However, Audrey, our youngest, has always been exposed to eating healthy. She loves to share my green smoothies & juices while Alex won't touch them. You are doing great!!
I didn't get a post written up this week, but I would have to say the easiest part for us has been finding replacements for some of the things we buy (different sauces, snacks for school - more fruit, but also less processed crackers, etc) and the hardest parts have been taking/finding the time to make more from scratch, staying away from things we (I) love that is crap, basically, and not resorting to eating out. We did go out to eat last weekend and then ordered pizza Wednesday, and I bought some "fast food" things last minute for lunch after a sick visit to the dr (kiddo #2 and no one had school) and while doing some of the grocery shopping, and those things were far from healthy and definitely not 6 or less ingredients. So especially this week, that has been our big struggle. This coming week should be interesting, my husband will be out of town for a week, my toddler is learning to walk and we have cub scouts Tuesday. I'm planning simple, yet healthy and tested meals this week. :)
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