Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Surf: Demand photos

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

These are demand photos. You know, the kind you take when your kids insist?
boy with arms outspread on floor of bouncy castle
This is Mikko posing dramatically on the floor of the bouncy castle.
Because of course that's how one poses in a bouncy castle.

smiling dad waving at restaurant
This next series is titled "Keeping Alrik Happy" because we kept taking pictures of
everyone at the table to show him the results.

smiling dad waving at restaurant
Hi, Alrik!

Let's get reading!

Six Ingredient Challenge:

Six Ingredient Challenge buttonI hope you're enjoying reading along with the six-week Six Ingredient Challenge! How's it going for you so far? If you haven't started yet, we're just two weeks in, so feel free to join anytime!

Posts so far:

Start formulating your answer to the third writing prompt, and publish it on your blog by Feb. 21 (or save it to paste in the comments when we post our responses then). You can also read the interesting responses to our second writing prompt from the linky! Sign up and join in now — we're excited about the conversations we're having!


I've got one big ol' giveaway going on right now!
Staying well during sick days + $100 giveaway from Children's Mucinex! {3.31; US}
runny nosed kid holding a dandelion
Being sniffly doesn't have to mean being miserable.
Enter with one easy comment for a chance to win a $100 gift card to CVS.


Weeklong FREEBIES & deals at Shutterfly for photo gifts!

Starting on Saturday, Feb 16, Shutterfly will feature a Deal of the Day through Friday, Feb 22. Everybody has a President's Day sale. Shutterfly is having a President's Week sale!

Starting with Sunday, 2/17, you can get a FREE magnet with promo code YAYMAGNET from, and then there's another freebie or huge saving on every day of the week! Personalized address labels, flat or folded cards, photo mug, mousepad, and more. See my post for details and codes for each day.

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


Lisa said...

Awww, dear love! Thank you for posting this and including my poem! I'm so grateful! Yes, I LOVE the "newborn" photo shoot that went viral. So beautiful. Love to you guys!


Anonymous said...

I saw the story of the teen doing the newborn photo shoot last week, I thought it was the creepiest most thoughtful thing a kid could do for their parents.

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