Mikko's first Halloween at 4 months, 2007, chewing on his pirate's booty

Superbaby, 2008
(That bag & pail inspire a shout-out to Baby Diaper Service! And Mikko's "undies" are actually a wool diaper cover with wool leggings beneath.)

2-year-old Jedi boy on his way to the preschool party, 2009

They colored his hair at school, so we went with clown for the next celebration (2009)

My 3-year-old pirate and me (with blond hair, strangely enough), 2010

3-year-old fire chief, 2010
And this year, 4 years old:

Magician (or vampire)


And a firefighter again.

Yes, Sam co-opted Mikko's robot costume. It was only fair, though, considering how long Sam spent making it. Sam was a trick-or-treating celebrity. We kept hearing, "Cool robot!" as we passed. Because, as you see, he was a very cool robot.

Alrik, 5 months old, went as a baby firefighter for his first Halloween.

And also as a trick-or-treat bag!

I freaked him out a little with my vampire-ness. Too bad, because "I vant to suck your milk" would have been an awesome line coming from him.
I think we had enough costumes between us.

Consulting the map for treats

There they are! And one of the four Waldos we saw. They're thick on the ground this year.

Yea for Seattle businesses and their generosity!

You'll also love this week's photos on the topic of Homeschooling over at Natural Parents Network! Go see all the different ways families homeschool and check out our little unschooler.
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Lauren, I barely recognized you in those costumes! Looks like you have so many fun Halloween memories ;-)
He got to be three things this year!? And, when I saw you as a blonde, I thought, "That must be her sister!" (Before I read the caption.)
Looks like lots of fun!
I thought the same thing as Adrienne: what a lucky boy to dress up as so many things this year! It's so funny how he looks so similar in all the pictures. Especially because he always had that adorable curly hair. And Alrik is getting so big! Wow!
I can't decide what I love best. I have to go with the Jedi for Mikko, the pirate for you and the robot for daddy. Alrik is just perfection this year, of course.
They're all so great. Lucky boys.
Jedi boy is my favorite! And you make one gorgeous pirate mama!
They are all do adorable, but I love the creativity of using wool longies and a cover as part of a costume. Great robot, too!
Oh my gosh, I love the walk down memory lane! Your kiddos are SO cute!!
The long dark curls are smexy, woman! ;-)
They colored his hair at school?! I mean, did they ask first? I don't have a problem with the idea of coloring a child's hair, but never heard of it happening at school. What did they use? Did he like it?
@Adrienne: Other years, we had fun creating different costumes for him. This year, he was just picky. ;) He wouldn't wear anything for long, which means some of our pictures of him as a "robot" are just of a kid in a pajama shirt. Oh, well!
That's funny about the sister thing. Yeah, I got a bug to go blond for awhile. Took a lot of work (I did the initial plunge & upkeep myself), but I'm glad I did it at least once. :) (Actually, it was my second time…)
LOL. That's a lot of costumes! Nice robot costume, by the way!
@Momma Jorje: That wig in person was horrific (you know, the super-fake-hair kind), but I kind of liked the look. ;)
The very first day Mikko went to preschool was St. Patrick's Day and he came home with green hair. It's that color hairspray stuff. It smells like cheap cologne and gets on everything, but it washes out (eventually) and was pretty fun. I guess they didn't get enough complaints to stop…
Oh, and we saw the coolest Waldo at our grocery store. He looked exactly like Waldo. Michael was just staring at him like he couldn't believe it.
I LOVE the superman one... so cute!
And you make a really good vampire... very Twilightish :)
What a cutie! Love all the costumes.The robot one is fantastic. Did you make it?
Stunning. I think I must spend Halloween with my American friends one year... we don't do anything like all that!
Oh my, they grow up so quickly, don't they?! Love ALL the costumes :)
So cute!! I think I like the robot the best! Nice work, with the variety... It's tough to keep up with the number of times they change their minds, hey?! We had several last minute variations here, too... My props to Sam for the robot costume!!
Do you keep your costumes for dressup afterwards?
What is it about preschoolers and fire fighters? My big guy was a fire fighter too (for the 2nd year in a row)!
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