When my parents were visiting, we kept trying to play euchre — and Alrik just kept on winning. Look at those steely eyes concentrating on his hand.
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He looks really shocked at those cards lol
x x x
That's a pretty intense stare! He seems impressed by that hand - maybe it isn't too early to start working on his poker face.
Thanks for the WW linky, I'm also a new follower of your blog :)
LOL..the look on his face. so cute.
You must have a great hand. Look at that expression on his face! Priceless.
He was concentrating very hard! Such a sweet little face :)
Freakin adorable. Seriously, I'd pick that kid for a euchre partner any day :)
Hahaha! Too cute!
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
Perhaps he is willing the cards to change! Nice shot!
The Budweiser logo makes it all the more perfect ;)
I'm TERRIBLE at Euchre - that's pretty much the face I make when it's my turn too LOL
That's concentration! He's growing so fast - wow!
Thanks for the opportunity to link-up.
It must be in the DNA. Watch out Vegas!
Teehee. He looks shocked by that hand. It must have been a good one.
He's so cute! Also, we MUST play euchre the next time we're together. =)
What an intense stare! I'd be intimidated to play against him. ^.^
-:¦:- WW: River Birch Tree Bark -:¦:-
That is awesome! I love the look on his face!
I was too distracted by the awesomeness of his chubby cheeks to notice anything else about that picture!
Adorable! :)
what a cute capture. he sure looks mesmerized. Faythe @GMT
@Jenn Collins: Too true. I will start training him!
@Momma Jorje: Maybe so. Sam was holding him, and he lost every game, no matter who his partner was. Hey, maybe Alrik was a mole for another player and was signaling Sam's hand! (One pacifier suck for clubs…a little drool for diamonds…)
@Dionna @ Code Name: Mama: They're our classiest cards for sure. The frogs make them timeless.
@Amy @ Anktangle: We must! It was my dad who taught us, last summer when we were marooned in Cape Cod on our rainy beach vacation. He grew up playing it in Indiana.
@melissa: Well, I can't argue with you there!
Some say shocked, some say impressed, and I'd say concerned. It seems to me those wide-open eyes *are* his poker face. What could those big eyes mean?
hilarious!! he looks so focused!
debbie m
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