Some of the volunteers from Natural Parents Network are meeting up this weekend, so of course you know I needed to try to look purty.

Et voilĂ !
Here's a cute "before" picture I found from when I stopped by to see Amy of Anktangle this summer:

I'm the hirsute one on the right. I'm just enjoying having a baby smaller than Amy's … for at least the next five minutes after this picture was taken.

This is how my hair looked leaving the salon, full highlights, set with a bunch of supposed curl enhancer, diffused and scrunched dry. I'm so gentle with my hair usually, so it was flummoxed at how it was supposed to react to all the chemicals — not just in the hair color but in the shampoo and styling products as well. You could tell the stylist was perplexed, too — that I'd come in with wavy hair and left with nearly straight.

At home, I decided to go with it, break out my flat iron, and see how straight I could get it. Not super straight, as it turns out. I never did have the flat iron knack. Still, it's pretty cool, right? This is not going to happen every day, though. I'll be lucky if I do more than barrette it out of my eyes.

Here it is the next day after using my products and how it will look most days (when I wash it…). Yes, I'm wearing the same shirt, but that was on purpose.
Funny how much more wave there is, isn't it? I used to think I had stick straight hair until I started treating it more gently several years ago.
Best part about wearing it wavy? When it was straight yesterday, I kept thinking, "Oh, my gosh, I look just like my MOM!" God bless her.

These are the kind of goofy highlights. I tried adjusting the photo so you could see them, but the lighting wasn't great. I keep being taken aback when I catch myself in the mirror — the lights glint off the blond so much I keep thinking it's my first grays! I might tone those suckers down. She also lifted and warmed my base color by a smidge.

I'll spare you the million photos I took of the wall while I was trying to get this picture of the back of my head. Ta-da!
That's my haircut. Time to start growing it out again…
Are you the cutting sort or the growing sort or both?
You'll also love this week's photos on the topic of Holistic Health over at Natural Parents Network!
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It's funny what pregnancy will do to your hair. Mine didn't change much after the first but after the second it now has a slight wave when I've ALWAYS had stick straight hair all of my life. Such a nice change!!! Now if only it would thicken Love the new do btw.. enjoy your "straightness" when you can. :)
I am totally a cutting sort... when my hair gets past my shoulders- it gots ta go!
I like!
I REALLY like the color! Wish I could see it in person this weekend :-(
Love the new hairstyle! The curls gave it some oompphhh!!
Positively lovely! I wish I could join you all and see it in person. Everyone is coming for a Guam meetup next month, no? ;)
I was always the grow it out sort, but this tropical weather has me doing wild things. When last I went in for a trim, I walked out with the shortest I've had in my life.
I think it is super cute!! I love love the length!!! (see? 5 exclamation points cute! oops - 6)
I love it! It's super cute! I'm missing my shorter hair now...sigh.
You look amazing! Nice haircut choice.
When you wrote that you would be getting your hair done, I was thinking along the lines of a touch-up.
Stunning. Really.
Nice! I'm african-american and in the process of growing out my relaxer. My mother put it in when I was young so I have no idea what my natural hair will be like!
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
My favorite of these looks is the one where you scrunched it with your own product.
I *do* have bone straight hair! Literally, my ex permed it ONCE and said never again, it doesn't even want to hold a PERM. lol
Oh, and I haven't personally paid for a haircut (since I was married to a hairstylist)... ever.
I used to shave it, so that was easy self upkeep. I used to shave it into a mohawk which was alright, too. But when we fought lice on Sasha's head, I chopped it myself finally... it was seriously choppy, but I loved it and the process was empowering!
It's perfect!! I appreciate all the many moods of your hair-do photos. I didn't even photograph mine... I'm glad my gray is gone, but the "do" itself is kind of blah.
Maybe I should go back.
You look so cute!!
I think it's very original, especially liked the unusual color!
Wow!! I like it! And I like it so much better after you did it yourself with your own products. It will look super cute even when you just wash it and stick a barrette in it. There is something luxurious about having a cute hairstyle, especially when you only get a shower every third day or so.
Have fun meeting up with the other Natural Parents Network mamas. I'm jealous... I want to get my hair did and meet up with you all!
I really like it! DOn't worry, hair always takes a few weeks to adjust to the "trauma" of being cut. It will settle in, and the highlights will blend nicely.
I think the change suits you and you look beautiful. Really!
@MickysMartha:I keep hearing that women have different hair after pregnancy! And my mom's is changing now with menopause. Hormones are mysterious things. Yeah, about thickening up — I'm in the midst of that lovely postpartum fall-out period. Ugh. That was one reason I really wanted to do something new with my hair! It's just been depressing me.
@...sarah.: That's the same with my mom. She keeps vowing to grow it out … but can never stick to it! I understand that itch, though.
@Charise @ I Thought I Knew Mama: Me, too!
@I'm a full-time mummy: Oompphhh! I like that!
@melissa: Absolutely! Guam, here we come! :)
@Dionna @ Code Name: Mama: With that many, I believe you!!!!!!
@Amy @ Anktangle: You rock either length!
@Rachael @ The Variegated Life: Aw, thanks! I always giggle at the Big Reveal pictures some people do of haircuts where they had an inch trimmed off the ends. I was trying not to disappoint.
@Momma Jorje: Yea! Since that's what it will look like most of the time! :)
My hair won't let GO of a perm. I always wanted really loose waves, and I always got really tight, permy-looking ones, no matter how big the rollers were. I tried ones that were about 2 inches in diameter, and everyone said the perm wouldn't even take at that size, but it was still too tight. Sasha's got some curliness to her hair, right? So maybe it's a recessive gene with you! :)
@Momma Jorje: You know we love babbling to each other in multiple comments, so on I go…
I really liked the look of your hair shaved — that was way cool. Sam shaves his own head and is considering a mohawk now. For the past many years, I've been doing a mix of having Sam cut my hair or cutting it myself. I really do like the empowerment, as you say, of handling it on my own — of getting it just the way I choose, even if it's not really the ideal way to cut it. ;) I also have only ever done coloring myself — including foil highlights and full-on bleaching. My hands-down cutest haircut came from Sam several years ago. I unfortunately had to start growing it out again just after that, because we decided to get pregnant soon, and I wanted long hair in my maternity photos. (Is that a stupid reason? Well, it's true!)
@teresa: I don't think I'd have thought to photograph mine if Sam hadn't said when I came home, "I know what your Wordless Wednesday's going to be this week!" lol Hope you figure out a cute do for you!
@Simmona: Unusual is right! Thank you. :) Oh, good, thank you so much! I agree with the luxury part. I felt so decadent heading out the door without a diaper bag to be pampered for a few hours. I think the meet-up is going to be super fun! Like a slumber party. :) There are so many perks to being on the NPN team. Join the daaaaark siiiiide…
@Anonymous: That is very reassuring. I probably should just sit with it a bit and see how it shapes out! Thanks so much. :)
Totally agree that hair takes a few days to "settle" after a major change like this. The highlights will probably soften on their own - in fact, a good hair person may purposefully make them too "bright" at first with that in mind.
Man, that whole PP hair loss thing is a BUMMER. Not only does it make a mess of the shower, but you lose your awesome pregnancy hair and get this limp pathetic hair instead. But that too, passes, and thicker hair does return.
Looks good! I like it! But I'm definitely a "cutter." It's just hair. It grows back. I love long hair, but then when I have it I just put it up all the time anyway, so why? With shorter hair, you can have the style "built in" to it a bit. So that's why I'm a cutter. :-)
Your hair looks fabulous! You look so much younger. You're GORGEOUS, mama!!!
Lauren- you look fantastic! I love the new do!!
I chopped it all off into a pixie after giving birth. I never got that luxuriously thick, glossy pregnancy hair, so it was stringy to begin with before the great hormonal hair loss. Best decision I'd ever made about my hair. It's so freaking easy. :) Of course now I want to grow it out again. It;ll probably get to my shoulders then be chopped off again.
I am pregnant with my first right now, and I have hair that goes about 4 inches below my shoulders. It hasn't been shorter than that in about 5 years, and I am terrified that I will have this baby, and then chop my hair off (terrified because I do not look good with short hair- I look like a surfer dude). I am trying to resist the urge to make it easier to manage (although...swoooon for things that are easier to manage when you have a baby!) you and your hair look FABULOUS.
I love it! I recently cut 8" off my hair, which hadn't been really cut in 3 years. It was past my waist, and while I love love love long hair, it was too hard to take care of and ended up in a bun or braid anyway. I really love my hair shorter now (but still long by normal standards). Hope you love yours too!
I am in the same boat with the straight/wavy depending on how I treat it. I love having wavy hair but am not quite sure what to do with it, yet! I am tempted to get it cut short on a regular basis but currently its longer than it has been in YEARS. Like 15 years at this point. Wowzers. Love your cut and your highlights too! I wouldn't tone them down myself!
Wow! that looks great! I'm the growing sort... My hair is waist length and I cut it like once a year (less then an inch)... and only if I think about it, and get to it
Yours looks so good wavy, I wouldn't bother with the flat iron! I'd love for mine to do that, but it doesn't, so I grow it long to avoid a frizzy mushroom look. It was a sad lesson to learn that just because I get a haircut like Natalie Imbruglia (~1998) doesn't mean it will look like hers. At ALL.
Very cute! I just got a haircut last night for the first time in about a year-I'd been trimming it myself but it never really looked very good. Now it looks awesome (I think/hope). I didn't feel empowered-just like my hair was lamer than usual. Back to paying professionals for me!
So glad I came back! I hate the idea of missing responses... and people missing my own replies on my site. Drives me NUTS!
Anyway - Tyler also had VERY curly hair when she was little. It was adorable! But we had to keep it in a headband to keep it out of her face. Sasha's only curls at the ends now and she will NOT keep a headband or barrettes in her hair at all! (So its in her face all the time, too... an issue that makes me self conscious when around others. Should make for a fun weekend issue. :P)
My parents both have straight hair, too.
I loved having a shaved head! As an attention whore - it definitely got me lots of attention! My ex warned me that people would touch my head and he was right. So non-touchy feely people (women, actually, I think it is more common with women) should NOT do this!
I even had a drunk in a gay bar ask if he could LICK my head. I sent him over to my then-husband to ask (he was promptly denied).
I tend to think doing my own hair is somehow EXTRA empowering specifically because I left my hairstylist husband. It became something I *discovered* I could do on my own, without him.
I kinda think your reasoning is goofy, but to each their own. I have delivery photos of me with MAJOR roots! lol I never much worried about the length. I do, however, find it amusing that Elmo met me bald, preferred the mohawk, but wanted me to grow my hair out to red pigtails. lol He didn't actually ask me to do that, but he LOVED the old photo... so I did it! Its only hair. lol And bald is COLD in the winter!
Love it! It's so adorable and in style! I have a similar type of hair style and it's so easy to manage. I finally decided to stop growing my thin and curly hair long and keep it short. I can actually get up in the morning and go into the office without doing anything to it! It's amazing.
all natural katie
allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com
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