Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Surf: Favorite season (for now)

I was driving down the street under a canopy of colorful trees, and golden leaves were dancing and spinning down all around me, and it just made me want to squeal, "I love fall!"

And then I was out in that delicious should-I-wear-a-jacket-or-shouldn't-I weather, and we went to Halloween festivities as a family and out to celebrate Sam's birthday.

And it gave me an excuse to dress Alrik in this:

baby Halloween onesie alrik a5mo smiling 2011
It reads "I love my mummy" and was a gift my niece bought Mikko
when he was born and she was 5 years old.

Here's Mikko in the same outfit, at a much younger age since he wouldn't have fit in it still for his first Halloween!

baby Halloween onesie mikko m4mo with stuffed lamb 2007

I tucked the garden in for the winter:

row covers in Fall garden — October 2011

And I got to eat a lactivist (aka mummy) cupcake:

lactivist cupcake at Cupcake Royale (mummy for Halloween 2011) -- breastfeeding & babywearing

It's all so happy-making.

What's your favorite season?


Love this gratitude challenge! List 100 things by (U.S.) Thanksgiving Day!

via on 10/30/11
Updated & concise list of Nestle candies to boycott!

via on 10/29/11
Easy way to decorate pumpkins without carving! You can still use the pumpkins after Halloween.

via on 10/20/11
I really like the suggestion in the comments to teach gun safety rather than get caught up in trying to ban gun play altogether. I feel I could have benefited from something more along those lines myself.

Easy-to-follow tips on using Montessori methods in the infant & toddler years. I've been interested in Montessori for awhile but have trouble grasping how to put it into practice. I appreciate clear suggestions like these & see how I've already been doing them or could be doing them with things I have around the home.

Guest posts

I was honored to share about my miscarriage on Julia's blog, A Little Bit of All of It:

Lauren’s Story – On Choosing a Natural Miscarriage

Miscarriage Poetry


I Love Me! Carnival at Anktangle

This carnival was such a pleasure to read. As Amy says,

"This carnival is all about love of self, challenging you to lift yourself up, just for being you."

I experimented with a new poetic style and was so happy with what came out: I love you for your mind.

The updated link list is at the bottom of our posts so you can check out all the inspiring contributions!

Carnival of Natural Parenting

Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama

Don't forget to submit your posts on Kids in the Kitchen by this Tuesday, November 1!

When you have a super chubby baby, it's best to dress him in muscle shirts to draw attention to it. Just a little fashion tip for you.

Find more carnivals at my carnival linky! Add any you find, too. I could use the help!

National Novel Editing Month

Stay tuned for a departure from my usual NaNoWriMo-ing. I'm teaming up with Mom Grooves (so excited about that!) so we can bring you some encouragement and resources to help you complete a novel you've already started! Who's with us?

Visit Natural Parents Network

From Natural Parents Network:

I found this week on positive self-image incredibly meaningful! It went along with Amy's carnival.

Find more giveaways at my Natural parenting giveaways linky! Add your own, and enter some good ones.

You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.

Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Anktangle, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, I Thought I Knew Mama, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Fabulous Mama Chronicles, Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex (weekends), Ichigo Means Strawberry, TouchstoneZ, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)

Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!


melissa said...

So was the cupcake made with human milk, or just decorated in a way that made it a lactivist cupcake? We need to know these things!

I *love* those pictures of your Halloween boys. Can't believe how big Alrik is!

Lauren Wayne said...

@melissa: Hee! I love the idea that someone might make cupcakes out of human milk. :) But, no, it's just a regular Halloween cupcake decorated like a mummy. I thought the eyes looked suggestive… ;) Probably because I was breastfeeding at the time!

Unknown said...

Wow - thanks so much for including my pumpkin post in your Sunday Surf!

And, I just love the cupcake :D

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