Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Reusable shopping bag

boy in reusable shopping bag 1

boy in reusable shopping bag with father 2

boy in reusable shopping bag 3

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my new super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
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Just enter your WW direct link, and then click to choose thumbnail from web
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For name, if you want, you can enter your name or the title of your post
or a combination, like "Lauren @ Hobo Mama — My Wordless Wednesday title."

This linky list is now closed.


Anonymous said...

I bet he loved being carted around.

Maureen said...

What a handsome boy! Looks like he truly enjoys it :D

Run DMT said...

First, that is one strong grocery bag! Quite a testament for that product! Second, that is the cutest thing I seen today! Love it!

Thanks for the WW link-up! You ROCK! :-)

Sara said...

OH, we've done THAT before. Those reusable bags are quite strong. lol

Felicia said...

I bet you all had a blast with that!

Auntie E said...

Love it.. bet he did also.
My WW link for you Making it easier to visit.

Anonymous said...

cute lil boy in a shopper's bag.
Mariposa's WW!

Dee said...

LOL!! You can fit just about anything in those things! :)

alicia said...

TOO FUNNY. And believe it or not, this is the 2nd blog I've seen with this theme. Too funny. Thanks for droppin by!

Pamela Gold said...

OMG.... that hair! I just love it. My boys, all three of them, look so strange with hair. They all have buzz cuts!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Where'd you find that little cutie? lol He's adorable. :)
Thanks for stopping by and linking up again this week. See you on Twitter! Have a fabulous day.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

PS On my way over to comment on another one of your posts that I read yesterday...

MommiesSavings said...

aww what a cutie looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

looks like you got the best deal at the store :)

Anonymous said...



B) That linky list is super cool, that must have taken FOREVER to put together, thanks for including me!

The Mayor! said...

Now THAT'S a strong bag LOL! Great shots, Happy WW! I keep coming back here, it's the natural parenting thing LOL, do you have a button?? And I keep meaning to find time to check out that carnival too....despite being past my "baby" years now, I still have very strong opinions on "natural birthing/parenting"....if only I had time to blog some of it!! :-D

Ms. Latina said...

WOW! That is one sturdy bag LOL

Happy WW!

Gigi said...

Love it! Eco-friendly grocery bag and kiddo carrier! :) Happy WW!

Melodie said...

Too funny. We did this with my daughter once and got a video of it. I should really learn how to put video (my own, that is) on my blog.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

That's a pretty tough bag. I think my kids would fall right through mine.

Lindsay said...

So cute! Mikko could be a baby model I think :)

Tina said...

haha kids like the funniest things dont they. she will want you to take her out in it next time!

I'm playing twice today at my Mummy Diaries and
Game FreakZ blogs.

Happy WW :)

Tracy said...

That is really little ones love those bags too....they also love boxes! Happy WW to you!

shoppy sy said...

It looks like he enjoyed it hahhaha if only I can buy a cute boy like more pains of giving birth..:0

MollyinMinn said...

That is so cute! What a peanut you have there. Adorable.

geeks in rome said...

adorable boy and one sturdy bag!
He really could be a baby model, he is so photogenic and smiley :)

Paige@ Baby Dust Diaries said...

there must been a huge sale on Cute.

♥ Sarah @ FFP ♥ said...

So, so cute AND I have a bit of an obsession with re-usable bags, so this post is win-win for me.

Lauren Wayne said...

I figure this is an eco-friendly way of carrying our toddler! :) He weighs 37 pounds, so kudos to my husband for hefting him over and over.

I will point out, too, that this was my son's idea in the first place and now one of his favorite things.

If you want your own toddler-proof bag, we got ours at Safeway. They're the kind that fold into a little pouch. Love 'em.

Alicia: How funny! I'll have to find my sister blog.

Pamela: I seriously am so jealous of his curls. I'll be sad when he wants his own buzz cut someday.

Julie from Momspective: It kinda did take forever. Thanks for liking it! :) It makes it easier for me to find the linkies, so I figured it might help other people, too.

The Mayor!: I so need to make a button. I've been thinking that for months. Feel free to join the Carnival of Natural Parenting whenever you want! We like non-baby posts, too. :)

Melodie: I usually post on YouTube and then embed, but you have to be OK with having it public on YouTube. You can also do Vimeo.

Maman A Droit & Geeks in Rome: I've thought he'd make a great child model (of course I do; I'm his mother) and then I remember: He's not the least bit obedient. We'd go to a casting call and the photographer would say, Stand there, and Mikko would say, No, and that would be the end of his modeling career. :) I guess I'll content myself with enjoying his beauty privately … Ha ha!

Tracy: Boxes are excellent!

Shoppy Sy: That's the way to do it! :)

Paige: Funniest comment.

Lisa C said...

You know, I saw a link today for a blog called Hobo Man. I was going to check it out, but forgot, so I have no idea what's on there.

The pictures are cute and made me laugh. My fav reusable shopping bad is a big canvas one from World Market.

Anonymous said...

thanks for stoppin by and commenting!! the "pee" comment cracked me up too....made me feel ALOT better about what i had done! BTW, i use picnik, as well as photoscape (which is FREE) for my photos....they rock!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

That's really cute. Strong bag!

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Love the bag shots! Ha ha, thats great!

And whoops, I just saw that you wanted us to link to a web photo and I didn't, because the linky couldn't find any of my photos online. Not sure what was up with that, but I just uploaded via my computer. Hope thats okay!

Lauren Wayne said...

Lisa C: I find the funniest hobo links sometimes, like a whole hobo wedding once. Cracks me up!

lisaj: I will have to try those out. They look awesome!

Kristin: I don't mind at all if you use from computer if that's what works for you! I was just pleasantly surprised it could pull a picture from my site via the "from web" function since I didn't have the file on my computer the first time I used it. Glad you found something that worked for you! I'll update my instructions for next time.

Sarah @ OneStarryNight said...

Omgosh that is just so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I wish my local grocery store carried toddlers. They are CUTE! Also screamy, but I'm focusing on the cute right now.

Miel Abeille said...

See -- so many uses for those bags! Who knew?

Luschka said...

That is SOOOO cute!

Mommy Kennedy said...

Just a belated "Thank You" for linking up to my WW linky last week!

I just love that you captured that in photos. They are so candid and having so much fun!

My new linky is up and you and your readers are welcome to it also!

Happy WW!

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