In 2012, our writers have shared how they interact respectfully with other parents, even when they disagree; they've made us think about children and personal care as well as children and self-image; and they've opened up about parenting amidst challenges and extended family. The compilations of posts are a rich resource — I hope you will look through 2012's themes and articles and get to know some of the writers!
Join us!
Anyone can write for the Carnival of Natural Parenting, and you can write as few or as many times as you'd like throughout the year. You can read more about how to write for the Carnival as well as details on upcoming topics at our main Carnival page. Here are the topics for the next few months: In August we're discussing Sibling Revelry; in September we're sharing tips on staying safe; in October we're looking at Kids and Technology; in November we'll dish about Feeding Your Family; in December we'll write about The More Things Change; and in January we'll reminisce about The More Things Stay the Same. Topics are posted through March 2014 - come read more details at our main Carnival page. Sign up for deadline reminders with our blogging carnival calendar, or subscribe to monthly email updates here.Whether you write for or enjoy reading the articles written for the Carnival of Natural Parenting, or whether you are simply interested in learning more about natural parenting practices, we want you to join our community at the site born out of the Carnival: Natural Parents Network. NPN is a community that connects, informs, empowers, and inspires parents and parents-to-be. We are thankful for the larger NP community we interact with on NPN's website, Facebook page, and Twitter stream, and we're doubly thankful for the close-knit family of NPN volunteers — we have found true friends.
If you haven't yet, be sure to sign up for the joint newsletter of Natural Parents Network, Code Name: Mama, and Hobo Mama. And be on the lookout for our monthly Twitter parties, and our newest project, NPN Podcasts!
And for Carnival updates, be sure to look for the #CarNatPar hashtag on Twitter and follow the Twitter list of our #CarNatPar writers. On Facebook, you can get Carnival updates by "liking" the CarNatPar Fan Page.
We look forward to reading more from our writers — new and old — in 2013.
I'd like to share with you a few highlights — and a few of my favorite things — from our 2012 Carnival posts.
Here are a few quick facts:
- In the 11 months that we hosted CarNatPar in 2012 (we took September off), we had 156 different writers.
- In addition to me and Lauren, we had 4 writers write all 11 months: Jennifer from Hybrid Rasta Mama, Deb from Living Montessori Now, Jorje from Momma Jorje and Laura from Pug in the Kitchen. Our next most prolific writer was Luschka of Diary of a First Child, who wrote for 9 of the 11 months. Thank you, mamas!
- Our most popular carnival topic was in June with 50 authors - Embracing Your Birth Experience. Our least popular topic was in November with 16 authors - Family Service Projects.
- Our authors wrote a grand total of 403 posts.
Here are some of my favorite posts from 2012
(Click on each month for a complete list of posts; the monthly themes are in parentheses.)- January (Experiments in Natural Family Living): Extra! Extra! Water Heater Turned Down, Mom Doesn't Notice! — Thomasin at Propson Palingenesis finds an energy-saving experiment that's so easy she didn't even realize it was happening.
- February (Respectful Interactions With Other Parents): Shushing Your Inner Judgey McJudgerson — Jenn at Monkey Butt Junction knows that judging others is easy to do, but recognizing that we all parent from different perspectives takes work; and Being Gracious with Parenting Advice — Tips for giving and receiving parenting advice with grace from Lisa at My World Edenwild.
- March (Parenting With Special Needs): Becoming a Special Needs Mom — Ellen at These Broken Vases shares about becoming the mother of a child with Down syndrome; and We're a Lot Like You — kaidera at Our Little Acorn talks about how her family is similar to others, even with all their special needs.
- April (Kids and Personal Care): Bathing Strike Strategies — Crunchy Con Mommy offers her best tips for keeping your little ones clean when they refuse to bathe.
- May (Parenting With or Without Extended Family): Parenting passed through the generations — Shannon at Pineapples & Artichokes talks about the incredible parenting resource that is her found family, and how she hopes to continue the trend; and Parenting With a Hero — Rachel at Lautaret Bohemiet reminisces about the relationship she shared with her younger brother, and how he now shares that closeness in a relationship with her son.
- June (Embracing Your Birth Experience): Sacred This Time, Too — Kimber at The Single Crunch learned enough to know that the way she birthed wasn't they way she wanted to; but she also knew to enjoy it for what it was.
- July (Family Creations): The Family Garden — Excited that her son has been a big help in the garden this year, Ana at Pandamoly shares how her garden grows and offers up some secrets on how a toddler can be a great assistant in the garden.
- August (Farmers' Markets):Unschooling at the Farmers Market — Megz at Aspen Mama loves building memories as a vendor at the Market; and Ask A Farmer's Daughter — Abbie at Farmer's Daughter answers questions about her life growing up on a small family farm in New England.
- October (Instilling a Healthy Self-Image): Stories of our Uniqueness — Casey at Sesame Seed Designs looks for a connection to the past and celebrates the stories our bodies can tell about the present.
- November (Family Service Projects): 5 Ways to Serve Others When You Have Small Children — It can be tough to volunteer with young children. Jennifer at Our Muddy Boots shares how her family looks for opportunities to serve in everyday life.
- December (Childhood Memories): What makes the perfect parent? — In a guest post on Natural Parents Network, Mrs Green from Little Green Blog reflects on camp follow and camp no-follow….
And here is a complete list of all of our participants, with Facebook and Twitter links where applicable:
- A Gift Universe (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- A Little Bit of All of It (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- A Living Family (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- A Million Tiny Things (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- A New Day (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- A Secure Base (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Adventures in Mommyhood; Mommy Outnumbered (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- African Babies Don't Cry (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- All Done Monkey (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Almost All The Truth (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Amy Willa: Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- an unschooling adventure (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Anktangle (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- Around The Birthing Ball (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Aspen Mama (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Authentic Parenting (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Baby Dust Diaries (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Baby Web (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Becoming Crunchy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Bitty Bird (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- boho mama (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Boobie Time (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Breastfeeding Twins (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Child of the Nature Isle (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- ChildOrganics (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 7 months.
- Chronicles of a Nursing Mom (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Cinco de Mommy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 7 months.
- Cinnamon&Sassafras (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- City Kids Homeschooling (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- Code Name: Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- Crunchy Con Mommy (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- Crunchy-Chewy Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- ctrl alt parent (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Deliberate Parenting (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Diary of a First Child (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 9 months.
- Domestic Chaos (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Downsideupandoutsidein (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Dreaming Aloud (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- Dulce de leche (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Eco Journey in the Burbs (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Erika Gebhardt (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Fabulous Mama Chronicles (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Farmer's Daughter (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- Fine and Fair (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Firmly Planted (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Gentle Mama Moon (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Gently Parenting Twins... and more (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Going A-Musing (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Going Green Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Good Enough Mum (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- GrowingSlower (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- Hannah and Horn - A Journey of a Lifetime (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Happy Mothering (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Heart Wanderings (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Heart-Led Parenting (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Here's to a Boring Year (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- High Needs Attachment (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Hobo Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- Homeschooling in Nova Scotia (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Hybrid Rasta Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- I Thought I Knew Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- I'm a full-time mummy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- In The Now (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Instead of Institutions (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Intrepid Murmurings (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Kate Wicker (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Laura's Blog (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Lautaret Bohemiet (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Let's Take the Metro (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- life-is-learning (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Life, Intertwined (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Little Green Blog (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Living Montessori Now (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- Living Peacefully with Children (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 8 months.
- Love Notes Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Love Parenting (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Loving {Almost} Every Moment (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- Mama Psalmist (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- MaMammalia (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Manic Mrs. Stone (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- minimomist (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Mom Grooves (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- MomeeeZen (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- Momma Beer (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Momma in Progress (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Momma Jorje (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- Mommying My Way (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Monkey Butt Junction (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- MudpieMama (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Mum in search (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- MUMmedia (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Muses of a Daffodil (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- My Baby Sweets (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- My Semi-Crunchy Life (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- My World Edenwild (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Natural Parents Network (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- Old New Legacy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- One Fit Mom (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Our Little Acorn (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Our Mindful Life (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- Our Muddy Boots (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- ourfeminist{play}school (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- Pandamoly (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Parenting God's Children (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Peace 4 Parents (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Pineapples & Artichokes (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Positive Parenting Connection (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Practical OH Mommy (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Presence Parenting (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Propson Palingenesis (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Pug in the Kitchen (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival all 11 months.
- Radical Ramblings (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- Ramblings of Mitzy (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Reading Confetti (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Rosmarinus Officinalis (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- S.A.H.M. i AM (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Seeing Through Jade Glass But Dimly (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- sesame seed designs (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- stoneageparenting (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- sustainablemum (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Tales of Goodness (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Tea for Three (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- That Mama Gretchen (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 6 months.
- The Artful Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- The Boho Mama (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- The Crunchy Farm Baby (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- The Happy Hippie Homemaker (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- The Hippie Housewife (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- The Lone Home Ranger (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- The Other Baby Book (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- The Pistachio Project (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- The Single Crunch (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- The Variegated Life (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- There's a Pickle in My Life (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- These Broken Vases (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- They Are All of Me (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Think Mama, Think (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- This Mama's Madness (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- This Woman's Work (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Tmuffin (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Toddler In Tow (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- TouchstoneZ (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 4 months.
- True Confessions of a Real Mommy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 5 months.
- Up, Down, And Natural (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Ursula Ciller's Blog (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Very Simple Secret (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Vibrant Wanderings (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- WaldenMommy: Life Behind the Red Front Door (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- What I Would Tell You (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- What's Next (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- White Noise (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- Wide Awake, Half Asleep (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 3 months.
- Witch Mom (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 2 months.
- Working to be Worthy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
- zen mummy (On Facebook) (On Twitter) Participated in Carnival 1 month.
Thanks for putting this together, Miss Lauren! You rock! It's nice to have a comprehensive list of past carnivals..I can't wait to read some of these posts!
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