We were taking our first plane trip with a baby, trying to be all chill. We'd heard the horror stories of babies screaming in the tiny cabin for entire flights, and we didn't want to be the target of anyone's ire. We had requested a window and middle seat, with the baby on our laps (which I know isn't the safe solution, but our families were footing the bill, and that's what they paid for).
What we hadn't counted on was how full the flight was (the better to hear our screaming baby!) … or the fact that the airplane was grounded with a mechanical problem. For a couple hours.
All was still well, right? We amused, nursed, bounced, dandled — yes, dandled. But then it began. The telltale smell.
There was a younger single woman sitting to our right on the aisle. We were trying to convince her that parenting was fun! hip! fine!
(She mostly avoided eye contact.)
But when the smell began, we knew it was over. We had all been ordered to stay in our seats, with our seat belts fastened. I guess the plane could have zoomed aloft at any moment! Oh, noes!
We calmly tried to begin changing the baby, but it just. kept. oozing. It was a volcanic eruption of poo. A Mount St. Poopin's, if you will.
We usually use cloth diapers but with a diaper service, so for our three-week trip we had to take a break and use disposables. Not being in the know, we had bought the cheapest package we could find. A mistake, as we were quickly realizing!
The puddle turned into a flood. A malodorous one. You know how cabin air is recycled? So everyone from the fancy first-class seats to the back of coach got to enjoy the fascinating new fragrance we had brought on board.
We were frantically digging down at our feet in the crowded confines of the cabin, ripping extra diapers from the carry-on. It felt like being a medic in the Great War, grabbing gauze, shirts, anything to act as a bandage and stanch the flow. The baby would fill one diaper, and we'd cautiously close it up while slipping another under his bum.
I think we eventually went through four diapers, seriously depleting our airtime stash. Our clothing was, miraculously, unharmed. Though I feared that woman next to us would forever be turned off having kids.
Boudreaux's Butt Paste can't stop every diaper disaster from happening … but they can help with a particularly virulent one: diaper rash.
Using disposables for travel was also a great way for us to experience diaper rash for the first time, and — oh! — it's so sad to see your little one's skin broken out in red marks and splotches. Some babies need to be changed more, some need a particular brand of diapers or cloth only, and some just have reactions, no matter what you try.
But Boudreaux's Butt Paste will heal the rash!
I was able to give Butt Paste (man, I love saying that) a try when they sent me a tube of Original Butt Paste along with some fun gifts:

Cute, huh?
Alrik happened to have some red marks from — what else? — traveling. Our recent long car rides, where he was napping and had his crotch all squooshed in a car seat, had left some red marks. (Picture not included, ha ha.)
Perfect opportunity to try the Butt Paste! I squeezed some out of the tube and was immediately struck by how … paste-like it was. That's a good thing. It felt — substantial. I was confident this stuff was going to work.
I smeared it on, and it went on smoothly and thickly. Because it's a sort of light tan color, it was easy enough on Alrik's skin to see where it had gone on. (I can't promise, but I don't think it would match many if any skin tones, which, as I say, is a good thing.)
The active ingredient is zinc oxide at 16%, which is a natural mineral that blocks moisture. It's also what's in use in natural sunscreens, which is why it's got that light tint to it — think stripes down lifeguards' noses. Thinking lifeguards will also help you understand why it's a good choice for a wet environment. It covers and repels outside yuck as it heals the skin underneath.
The next day? No rash. As simple as that.
One application, one night of healing — redness gone. I was much impressed.
There's also an All-Natural Butt Paste, which I really dig. It's formulated with beeswax and other natural ingredients. And there's a Maximum Strength version that's got 40% zinc oxide for truly desperate rash situations. Personally, I would choose one of the others if I could, because with 40% zinc oxide, you're likely to get staining of cloth diapers. But: If you need it, I'm glad it's there, and you can always use a fleece liner or the like to prevent the cream from sticking to your stash.

You can find Boudreaux's Butt Paste in its various formulations and sizes at drugstores and grocery stores near you or on Amazon. A 2-ounce tube runs approximately $6.
Got a diaper rash story? Leave a comment below and you will be entered into a sweepstakes to win a $100 gift card!
Visit Boudreaux’s Butt Paste on Facebook to learn more about the ultimate “secret weapon” when it comes to preventing and treating diaper rash. Check out BlogHer.com to find other reviews and more ways you can enter to win!
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This cracked me up. We are very possibly moving cross country in the near future. With a 2yr old and 6mo old. It will be the first flight for both, and I'm a tad nervous ;-)
I also use cloth, but when we use disposables, we always use Boudreaux's (the green, "natural" tube). When my daughter was born, she had bad diaper rash - changing her diaper was the only time she cried :( The Boudreaux's green tube was the only thing that worked. Have a couple around the house and love it for rashes!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Many, many moons ago, a boyfriend's brother bought Butt Paste for everyone for Christmas simply because he loved the name! I use Desitin for my bebe now, but would love to try this. Fortunately, we don't have much trouble with rashiness. Thanks for hosting!
My daughter gets diaper rash on occasion. Besides barrier creams, I've heard it's a good idea to let babies play without a diaper on so that their skin is exposed to the air.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
my daughter gets diaper rash when she eats strawberries
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
my baby has only got diaper rash once so i been lucky
tweet: https://twitter.com/akronugurl/status/230680920221421568
my 22 month old daughter gets bad rashes still! my 7 month old son. has lucked out and hasn't had any yet :) amypugmire@live.com
tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
My children had an occasional diaper rash when they were little. However, I always kept them dry and used a barrier cream. I hope I had a butt cream, because it seems to work great.
Yikes that sounds scary! I plan to CD when I have my first in November but will keep BBP in mind for emergencies! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
https://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/230883656070213632 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I've always loved the name of this product! Way to tell it like it is.
i dont have children yet but i will definitely remember this product after hearing great things about it on blog posts.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
I don't have babies yet, but will definitely remember this!
family74014 at gmail dot com
No children here but I did have to use this on my nieces when babysitting them and I remember finding the name so amusing! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
tweeted! http://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/232290376080297985
deeg131 at gmail dot com
DDs suffered diaper rash , in addition to change diapers more often, we used chamomile cream and also Boudreaux's paste to help.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I'm due in Dec. I don't have a a diaper rash story, but i'd like to try this
My son has really sensitive skin so he tends to get lots of rashes unless I use diaper cream pretty after every bowel movement, but somehow it became known around our house as "butt cream". So my now-3-year-old shouting "butt cream please mama!" is not an uncommon sound in our house, lol. I haven't tried butt paste though!
My daughter gets diaper rash a lot...I find that it helps to let her walk around the house naked to air everything out. I should try boudreaux's.
Ok, here is perhaps a different view of Butt Paste! I have Crohn's Disease and often find myself in a situation that needs assistance from creams. Butt paste caught my eye because of the name....and it has been a life saver ever since :)
my poor little guy gets bad diaper rash everytime he has too much fruit. Butt Paste is always on hand
tweet https://twitter.com/hburmeister/status/235193417649487872
We've been fortunate that our (nearly) 12 month old son has had very few issues with diaper rash. However, he's had a lot of fruit this week and I think that's causing the rashiness...poor babe :( Boudreaux's Butt Paste is what we've been using to try and clear it up!
my kids are all grown but would still like to get gift card?
Butt Paste rocks. We have THREE tubes of it in the house right now. It's a miracle on diaper rash. We have used it on other rashes/skin irritations as well and it works like a charm. I haven't really noticed a difference between the original and the "new" green one, though.
@Momma in Progress
Oh, and when A was a baby (you know, way back when, since he's all of 21 months now, ahem) . . . anyway, he was so enormously moose-y he used to get actual cuts in his legs where the fat rolls were rubbing . . . Butt Paste to the rescue again :-)
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