Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Surf: Lots of birth, breastfeeding, & a book

Welcome to the Sunday Surf! Here are some of the best links I've read this past week.

I am being called to come and play, so here are the links, right quick! If you want some exciting news, skip to the little nature boy in the cloth diaper. (Just an idea.)

  • "The Anterior Cervical Lip: how to ruin a perfectly good birth" from Midwife Thinking's Blog: As someone who was told to ignore my pushing urges because I was "only 5 cm," I so appreciate this explanatory article about how the cervix dilates, and how pushing can naturally begin before complete dilation! I wasn't allowed to push until the cervical lip had been pushed out of the way by the nurse-midwife (but at least she did so, and then I was allowed to continue with what my body was SCREAMING at me!). My favorite quote here:
    "This [pushing urge] is called the ‘Ferguson reflex’ – probably after some man."
  • "Telling the real story of my #Twitterbirth" from Thought this was such an interesting story of how Twitterbirthing can be misunderstood, as I'm wondering if I'll Tweet my own birth. I think too often people who aren't on Twitter think people on Twitter are wanting attention from strangers — when, most often, they're wanting attention from friends (and giving the same back as well). Virtual friends, yes, but still friends. Nothing wrong with that!
    Earth Day Blog Carnival
  • "Join us for the Earth Day Blog Carnival" from Monkey Butt Junction and Child of the Nature Isle: Cool green carnival!
    "The one requirement we have for this carnival is that your post reflects eco-actions and lifestyle choices that you have taken or are working on. We want to hear about green living as you live it, or want to live it. It could be small or grand; something that affects just you or your entire neighbourhood; a one-off gesture or something you do everyday – all we ask is that you keep it REAL!"
  • "The worst/best sleep advice in the world" from Geeks In Rome: This is pretty much our own crappy sleep advice… I always feel sheepish sharing it, but it works for us. (Most of the time, just like any sleep arrangement, I suppose!)
    "I always warn people when I comment on their blog post about their baby waking them up all night that I am the worst person in the world to comment. That’s cuz my philosophy is extremely costly yet so worth the price."
  • "Breastfeeding Women Viewed as Less Competent" from Miller-McCune — I totally agree. I would be much better at math if my boobs would stop getting in the way.
            (NB for those whose sarcasm detectors are faulty: That's me joking through a heaving sigh.)
  • "Preparing an older sibling for a new birth" from PhD in Parenting: My guest post on prepping the "big kids" for the birth of a new sibling, complete with birth video and book suggestions. I think you'll enjoy it as a resource — I know while I was compiling it, I kept thinking, "Gosh, I wish this were already around for me to use!" :) My thanks to everyone who recommended books and videos! I appreciate it. Also? Can I say? This quote from the intro: "One of my favourite natural parenting bloggers is Lauren from Hobo Mama" — made my heart skip a beat.
  • Speaking of guest posts, I'm lining up some wonderful guest posts for my babymoon, but there's still room for more! See the post for details and shoot me an email if you have an idea for a spot. I'll need final drafts by April 30 so I have time to prepare them. (If you've already emailed me and haven't heard back, it's because I'm still reading and thinking!)

    2009-07-24 06
  • And now I'm too excited not to interject this news! Natural Parents Network is publishing The Natural Parent’s Guide to Cloth Diapering, and YOU, my friends, will be in it.
            I'll be posting more information on Hobo Mama soon, and will update as needed, but here are the basics: We want you to write a chapter (or more) for us in a special writing contest, submit photographs of cloth diapering, and tell us your favorite cloth diaper resources — with everything due April 30. I am so so so excited about this project, even though I'm spearheading it two months before my baby is due. Hee! Have fun and get submitting.

You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.

Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, I Thought I Knew Mama, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Fabulous Mama Chronicles, Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)

Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!


Sarah A.T.J. said...

Woohooo!! Tons of fun new links to read! Now if only I can find the time to devore to them:)

Momma Jorje said...

Lots of great stuff! I would have commented sooner, but I wanted to read them and comment on those sites first. Thanks for the great links!

bloggymommy said...
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I Thought I Knew Mama said...

Thanks for linking to my blog! Great recommendations, as always!

Brittany@Mama's Felt Cafe said...

Thank you for linking to my Mama's Milk Carton! It's a super fun project. I've been making a bunch lately! Now if only my photography skills were as good as my sewing :-/

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