Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Surf: Third trimester already?

Welcome to the Sunday Surf! Here are some of the best links I've read this past week.

So — I'm fully into my third trimester. I can't believe how fast pregnancy goes when you already have a child. I'm not sure if it's the child or just having a faster-paced life in general. I'm sure the child contributes.

I feel this baby move — flop, shudder, kick, turn — so often now. Sam says he hopes it's not claustrophobic. Heh.

I'm really looking forward to meeting this active little one. I keep imagining it's a girl. Sam says it kicks just like Mikko, so he pictures a boy. I had this vision the other day that we had a boy and I was so surprised. Either will be fine, I've discovered — emotionally speaking, I mean.

My bellybutton's getting flatter, a sure sign that I've popped. Here are a couple bad mirror photos to prove the point:

26 weeks belly pic pregnant 28 weeks belly pic pregnant
Around 26 and 28 weeks; the second was on my way to a tea party — an actual tea party. Like, with tea and scones. So I wore pink with sparkles.

I pee all the time. All. The. Time. The baby seems to love using my bladder as a kickboxing bag, and I swear — well, I just don't have the reflexes I had before my last vaginal birth. I'm lucky I haven't peed myself yet. Yet.

I've been practicing my Hypnobabies again, and two things are interesting the second time around:
  1. It's easier, because it all comes back to me like a muscle memory. The fingerdrop, the release, the anesthesia flowing like a light.
  2. It's harder, because my meditative calm is punctuated: "What's that in your ears, Mama? … Oh. Can I wear headphones? … What's your special music, Mama? I can't hear it. … Turn it up, Mama. I can't hear it. … Nummies, Mama!"
At least I'm learning calm in the midst of storm. Good preparation for birthing, yes?

What was I doing here again? Oh, right. Links:
  • "Nursing in Captivity: On Bethenny, Gorillas, and Why It Really Does Take a Village" from Dou-la-la: I've loved this story of human mothers showing breastfeeding to a gorilla who couldn't figure it out:
    "The zoo contacted the local chapter of La Leche League and had some members start going to the zoo with their babies, feeding them in front of the gestating gorilla so she could see how fellow primates did it. And when her baby was born, she ultimately was able to nurse. Even when she stumbled a bit at first, the LLL taught her by example, and she prevailed. It wasn't by convincing her with studies on the benefits of gorilla milk. It wasn't through guilt or judgement. It was just by example."
    The line on "convincing her with studies on the benefits of gorilla milk" had me laughing even as it struck me as so insightful. Promoting breastfeeding for a society needs to be something that's modeled, not just a matter of teaching or guilt trips.

    I also appreciated this point, that a culture of breastfeeding-as-norm would end the breast vs. formula wars:
    "…it would be understood that if a mother was not nursing, she had a good reason for it, and that mother would be treated with respect and compassion."
    (Via Blacktating.)
  • I love this coordinated Wordless Wednesday series on "The Real Housewives" as seen here at Adventures in Mommyhood: It's so refreshing to see other non-perfect housekeepers! Phew. And the point from this is that we still have happy children, despite it all. (More at "Imperfectly Perfect" at My Postpartum Voice in the comments.)

    Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama
  • Check back Tuesday for this month's Carnival of Natural Parenting! It's a good month — a slew of interesting Top 10 lists on all things parenting-related. We have an astonishing 71 entries this month! So clear your schedule for the week so you have time to read a few…

You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.

Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)

Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!


melissa said...

There is so much great stuff here! I have enjoyed seeing your links throughout the week in my reader as well. Loved the Nursing in Captivity article, in particular.

I did my first Sunday Surf this week, too, and I plan to continue. I love the excuse to review what I learned and found inspiring throughout the week.

Betsy B. Honest said...

You are super cute.

After three pregnancies I must say I really really really enjoy long pees. If I hadn't bounced someone's cranium around on top of my bladder for any amount of time, I think I'd take long pees for granted.

Be well!

cat13 said...

Your new diet is just like mine! Everything in moderation, even moderation.

Dionna @ Code Name: Mama said...

You look SO SO beautiful!! Love that baby belly :)

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