Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: 50 cents a cap!

Not close to wordless but hilarious, from April 2010 (not 2009 as the video incorrectly says), when Mikko was 2.5 years old and thought "helping" us read Caps for Sale, by Esphyr Slobodkina, was the height of comedy. Because, you know, it is.

You don't have to watch the whole video, because you'll get the idea from the first few seconds. Although, if you continue, you'll get to see his ASL version of "monkey," so that's always good.

If you really don't like words, skip everything that follows…

I've been doing a series of travel articles called HAVE KIDS, WILL TRAVEL. How this relates is I once won a felt story and travel roll from Glitterful Felt Stories Caps for SaleGlitterful Felt Stories, so you know I had to choose the Caps for Sale design. We took the story on our travels, and it was such a treat! You can have a chance to win your own felt story and travel board from Glitterful Felt Stories if you enter by tonight! I've also extended my Giggle Junction I Spy Bag giveaway a few hours for any last-minute entries after reading my travel post from yesterday.

So here are all my fun giveaways that are still up today, but enter fast!

You can also see our many adorable "Nighttime Parenting" pictures over at Natural Parents Network!

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


Unknown said...

Can I just say I love your child's face!!!!!!!

feefifoto said...

My kids used to love acting out this book with their friends. Each kid would take a role and one would be the narrator. It's a good way to keep them busy.

Momma Jorje said...

Visiting from Natural Parents Network!

This felt story book looks great, I've gone and entered your contest (several times)!

This is the Wordiest Wednesday I've seen from you in a while. ;-)

Little Hatchlings said...

He is so cute! I just wanted to squeeze him. I love how your husband has so much patience too!

Little Hatchlings said...

He is so cute! I just wanted to squeeze him. I love how your husband has so much patience too!

kelly @kellynaturally said...

LOL!!!! Your husband can barely get through the story - what an awesome video!!!! Mikko is cracking himself up.

Melissa said...

This is too cute. Thanks for the smile!

Anonymous said...

this is great and I LOVE that story!

Anonymous said...

seriously one cute kid!

Dagmar said...

Oh my word, how cute is he! We need that book :)

Dagmar's momsense

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Ah! What a great video! Thats hilarious and I can see how much fun they are both having. We love this book here, too -- its a favorite from childhood, in fact!

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