Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Round two

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


Jenn said...

Arghghgghhhhh!!! how exciting!! congrats
Now we need details - how much preggo are you? how are you feeling?

Alyssa McVey said...

See? Women aren't high maintenance... just look at how much fun we can have with two red lines lol! Congrats!

Luschka @Diary of a First Child said...

Congratulations! That is awesome news!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! The right pattern came up!

Shelly said...

Yay how exciting, CONGRATS!!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a great way to share the news!! Thanks!!


dohiyi mama said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I'm squealing with delight for you, Lauren!! Congratulations!!!!

Elita said...

I knew it! Congrats, Lauren!!!

Thomasin said...

Fabuloso! Congratulations!

sheila said...

CONGRATS! Best wishes!

Run DMT said...

YAY!!!!! How exciting! Congratulations!!!! Wishing you a quick and healthy pregnancy. xoxoxoxoxo :-)

stevebethere from bethere2day said...


and best wishes :-)

GoneGirl said...

Wow, congrats! What a way to announce! How exciting!

Dee said...

Something must be in the water!! :) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo happy for you!

Auntie E said...

Oh congrats to you and your family..

Cassie said...

Oh how exciting for you!! Congrats!
I like your pregnancy test- is it the one from the dollar store?? If it is, we use those too!! Lol
I'm pregnant too- 6 weeks. When's your due date? This is fabulous. I can't wait to read about your pregnancy!

Mallory said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

Jessica said...

Mikko's pregnant! Yippee Skippee! Oh wait! Your pregnant? Even better b/c Mikko's a bit young yet.

kelly @kellynaturally said...

Wowzers! Well that's one heck of a way to spread the good news! Congratulations mama!!!!!!!

Kim said...

Wow!!! That's so exciting!! My best friend just found out two weeks ago that she's pregnant too. I just need to hang out with both of you and hope that it's catching, haha! :)

Congratulations. :)

Missy said...

yay!!! congrats!!! is big brother excited?

Momma Jorje said...

OMG, Congrats! This is going to make me want to be pregnant *even more*! I'm trying to hold out to try until next Summer.

I had noticed more vague talks of another child lately. Heh. Oh, I wanna be preggers, too! lol

Momma Jorje said...

And what an awesome way to break the news to us!

Does Mikko know what that thing is? Is he excited?

Unknown said...

Wow! Congratulations! I told my husband a few days ago that I thought you were pregnant (you know, just for the record, so I could be right later). I'm very happy for you and can't wait to hear more!

Gabriel said...

Congratulations!!! Best of wishes and all my blessing.

My WW post, here.

Meg said...

Congratulations! Me too!

alicia said...

Congrats. How exciting!!

p.s. bohemian said...

woot! woot! fabulous news - congrats to all ya'll :)

LeeAnn said...

Awesome! Congratulations! It is so much more "fun" with two! ;-)

Thanks for linking up today and thanks for the linky! I am a new GFC follower. :-D

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Ha! I knew it! Your recent quietness and yesterdays mention of a secret totally convinced me.

Congrats! Can't wait to see your little family expand!

Russ said...

Congratulations! I hope all goes well.

Lisa C said...

OHMYGOSH!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

melissa v. said...

YAYYYYYYY!!!!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of having multiple kidlets. It's AWESOME! I kept thinking when you were posting about working from home and Mikko being bored, that what he needed was a sibling to play with! How fantastic for you guys! Happy pregnancy!!

Laura said...

wow. i got goose bumps. congrats.

Olivia said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

WOW, congratulations!!!
Thanks for stopping by and linking up!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Congratulations to you and a happy, healthy pregnancy.

(And what a great wordless wednesday!)

Shana said...

Congrats! I hope you have a healthy and easy pregnancy!

Faythe said...

Wowzers! Congrats! Best wishes for a healthy & safe pregnancy! *hugs*

Unknown said...

Hooray! Congrats to you & Sam & Mikko & new Hobo Baby!!

Jamie said...

Congrats!!!!!! Can't wait to read all about it!!!

Dionna @ Code Name: Mama said...


Marita said...

Happy Dance for you :) So exciting :)

Kitty Deschanel said...

Congratulations! I probably shouldn't admit this, but at first I thought this was a video game controller :p

Anonymous said...


Congratulations. :)

Cahleen @ The Alt Story said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm VERY excited for you! =)

Just Like June said...

Congratulations!!!!! This is wonderful news :-)

TMae said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

Jenny said...

Hey, that is the same kind of test I used a couple of months ago! They work great, don't they? It only cost $1 and I didn't believe the results, so Jordan ran out and wasted like $10 on a digital test--also positive :-)

Congratulations again!

Darcel @ The Mahogany Way said...

Love those test. Congratulations!!!!

rakster said...

wooooo hoooo!!!

love it!

TBTorra said...

Congrats!! So much <3 for the $1 tests. =)

geeks in rome said...

Hooray!!!! I love how he is pointing to it!! congratulations!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

I'm late to Wordless Wednesday and look at what I missed out on! I feel like the unpopular kid at school who finds everything out last. lol Congratulations! That's exciting news. :) Can't wait to see the newest bundle of joy. I bet he or she will be just as adorable as Mikko.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

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