Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Alrik's birthday was a couple weeks ago, and Mikko's is TODAY! So we had a little joint party for them this past week while they're still too young to complain about joint parties.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
But first … Mikko helped me bake the (grain-free, nut-free) cupcakes the night before. When cooking with children, you have to do a lot of biting your tongue and shrugging your shoulders. It's a workout.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
He was a great sous-chef, though, and the cupcakes turned out well.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
I added chocolate chips for the adults…

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
The next day was time for the par-tay.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Smoldering glances!

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Balloons so big they barely fit in our car! (True story.)

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Why, you ask?

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Gee, I don't know… There's nothing creepy here, folks.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
And having Charles Edward Fromage himself grace us with a visit scared only the two birthday boys. I'm shocked they eventually let him get this close for a picture.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Because this was five minutes prior. (Aw!)

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
They gave the birthday boys these inflatable crowns with embedded tokens (score!) and medallions to wear around their necks. I had this moment of thinking, Surely my children will feel patronized by such silly attire. Ha ha! No. They wore them all. day. long.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
The party hostess tried futilely to keep Alrik's candle lit long enough for us to sing to them before he blew it out.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Wait till we remove the candle, dude!

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
The Ticket Blaster was an obvious highlight! I even got to get in there with Mikko for Alrik's round (which he ceded to us) — we had no game at all, but plenty of tickets found their way into our clothing, so we were good. Hint: Tuck in your shirt and then stuff 'em down there.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Clearly Moira knows her audience.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Alrik appreciates a handmade card.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
And he was kind enough to share his crown with another cutie.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
I am once again in the group of mamas nursing past two years old.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
It feels like I never left.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Happy partygoers!

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
I'm pleased to note I now have a phone that plays nice with this app.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Mikko's dream came true: Sam sprang for a fancy prize from the top shelf, paying for the difference in what we scored in tickets. This no-brand transformer totally falls apart constantly, but Mikko's enthralled.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
We stopped to run some errands before heading home, and Alrik picked up this magnifying glass and another crown.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
He thought it was pretty funny.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Really funny.

Wordless Wednesday: Partying with Chuck == Hobo Mama
Happy birthday to my two sweet boys!

Check out the Flickr contest winners over at Natural Parents Network! These final photos show what natural parenting really looks like. Link up there, too!

I also want to remind you about the Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale — 22 titles by well-known parenting authors. My book is in there as well! The bundle will be for sale for only five more days, so {affiliate link} check out the contributors and resources now.

This bundle is a treasure chest of thoughtful-parenting resources: a handpicked selection of e-books, workshops, e-magazines, and audio, with themes such as creativity and play, peaceful guidance, mindfulness for mothers, children and food, self-care and relaxation, and more.

That's a total value of $274 for the incredible price of $24.95!

Visit Mindful Nurturing for more information. But hurry — this sale ends SOON!

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
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I Thought I Knew Mama said...

Aww... Happy Birthday to your little sharks! Looks like such a fun celebration!

kewkew said...

Happy birthday to your little guys! What a great joint party. Our children's birthdays are really not close enough to do that.
However, we started a tradition last year of taking the children to Chuck E. Cheese on their 5th birthday, so we get to go this year again, and then 2 more times.

Unknown said...

Such a lovely bunch of photos of your family. I especially like the quality of your photos.

that suburban momma said...

How fun! I LOVE Chuckie Cheese! :)

Unknown said...

L3 was terrified of Chuck, too. I'm glad we could celebrate with you guys!

Karren Haller said...

Great photo moments, Happy Birthday!! Thanks for hosting too, hope you can stop by, Wordless Wednesday with The Cat

Jennifer said...

Awww - Happy Birthday to your boys! It looks like they had tons of fun. And secretly, I kinda wish I could do that ticket blaster thing just once... LOL

The Mad House of Cats and Babies said...

Looks like you all had a great time. We don't have anything like Chuckie Cheese here, in the UK, sadly! :)
Do you have a recipe for the cupcakes? cooking for gf family, I am always interested in baking recipes. Ps I know what you mean about the tongue biting when baking or cooking with kids, it's challenging, but I love baking with mine, I have learned to let go of some of my OCD and preciseness and let them enjoy making things, and if it's messy and doesn't look perfect, it doesn't matter! :)

Lauren Wayne said...

@The Mad House of Cats and Babies: Yes, here's the recipe: I meant to add it to the post earlier!

Because they don't use almond flour but coconut flour instead, they use a lot of eggs. So they taste more like sweet muffins than cupcakes. But my kids really like them, so I can't complain! And they're gooood with chocolate chips (of course!). I couldn't get the buttercream frosting in that recipe to work right, so I gave up and made the easy, sugary kind. :)

And yes to letting go of kitchen perfection with kids! Like I said, there were a lot of eggs in this recipe, and Mikko had to crack every one. Some of the eggs ended up … elsewhere. And I had to fish out bits of shell. But he was so pleased to be cracking them, so I just had to enjoy.

Lauren Wayne said...

@I Thought I Knew Mama: I need to tell Amanda Metro that Mikko picked out their shirts! :)

Lauren Wayne said...

@kewkew: That's a cool tradition! It was a lot of fun! Our guest parents were worried it would be too chaotic, but we were able to schedule it for a weekday, and the place was practically empty.

Lauren Wayne said...

@Judy Thornton: Thanks so much! That's really sweet.

Lauren Wayne said...

@Jennifer Wenzel: I'm glad you were there! I was keeping an eye on Chuck myself…

Lauren Wayne said...

@Jennifer: I think everyone should be able to! I was thrilled when she said I could go in.

Unknown said...

My family loves Chuckie Cheese Parties too! They even offer gluten free pizza for my hubby.

Tree Peters said...

oooh! the photos are so sweet. Mikko standing there (sub-title: uneasieness....) Is that his father or what?
I love your smiling face. That looks like a mommy who pulled it off!
And Alrik in your arms is sooo sweet. I can feel his soothed-ness and how much you love being there for him.
Also love the ones of Alrik really laughing hard.
How wonderful!
Happy Anniversary day to you too! Lest we forget the momentous thing you did six and 2 years ago.
You rock.

Momma Jorje said...

I can't believe he's 2 already! But then again... Spencer is 1½ this month...

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