Mikko, his triceratops, and I all looked up the next
Captain Underpants books at the library computers.
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Perception & my love affair with armchair detecting: $100 giveaway! {6.25; US}

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Captain Underpants looks like a cute series to explore!
Oh my goodness! I thought Captain Underpants was the funniest thing on the planet when I was small! I distinctly remember one where he switched signs around to make it say something about cutting the cheese, and 7 year old me almost died. Oh, memories. Do they still make them? Also, do you read chapter books aloud with Mikko ever? I'd love to swap ideas! I'm reading "Harriet the Spy" with Adora right now-I have never read it, but my Mom raves about it, and she chose it out of my book pile, so we decided to go for it. We're not that far into it, but I'm not loving it..it seems like there's a LOT of negative body images(Harriet's always picking people out for being fat/too skinny/pale, ect), and Harriet is kind of rude to the people around her, so here's hoping she learns her lesson or something. We've been talking a lot about how "what goes around comes around, so Harriet will probably get into trouble for spying on people and saying mean things about them", and I'm self editing out a lot of negative body images, so GRA. We'll definitely be picking out something different. However, this is the first poor book we've read-I've loved almost every other. We love Junie B. Jones, and right now, Adora is onto "Teen Titans" and "Sailor Moon" chapter books. We also read Yotsubato! Comic books together, and we like the "Pacy Lin" stories and anything by Yoshiko Uchida. How about you guys?
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