Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Surf: Science kid

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

Mikko and I went downtown to attend the Science Expo and Mini Makers Faire (for mini-inventors) yesterday. It rocked. Since we're unschooling but inventions and science are not my bailiwick, I love that there are resources like this out there that can satisfy him.

Sunday Surf: Science kid == Hobo Mama
This is his typical non-smile for photos, but he was super proud of the light-up pin
he's sporting that he soldered himself. I was proud, too! I've never soldered a thing.

And what do you think all that science-learning did for him?

Sunday Surf: Science kid == Hobo Mama
My little scientist is also a conservationist. He volunteered to clean up
all the trash around the bus stop because it would be "good for the environment."

Woot! Science!

Good links to share!

The Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale ends TOMORROW. Plus: A freebie from meebie!

Sales through the links in this post go to support the work of my website and toward the incredible contributors to this bundle! Thank you so much.

The Mindful Parenting eBundle won't be around for much longer, so get a move on to check it out!

The bundle costs only $24.95 — let's break down some math here. (Whoa, math & science in the same post? Geek on!) My book is already worth $9.99. Some other resources are worth more than the bundle as a whole (!), but let's say that they're worth about $10 on average. If you were interested in buying even three of the resources this year, you'd come out far, far ahead by buying the bundle now instead. You don't necessarily need to read all 22 (amazing) titles, but there's no downside in having them available to you!

I've been working on developing some new Activity Cards and am pleased to offer a sampler pack of twenty for anyone who buys the bundle through my affiliate link. These fun and educational flashcards will help you entertain your kidlets during any tedious situations. If you email me your receipt, I'll email you the PDF (for printing) and jpg (for mobile) versions of 20 cards. Yea!

Meanwhile, you'll be enjoying your bundle, hand-designed for the thoughtful parent: e-books, workshops, e-magazines, and audio with themes such as creativity and play, peaceful guidance, mindfulness for mothers, children and food, self-care and relaxation, and more.

Check out all the contributors here — and hurry!


Explore your parenting through poetry

Explore your parenting through poetry == / Hobo MamaWhat I love about poetry is how it allows us to view our lives through a different prism: one that breaks apart the pieces of our experience into rainbow colors and then focuses them with clarity that can be blinding in its insight.

When I became a parent, it was natural — even necessary — to examine my new adventures (and misadventures) through the lens of poetry.

Explore with me!

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


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