We're each writing at least one parenting-themed poem a week on an overarching parenting theme, which I post on Mondays. On Fridays, I post a linkup so we can all share what we've been working on, and then we enjoy reading each other's work. It's been inspiring for all of us!
I also post daily prompts for the week in advance, both to give you more of an idea of what the theme represents, and for any overachievers who want to write more than one poem a week! Remember, anyone who writes and posts a poem for each day of the challenge automatically wins a signed prize copy of Poetry of a Hobo Mama, and anyone who writes and posts at least weekly will be entered into a drawing for one.
For full details and to grab a badge, see the intro post.
You can enjoy last week's poems here and link up your own if you haven't already! It was a beautiful week of poems on Emerge.
Now it's time to get writing for this week! Ready?
The third week's theme is
This week we're considering babyhood from a natural parenting perspective and examining our changing identity as parents. The theme and prompts are springboards, so feel free to interpret them in the way they inspire you. Obviously, we are all at different stages in the parenting journey, so we'll need to write according to where we're at. (To be eligible for a prize, poems must make a good effort at relating, at least loosely, to the theme or prompts. So far everyone's been doing great!)
Optional daily prompts:
April 15: Milestones: Celebrate your baby's development or a turning point that struck you with wonder.
April 16: Arms: Write a poem about holding or carrying your baby.
April 17: Pottytunity: As parents, we all have to deal with what comes out that end. Celebrate cloth diapers, expound about EC, moan over potty learning, or wax eloquent on poop.
April 18: Dreams: What do you hope for as a parent?
April 19: Minivan: What in your lifestyle has changed since becoming a parent? What have you gained or given up?
April 20: Village: Consider the outside caregivers in your child's life, or the lack thereof.
April 21: Identity: Who are you now that you're a parent? How do you introduce yourself at parties? How do you define yourself in your own head?
Write your poem anytime this week on the theme of Emerge (or go for gold and write on one or more of the daily prompts). If you're blogging along, post your poem(s) on your blog sometime before next Monday. On Friday, I'll provide a linkup post where you can add your link(s) or paste your poem(s) into the comments whenever you're ready.
I'm looking forward to seeing what we all write this week! Thanks so much for joining in. Happy poeming!
Oh Happy Tax Day :) Today require coffee and patience :)
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