Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Surf: Ode to a traffic cop

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

dad with baby and boy
My sweet boys

See that badge sticker Mikko's wearing? We were eating out when he saw a traffic enforcer from the Seattle Police Department eating at another table.

"Is that a real policeman?" he whispered to me.

"Yes," I whispered back.

He stared at him through our whole meal. As the man was cleaning up his place, I said to him, "My son thinks you're cool, by the way."

That stopped him in his tracks. "I don't get that very often!"

Mikko followed him across the room as he left the restaurant and went to his traffic buggy (Seattle uses little three-wheeled vehicles), and so we stood at the window gazing out into the parking lot while the parking enforcement officer rummaged in the back storage compartment and I answered questions about the vehicle. Mikko thought it looked really cool and wanted to drive one someday; I have to admit, it looked the perfect size for him.

Next thing we knew, the parking officer came back in with badge stickers reading Junior Police — one for Mikko and one for Alrik. You could tell from the way he had to dig for them that he doesn't often get admirers to hand them out to!

I was glad we made a traffic cop's day, and I was glad Mikko is learning such respect for the police force and the varied jobs people do. (Now, talk to me when I get a parking ticket…)

I have so many links saved up. I'd better let you get reading:

  • My Current Thoughts on Midwifery « Cinco de Mommy

    I want women and birth to be as safe as it can be, while allowing freedom of choice in birthing location. I loved my homebirth and felt comfortable with my midwife’s experience and training, but want to know midwifery care is a safe option on a national level.
    Right now I stand for more strict standards across the board for CPMs. More education and experience requirements, and apprenticeships with multiple midwives, if possible. A national standard so that the term CPM can actually mean something.
  • DIY Homemade Natural Hair Gel Review – Does it Work? | Green Idea Reviews 

    I like the idea of making natural hair products, though I’ve had the same experience as this reviewer: They’re a little less convenient and a lot COLDER since they have to be refrigerated. Now that we have neighbors with floor-to-ceiling windows next door abutting ours, I’m a little more hesitant to run downstairs in the buff to get my natural gel out of the fridge.
    THAT SAID, this recipe seems like one of the easiest hair gels I’ve ever seen (gelatin + hot water), and I bet you could fancy it up if you wanted to experiment (essential oils? would that make it not set?). {Editor's note: I recently found out gelatin is what synchronized swimmers use to keep their hair slicked into place, albeit in more copious amounts. Be careful not to use too much or you'll need a lot of hot water and patience to wash it out!}
    FURTHERMORE (heh heh heh), I love the idea of this blog in general. Someone doing green experiments so we don’t have to! It’s a blogger after my own heart. (Hey, I’m still sticking with family cloth!)
  • | You Might be a Hippie Mama If (Part Two)

    Hee hee hee. How did you rate? I’ve got 9 out of 12 covered. I might just be a hippie.

From Natural Parents Network:

Visit Natural Parents Network


Book review: Tempting Juliana, by Lauren Royal
Fun to read, but boy golly, learn to stick with historical accuracy!


wavy hair

Jessicurl Haircare Light & Luminous Collection $36 ARV {8.14; US}
This one ends SOON and is a fabulous giveaway for my favorite haircare products. Jessicurl brings out the natural wave in my hair and is gentle enough to use on Mikko, too!

In-flight diaper disaster & Boudreaux's Butt Paste to the rescue! = $100 GC {8.31; US}
This one is NEW to the Surf! Read my Mount Ve-poo-vius story and my positive experience with Butt Paste, and enter to win $100!

Fresher skin with Dove VisibleCare Toning Body Wash & giveaway for $500 spa gift card! {8.22; US}
Read about my experience with Dove body wash and enter to win a relaxing getaway!

Find lots more wonderful giveaways at my Natural parenting giveaways linky! Add your own, and enter some good ones: ERGO baby carrier, swim diaper, wet bag, cloth diaper, water wrap, & more — ready to win!

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. If Sunday doesn't work for you but you do a links list another day, feel free to play along. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


Meegs said...

Aw, that's a great story. I bet you made his week!

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