Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Who's ready for summer?

baby boy eating watermelon

Oh, I know. Some of you are already experiencing summer.
We in the Pacific Northwest are waiting patiently.

But today my little family of four is driving down the coast to California.
That's right, folks: Summer is ON.

baby boy eating watermelon

I've got a joint giveaway going on right now courtesy of Lauren B. and NPN for an Everyday Minerals makeup set valued at $41. This is my favorite, all-natural makeup. I'd snap this one up if I were you! It ends soon: June 23.

Be sure to check out my post for Live Positivelyhelp your favorite park win a grant of up to $100,000 by getting out the vote in your community!

Did you know BabyLegs is having a sale of 75% off $75? That's $18.75 for $75 worth of adorableness. You're welcome.

You'll also love this week's related photos on the topic of Sunny Days over at Natural Parents Network! You can see my chubby monkey Mikko back when he was Alrik's age, and bathed in a golden May sunset.

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


Run DMT said...

Love it, "Summer is on!" Such cute photos too! It's like he's holding a big smile. :-)

Shannon said...

Enjoy the vitamin D!

Melissa said...

Mmmm watermelon. A perfect representation of summer!

Unknown said...

Hahah, so cute! We haven't had watermelon yet this year, yumm.

yeewittlethings said...

Enjoy it!! That watermelon looks so refreshing right's hot and humid here!

I Thought I Knew Mama said...

Adorable! I hope your vaca is great!

Inder-ific said...

Can I come? Oh wait, I live in California already! Unfortunately, after an unusually sunny (and wonderful) June, we woke up this morning to low overcast and fog - classic "June Gloom." So even we coastal Californians are plotting trips South/East!

Lisa C said...

Wow, that watermelon looks amazing!

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