Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Surf: California dreamin'

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

We're on a road trip right now, visiting bucketloads of extended family in California. I'm really tempted to find someplace with a roller coaster soon… And tomorrow we should finally get to visit San Francisco, or as Mikko calls it, Scan Ferskisko.

baby EC in grass at rest stop boy on bench at rest stop
Rest stop!

For now, I can offer links to read:

Carnival news:

Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama
  • Please write for the July Carnival of Natural Parenting — due July 3 — The topic is Family Creations, and we're looking forward to what projects and tutorials you post!

From Natural Parents Network:

Visit Natural Parents Network


Be sure to check out my post for Live Positively — help your favorite park win a grant of up to $100,000 by getting out the vote in your community!

Did you know BabyLegs is having a sale of 75% off $75? That's $18.75 for $75 worth of adorableness. You're welcome.


Find lots more wonderful new giveaways at the Natural parenting giveaways linky! Add your own, and enter some good ones. Currently up for grabs: Natural soap, natural mosquito repellent, Boba, Thirsties cloth diaper, homeopathic kit, and more!

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. If Sunday doesn't work for you but you do a links list another day, feel free to play along. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


Momma Jorje said...

hahaha - we shared one link in common this week! :-D

melissa said...

California looks good on your boys! I love your links this week. That Honest Toddler post made me laugh so hard I literally cried, and then read the whole thing to my husband. The laugh was just what I needed tonight, too!

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