Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Surf: Happy Mother's Day to all of us!

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

two kids asleep in car seats in the back
No matter our differences in parenting styles, we can all appreciate the quiet moments of motherhood, and the deep welling of love we feel for our children … when they're asleep. Heh heh.
With all the TIME hullabaloo this week, I'm devoting the space (mostly) to the wise parents who have much to say about what attachment parenting and long-term breastfeeding are really all about. I really love residing among this community of bloggers who truly care about all parents and about respecting parenting choices. In these links, there's no condemnation, no fuel added to the Mommy Wars fire. It's all honest, reflective, sometimes (legitimately) angry, and often inspiring critical thinking about what the magazine was saying versus what is actually true.

So hang on to your hat and start reading. Note that Tumblr arranges the posts in reverse chronological order, so you might want to start at the bottom and work up.

Poetry of a Hobo Mama giveaways

Do a poet a favor, will you? Please be super kind to these wonderful hosts who are doing their best and boldest to promote these giveaways and go and enter. I don't mind if you hate poetry and vow never to read my book — you can give it as a baby shower gift, or wrap it up as a belated Mother's Day present to your mama, or donate it to your local library. I just want to share these poems that have meant so much to me, and support the blogs who are supporting my dream. I don't say this out of a place of desperation or frustration at all, just truly out of a desire to honor these reviewers for their hard work. Thank you so much!

If you entered my previous giveaways, winners have been notified. So if you didn't get an email, you're free to try, try again!

This one ends TOMORROW, y'all!

Poetry of a Hobo Mama: The First Three Years

Giveaway: Poetry of a Hobo Mama Parenting Poetry — $12 ARV — 2 WINNERS! {5.14; Worldwide} at Anktangle & Natural Parents Network

Touching review from Amy:
This is a beautiful, funny, truth-filled collection that I believe would resonate with any mother. The focus on Lauren’s experiences as an attachment-focused parent gives it a unique perspective which any parent on the natural parenting spectrum could appreciate. But it’s not just for the “crunchy” mama in your life; it’s truly about the human experience: about life and love, about laughter and loss. It’s about the joyfully heart-wrenching reality of loving someone as deeply and fully as a parent loves her child.
I love hearing Amy's words and connection, and she shares one of my favorite poems in the post.

Read more and enter to win one of two copies at NPN or at Anktangle.

And remember — I am not above accepting pity entries. You're good sports. Seriously, Amy will be despondent if no one enters on her page. I'm exaggerating. She's very sensible. But you should still go enter.

Thanks much.

Carnival news:

Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama
  • May Carnival of Natural Parenting — There are a lot of really great extended families out there! And wishes for good ones, as well. I found this a very inspiring carnival when it came to thinking about how to craft my own closeness to extended family, so I encourage you to check out any links you haven't already. (Hobo Mama & Code Name: Mama)
  • Carnival of Weaning — due May 14 (Code Name: Mama & Aha! Parenting)
  • Preparing for Birth Series — April 30-July 8 — see the post for details (A Little Bit of All of It)
  • Authentic Parenting Carnival — due May 18 — Parenting Practices and Criticism (Authentic Parenting & Positive Parenting Connection)
  • Carnival of Tandem Nursing — due May 22 (Mommying My Way) — and check out my (our) picture!
Does anyone have any to add? I know there's a Mom Enough carnival coming up shortly, so stay tuned.

From Natural Parents Network:

Visit Natural Parents Network


Big smiles and homeopathic teething treatment from Baby Orajel Naturals 
— $100 Target Gift Card from BlogHer {5.31; US}

A review of a new homeopathic teething solution and a chance to win $100 to Target just by answering a simple question!

Find more giveaways at my Natural parenting giveaways linky! Add your own, and enter some good ones.

Win me. Win me.

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. If Sunday doesn't work for you but you do a links list another day, feel free to play along. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the plea! And a very happy Mother's Day to one of my favorite mama friends. Hope you have a lovely day! <3

Laura said...

Thank you for the shout-out!

Sarah Fox said...

Here's my take on the Time Magazine Cover.
Thanks for the roundup... so dear to spend mother's day reading these kind of words from supportive mamas. xo

Meegs said...

Great roundup, I'm going to work my way through. Here's my take:

I Thought I Knew Mama said...

Thanks for collecting all of these resources in one place! I have read a lot of them and can't wait to check out the others. Pinning now.

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