I'm not actually blogging today. I'm preparing this (gasp!) in advance, so I can spend the day with my family and not be a distracted blogger for once. I hope you're all having a merry day yourselves!
The picture is from Mikko's first Christmas at six months. I trust Alrik, at seven months, will be enjoying his own wrapping-paper feast even as you read this.
I got you something for Christmas…
Surprise! It's some links!
At LaurenWayne.com:
How to support bloggersWant to make your favorite bloggers happy? There are many ways you can support your must-read bloggers and show you value their writing that won't cost you a penny. There are other ways that cost you some money but are cents well spent.I particularly urge you to sign up on the three linkies so I can support you: (1) blogs on Kindle so I can give you a good review, (2) WAHP businesses so I know where to shop, and (3) affiliate links so I can click through when I do my online shopping.
We had two lovely carnivals:- Safe Cosleeping Blog Carnival, hosted by Monkey Butt Junction
- Mindful Mama Carnival: Staying Mindful During the Holiday Season, hosted by Becoming Crunchy and TouchstoneZ
We had a successful NPN blog blitz:
2011 reading list: Can't-miss posts from the NPN Team

Theme: Experiments in Natural Family Living: Have you ever been curious about trying a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, going no 'poo, or doing something else to make your life (or your family's life) more natural or green? Try something for at least a week sometime before January's carnival and then share your experiences in your post. For ideas on what to try, see our post "Choose your experiment in natural family living."
Keep in mind that the post is due Jan. 3, which is a week from Tuesday. You'll need to start your experiment at the very latest by this coming Tuesday, Dec. 27, to participate!
From Natural Parents Network in a week on Fertility:
- Wordless Wednesday: Fertility
- Wanting to Conceive Naturally But Accepting Help
- Trying to Conceive Naturally: What Are The Next Steps?
- Fertility and Breastfeeding
- Talk To Me Sweet Baby
- Giveaway: Party in My Pants Postpartum Pad Set – $90 ARV {1.24; Worldwide}
- Giveaway: Until the Light of Morning CD and Panel $52 ARV {1.18; US/Can}
- Giveaway: Tea Collection Children’s Clothing $100 GC {1.18; US}
- Giveaway: The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution $17 ARV {12.26; Worldwide} — ends TOMORROW!
- Giveaway: EasyLunchboxes Waste-Free Bento Lunch Box Set $22 ARV {1.11; US/Can}
- Giveaway: Custom Nursing Necklace from Monkey Mama Necklaces $19 ARV {1.3, Worldwide}
Find more giveaways at my Natural parenting giveaways linky! Add your own, and enter some good ones.
You can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.
Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Anktangle, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, Pineapples & Artichokes, I Thought I Knew Mama, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Fabulous Mama Chronicles, Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex (weekends), Ichigo Means Strawberry, TouchstoneZ, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)
Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you have a lovely day!
P.S. thanks for stopping by today :-)
I always enjoy posts at LoveLiveGrow!
I loved the Baby's Occupy Movement photos and witty captions!
Okay... I don't know how you're writing your SS posts these days, but it says that the Liberated Family post is from 4 days ago. ha! lol
And I loved the Roller Derby pic, I saw it on FB recently.
Great stuff! Merry Christmas!
@Momma Jorje: The "X days ago" is when I posted it to tumblr, and then I'm just copying & pasting. I don't know how to make that go away without doing it by hand. I'll figure out tumblr one of these days…
Thanks for visiting to both of you, and merry Christmas!
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