Rotating with no axis,
unfurled tether
keeping you in place.
Read the rest at TouchstoneZ.
I wrote this poem during the April Poem-a-Day Challenge when I was pregnant with Alrik. I'll be sharing more of those poems in the future. In the meantime, you can read parenting poetry from my first three years of parenting in Poetry of a Hobo Mama, $11.99 at Amazon
While you're over at TouchstoneZ, read more from the blog's author, Zoie, who writes about the mindful parenting her meaningful yoga practice has inspired. As the mama to three boys on earth and one daughter who soars, Zoie has been one of my tandem-breastfeeding mentors, and she's written powerfully about postpartum depression and healing from abuse. She hosts a monthly Letters to Littles link-up as well as a quarterly Mindful Mamas carnival if you'd like to connect with her there. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.
All right, go on over and be the first to comment on my poem! I'll chat with you over there.
Lauren, thank you so much for honoring me with your poem. It is a beautiful creation. For me, your words captured one of those quiet moments of belly-bonding time during pregnancy.
Today was my second son's birthday and we snuck away for a few moments to snuggle and talk about his birth. I read your poem on my cell phone as part of this time. I could tell he cherished reminiscing about when he was so small, since he likes to emphasize his "bigness" so much now.
@Zoie @ TouchstoneZ: Thank you so much, Zoie, for letting me share it. That's really a beautiful moment with your son — it's fun for a loved little one to remember that they were once (and will always be) our baby.
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