Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Happy third birthday

I'm a little behind getting my Wordless Wednesday post up this week after our spectacular Carnival of Natural Parenting yesterday — be sure to check out all the fun posts on ways to enjoy the outdoors with your kids, no matter the weather or location. And appreciate our own enjoyment of the outdoors below at my son's third birthday party! (How is it possible that he's three??) And forgive the captions, because I just can't resist today!

opening birthday present
Oh, clothes! You shouldn't have. No, really.

two different colored crocs on toddler
Guess who picked out his own shoes for the day!

toddler with balloons

watermelon and hot dog stains on toddler shirt
Guess who's been eating watermelon and ketchupy hot dogs.
Guess who's wearing a new white shirt.

playing with paratrooper party favor
Fun with a paratrooper!

paratrooper on the roof
You'll be happy to know one of the resourceful guests
scrambled up onto the roof and retrieved it.

hot dogs on grill

salad skewers
Sam's now-famous salad skewers

watermelon slices

toddler eating watermelon

gorgeous beach weather at sunset
Gorgeous weather, sandwiched in between days of rain!
(Find out more about my love for the beach here.)

happy birthday cupcakes

sunset on the beach

family of mom dad and three-year-oldMy baby's 3!

Happy, happy birthday to Mikko.

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


Cristina said...

auguri italiani, Mikko!! Happy third!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Mikko!

BeanMa said...

I love the watermelon photo! Adorable you are! Congrats and Happy Birthday, Mikko!

Bibliomama said...

Watermelons, balloons and the beach! What a perfect birthday. What a sweet, happy-looking boy.

Anonymous said...

I love his fashion statement! The food look wonderful! The cupcakes were a great idea.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

It looks like a great day. Congrats on his inch of growth (from Twitter). He'll be able to ride the big rides at the fair soon enough.

Lisa C said...

Love the shoes! How fun. We are going to celebrate Michael's birthday at the beach, too. Happy birthday Mikko!

The Mayor! said...

He is soooo beautiful! Happy ALL of you!! Wonderful shots!


Deb said...

What a fun day - looks like he had an awesome birthday!! :)

Ms. Latina said...

Happy Birthday Mikko! May you never lose the urge to wear two different colored shoes. Stay original ;)

Faythe said...

What a beautiful day for a birthday!
thanks for stopping by, I also enjoyed your carnival post as well!
Faythe @Grammymousetails

Anonymous said...

Aw, happy birthday to Mikko. And happy birth-ing day to you!

blackhuff said...

Two different color shoes, too cute :)

Maman A Droit said...

What a cutie :) I love the pics!

Pamela said...

Aw, he's too adorable - those cheeks! Looks like he had a great day:)

Betsy B. Honest said...

aw. happy birthday little Mikko. It's my personal theory, by the by, that they are babies until they are precisely 3 and a half. That's basically when they start yelling "I'm not a baby!"

Unknown said...

awww, happy birthday little one, and mama. love the salad skewers!

kelly @kellynaturally said...

My "baby" just turned three too.
Wow, time moves so quickly...

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Happy Birthday Mikko! Great photos Lauren! Those salad skewers look fantastic. I'll take two please. :)
Thanks for stopping by and linking up the other day. I'm playing catch up this weekend. Have a good one!

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

Tina said...

oh yes they just love the clothes opening dont they lol

the little guy looks like he had a lovely day

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ

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