- Healthy Birth Blog Carnival #6: MotherBaby Edition hosted by Giving Birth With Confidence: Amy Romano has done another amazing collation of articles on the subject of keeping mamas and babies together after birth. There are so many articles there I recommend reading, so click on over. You can also enjoy a picture of Mikko breastfeeding immediately after birth that I happily lent Amy and my own post on the benefits of keeping baby with you after a hospital birth, on rooming-in, initiating breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and bonding as a family.
- API's Use Nurturing Touch and Safe Sleep Blog Carnival hosted by API Speaks:
I'm a little bummed, because my post on "How to cosleep safely: A tutorial in pictures" didn't make it into the carnival since apparently all cosleeping safety articles have to be vetted in advance by a lawyer. And here I thought I was fitting so neatly into the topic of "Ensure safe sleep." Go figure! Still, there are a lot of wonderful posts in the carnival by other bloggers, so go enjoy. Also check out my follow-up how-to on "Side-lying nursing: A breastfeeding tutorial to give you more sleep."
- Carnival of Catholic Parenting hosted by Maman A Droit: Goes live Monday, June 28!
- [ETA!] Green Mama Blog Carnival hosted by GreenKiddie Blog: Goes live July 7 and will repeat monthly! The July theme is "green summer."
- Babywearing Carnival hosted by Babywearing Videos Blog: Submit your babywearing post by June 28 for a carnival on June 30. Submission details are in the sidebar.
- Blogging Carnival on Bilingualism hosted by Bringing Up Baby Bilingual: My article for the carnival is "Finding bilingual children's songs: Tips for non-cheaters," about finding and learning authentic minority-language songs online. Submissions are due June 29. Carnival goes live July 1.
- Carnival of Feminist Parenting hosted by Mothers for Women's Lib:
Submit your own or others' articles by July 11. Carnival goes live July 18.
- Crisis in the Crib Blogging Challenge hosted by The Unnecesarean and Blacktating: Watch the 36-minute documentary Crisis in the Crib: Saving Our Nation's Babies online, and blog about your reaction. From Blacktating: "Black babies are three times as likely to die in their first year of life as white babies. … Black women in New York are seven times more likely to die in childbirth than white women. … Babies born in Sri Lanka have better health outcomes than black babies born in Milwaukee do." A sobering look at our nation's inequalities when it comes to birth outcomes and health. Watch, learn, and write. Link up your post by July 2. Carnival goes live July 4.
- Carnival of Nursing in Public hosted by Code Name: Mama and Baby Dust Diaries:
To help normalize breastfeeding in public, submit original posts, photos of breastfeeding in public for a slideshow, NIP Tweets, and/or Crème de la Crème archive posts (by you or another blogger). You can submit multiple ways and multiple posts on any topic related to nursing in public, as long as it's positive and respectful of mothers who make different choices. Find an assortment of international badges and giveaway prize information here, including an ERGOBaby Carrier, my fave! Submit by June 30 for a carnival July 5-9. Possible topics to write about include:
- The problem with defining discreet
- Your own experiences
- The right to NIP
- The sexualization of breasts and its consequences
- NIP and religion
- NIP and babywearing
- NIP past infancy
- What family and friends can do to support mothers who NIP
- Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama:
Stay tuned for a dedicated post to call for submissions, but here are the basic details.
- Theme: You are what you eat. Let's talk about food. Do you try to eat locally? Organically? Do you follow a whole foods diet or practice ethical or health restrictions? What are your goals and ideals, your struggles and successes? Feel free to share blog posts, recipes, shopping lists, book reviews, gardening advice — anything germane to the topic of feeding yourself and your family. You don't have to be a crunchy-food superstar to submit, either; we'd love to hear the choices each one of us is making, how we feel about those choices, and what we want to change.
- Submission deadline: July 6
- Carnival posting: July 13
If I'm missing any carnivals, let me know. Otherwise, line up, buy your tickets, and prepare for a thrilling ride!
You can find more carnivals and weekly meme link-ups at Breastfeeding Moms Unite!
Photo courtesy Kevin Labianco on flickr (cc)
Thanks so much for highlighting our Carnival! I hope lots of people will participate!
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