Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Pumping break

Found this 20-second clip when going through some old home movies (not super old, obviously, maybe a year old). Maybe Mikko is performing a thorough product review of the Avent Isis breast pump, or perhaps he had a cold and was trying an unorthodox way of decongesting himself. No, I don't know why I'm falling over on the couch — probably dying of laughter or checking that the webcam was still capturing the moment, or both.


Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

How cute! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Hi! The blog hop goes on until next monday! i'd love if you joined us!

Kate Wicker said...

I have a series of photos of one of my girls playing with my pump. If I remember quickly, it actually entertained her far better than most of real toys while I cleaned out a closet.

Anonymous said...

That is so great. *giggling madly*

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