Thank you, Darcel! I'm so honored to be in the group of phenomenal bloggers you put together.

See, you know it's kreativ because of the spelling. Get it? Makes me want to change the "blogger" part to "blogeür." And maybe I will.
Darcel is a wonderful blogger (blogeür) I've been enjoying getting to know through the Carnival of Natural Parenting, so yea for carnivals! The Mahogany Way covers topics like home birth (great birth story up right now!), unschooling (5-year-old, 2.5-year-old, and baby on the way!), breastfeeding, cosleeping, pregnancy, and all those other sorts of things I know you all love!
Here's what Darcel said about her reward recipients:
Each one of these ladies has a beautiful blog, and I don't mean just the looks. I love visiting their blogs. They inspire, are thought provoking, and beautiful women to know.The instructions are to nominate five other bloggers to pass on the award to. I don't see anything more complicated to it than that. Being the kreativ blogger that I am, though, and due to the fact that I failed to follow the rules last time I was nominated for an award and missed the chance to publicly appreciate a ton o' blogs, I'm passing this baby on to eight bloggers.
That's right, you heard me. Breakin' the law, breakin' the law. Heh heh... It occurs to me that it's a little sad I can quote Beavis and Butt-head. I blame my high-school boyfriend.
All right, my super-duper nominees for the Kreativ Blogger award (in alphabetical order, because apparently I'm not that kreativ):
- Blacktating — Because of all the intriguing and engaging breastfeeding news, and Elita's unique perspectives and the way she engages lactivist issues.
- Geeks in Rome — Expats are always fabulous, aren't they? Eurydice is no exception. "Witty and wise" seems like a cliché, but hey, if the shoe fits!
- Look left of the pleiades — For all Ruth's fresh and honest approaches to parenting, including a fierce advocacy for breastfeeding and a flashy array of haircolors!
- Molly's Place —Molly decided to take her blog public, and I'm so glad for it, because she has such intuitive ways of looking at parenting and the experiences of being a working mother.
- Musings of a Milk Maker — I heard through the grapevine (or Twitter, one or the other) that the blog name may change since Sybil herself is transitioning from being the mother of nurslings to being the mother of school-age kids. I'm enjoying riding along, because she tackles even tough issues with openness and intuition, like dealing with one daughter's anxiety.
- Rachel's Ramblings — She calls it rambling; I call it insight. Rachel always has something interesting to capture your attention and your thoughts.
- —Who doesn't like Amber Strocel? I mean, seriously. Go read some of her anecdotes into life with two towheaded cuties, and see if you're not won over by her unconceited, level-headed charm.
- This Is Worthwhile — Jessica is a no-holds-barred creative (or kreativ) whirlwind of edge-of-your-seat writing and nod-along insights. She's not afraid to hold an unflickering light up to (stay-at-home) motherhood and tell it like it is, which makes her a rare breed in mommy-bloggerdom.
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For any award recipients of mine: I will not be checking on you to make sure you follow the rulez, since I cannot be trusted to do the same, so just enjoy that other people (me) are thinking of you and are thinking, specifically, that you are awesome. Thank you for what you share with the bloggy world! Keep on kreating!
Carnival of Natural Parenting submissions due Tuesday!

Tell us about something green your parents did with you as a kid — or that you're doing now with your own kids! If you have more dreams than realities, let us know those instead so we can dream along with you.
Fill out our webform here, and then email your submissions to codenamemama {at} and mail {at}
Mama Knows Breast winner announced
I also currently have a Mini Mei Tai up for grabs, if you're into that whole babywearing scene...
You'll be proud to know I have given away two regular-size mei tais this weekend, and I found out I was the one who inspired a friend to go for a home birth! You never know what seeds you'll plant, right? I have a good story of my own to tell about that someday...
If anyone has copyright citations
for the images in the awards,
let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
I just thought it was neat that we both talked about planting seeds today. The metaphorical kind. :) Have a great day Lauren!
Aw, thank you so much! Your kind words made my day. :)
congratulations on your nomination and *sniff* thank you for passing on the joy :)
Your blog is fun and fact-packed and I will check out the other winners. freaky how I JUST wrote about pleiades!!!!
Hehe, I still need to put up that award you gave me months ago! I love that image of the lady with the type writter! congrats to everyone
Thank you! It is incredibly sweet of you to say such nice things. And especially since my blog has all but gone down the crapper since I started my novel! Ha!
Aw, gee, Lauren, thank you! You are too sweet. And you did make my day, even though Amber already said that. (Didn't want you to think I cut and pasted her comment. tee hee.) :)
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