Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing dad

Ergo dad and baby newborn

Aren't men who babywear hot? Here's one of my favorites of Sam back when Mikko was a tiny (relatively) newborn in the Ergo.


Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Awww! I just commented on someone else's blog earlier today about how wonderful it is to see daddy's with their babies. Great photo!
I'd love for to stop by and link your Wordless Wednesday post up on my linky. By the way, I'm following you on Twitter. Good luck with ballet and the armpit hair! lol

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

Anonymous said...

Totally hot when a Dad wears his baby - totally!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! My hubby loved loved loved his Ergo. We could not have lived without it!

Happy Wordless Wednesday.

amy friend said...

Yes! Great photo.

I had to fall more in love with DH when he willingly wore the bright pink wrap when the Ergo was in the wash. :)

Darcel said...

I love it! I loved seeing men wearing their babies.

SaRAW said...

Yeah, my husband is so sexy wearing Axel in our (also tan) ergo carrier. Mmm... :)

Robbie said...

Yes, my husband wears our son in the Sleepy Wrap and Boba, and I LOVE it!

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