Thursday, June 11, 2009

Laughing at tantrums: funniest toddler meltdowns

I wrote before about tantrums, but that was more about the annoying variety.

Whereas there are also the meltdowns that are so bizarre that you can't help but laugh, even in the moment.

To wit, this article on Babble, which cracked me up no end:

        10 Craziest Reasons for Toddler Meltdowns

Miriam Axel-Lute has collected ten hilarious ones, but you have to read the comments to get the full effect. Parents wrote in with their own experiences, and boy howdy if toddlers aren't the nuttiest little creatures on earth.

Here's an example from the article:

"There was the 'I want to eat your eyeball' tantrum. I am not kidding. You probably think I made this up, but I cross my heart and hope to die—one of mine went into all out hysterics that I would not let him eat my eyeball."

Here are a couple commenter samples:

"My 2.5 yo flipped out the other day because he wanted a tissue that I had thrown into the toilet. He wanted me to get it out so he could have it. Not only was the tissue soaked (obviously), but if it's yellow, we let it mellow so...extra gross, no way. He was having a first-class meltdown and I stupidly thought that flushing the toilet might solve the problem. Tissue out of sight, out of mind was not gonna happen, though. He asked my husband to get the plunger to try to retrieve the flushed tissue!" — Molly

"Because he couldn't balance something big on top of something small and I said 'I'm sorry baby that's just how gravity works, there's nothing I can do about that' To which he replied 'I HATE GRAVITY!!' over and over again getting louder and more upset." — S. Brykczynski (her blog contains even more conversations with this amusingly perceptive child)

And you have to read the comment by km, for sure, to see how meltdowns defuse as soon as there's not an audience.

Here's my own true recent meltdown. I thought I wouldn't be able to compete with the above, but I'm pretty pleased with this one:

I went into our drawer where we keep extras of toiletries to replace something or other, and Mikko reached in right after me and pulled out a bag of disposable razors. We'd gotten several on sale years ago and are still working our slow way through them. (Sam and I are both not big fans of grooming...) This is not part of the story, but they were 37 cents for 7 razors! Isn't that hilariously incredible?

Ok, back to the story. Mikko was gesturing something with the razors, but I couldn't figure out what. Because it made no sense. I finally realized what he was signing was "food." I guess crinkly bag with colored goodies inside = tasty treat to a 2-year-old? I told him, No, those aren't food. They would be very sharp if we took them out and could hurt you.

Reason could not soothe him. "Foo," he sobbed, bringing his hand to his lips over and over. He thought I was the meanest mama in the world for not letting him eat razors.

Do you have any good tantrum stories to share? We might as well laugh while we cry...

Photo of adorable tantruming child courtesy christine [cbszeto] on flickr (cc)


Jamie said...

What a great post! I can't wait until my little guy is talking and at least I know WHY he is throwing a fit. Doesn't sound like it will help me much, but I might get a good laugh! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So, this is more of a tangent...

I'm reading this book called The Aware Baby--it's pretty interesting. Anyway, the author is all about this idea that babies and toddlers get pent up stress and need to cry to get it out. She says that if they are not given opportunities to cry when someone will pay loving attention to them, then they will create an opportunity to cry--hence the wacko tantrum triggers.

Honestly, I do it, too. I get all wacked out over the dumbest things when I'm stressed out.

Those stories are still pretty funny, though. Thanks for sharing.

Jenny said...

LOL--somehow I missed this post, but the other day Suzi threw a huge fit because we were going for a ride in the van and wouldn't let her DRIVE. She's two, so we won't be giving in on this one! At least not for another 13 years.

Tantrum Toddlers Researcher said...

Child Behavior Modification is so tough. There are moments that yelling at them is not enough. Tantrums in toddlers start when they want something which they cannot get or even when you do what they don't want to.

According to Tantrum Toddlers Researcher, the best way to deal with toddlers tantrums is to create the best activities that are fun and educational. You have to remember that at this is the stage, child adopts all things that happen around him. This is also the best time to allow your child into different activities.

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