Monday, July 23, 2012

Hobo Mama, here and there

I've got a few items to share with you around the web-o-sphere-o-plenty.

Baby Orajel Naturals reminder:

Hi, everyone,
In case you missed my review of the great new Baby Orajel Naturals teething product, you can still read it here (though the giveaway has ended). I also wanted to let you know that if you are one of the lucky women attending the BlogHer conference in NYC on August 3-4, 2012, you can visit the Baby Orajel folks at Booth 1100 to learn more about taking care of your little one’s teeth and gums! They may even have some product samples to share with you, so be sure to stop by.

(The rest is non-sponsored content.)

Poetry book review at The Mule:

Oh, my goodness, I am so happy for this review of Poetry of a Hobo Mama from The Mule!
Poetry of a Hobo Mama by Lauren Wayne
For some reason in spite of these credentials I was a bit skeptical when I took my first dip into her volume of poetry. Maybe it's because it's so easy to write poetry badly, and these days anyone with an internet connection can publish the sort of dross that a few years ago would have stayed safely under the mattress. My cynicism quickly melted away, however, within moments of beginning to read Poetry of a Hobo Mama. Wayne forges short, stark, luminous poems out of the deep melting pot of motherhood, bringing us little creations filled with exquisite detail on birth, love, miscarriage, breastfeeding, mortality - even elevating pumping to a thing of beauty! (The first tantalizing drip — drip — drip / like the flirting of a sprinkler / just out of reach on a hot day).
I often get reviews that say, "I expected it to be bad! And it's good!" And I totally get that (and am appreciative it's not the reverse), because doesn't "self-published poetry book" just scream at you to run away? I'm so glad people are liking it and connecting with it. Read more at The Mule. You can buy your own copy of Poetry of a Hobo Mama at Amazon (5-star reviews, baby!) or CreateSpace.

Pico de gallo at NPN:

Need a yummy summer recipe for your garden-fresh tomatoes, cilantro, and onions? I've got Sam's pico de gallo recipe featured over at Natural Parents Network. Perfect with tortilla chips or as a refreshing topping for Mexican food. Eat up!

pico de gallo


Karen du Toit said...

Glad to hear it is going so well with your book!

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