I am once more in the throes of my state business excise taxes, which are just as horrific as they sound and which are due tomorrow. I will try to quickly compile the links I've got!
- "The greatest gift…" from ABCs and Garden Peas: Touching story of a father's support for his breastfeeding daughter.
- "Conversation with my father" from Life V 2.0: Another dad/grandpa offering breastfeeding support, in a slightly different way.
Nursing necklace at very, very fine |
- "crafting" from very, very fine: Nursing necklace version of the knotted bead necklace! I need to try making a wooden-bead version with cotton covering like this.
- "Did you hear the one about how exclusive breastfeeding for six months hurts babies?" from The Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog: Glad to hear a reasoned response to the new article from the British Medical Journal (and the oft-inaccurate media reporting of same). I'm willing to consider new perspectives to feeding recommendations based on good research, but I'm with Tanya when I see that three of the four authors of the article are associated with the baby feeding industry — suspicious.
- "The Spectrum of WHO Code Violations" from Just West of Crunchy: Helpful chart and explanation for why being picky about the WHO Code matters.
- "Thank you, Taco Bell, for making my resolution easier." from Monkey Butt Junction: Wow. Glad we gave up fast food, too!
- "Our Toddler Friendly Sewing Basket" from Childhood 101: I am in the process of making one of these for Mikko! I just need to find the drawer liner I know is around here somewhere…
Early sewing fun at
Frugal Family Fun Blog
- "l'art de porter..." from maternage proximal: Babywearing in many cultures — I don't read French, but I love this collection of photos! Some of the basket options make me nervous, but it's good to see how easy it is to carry a child in a variety of ways, and to use what you have around you.
- "A really bad day" from Raising My Boychick: Ah. I need this kind of honesty, to know I'm not alone in my own failures and lack of support, of patience, of time, of gentleness, whatever it is on those really bad days.
- From Natural Parents Network, in an enlightening week on Natural Parenting Philosophies:
- "Being Mommy in the Real World" by Laura of Walden Mommy: Helpful advice on how to respond to other people's comments, critiques, and questions about your parenting.
- "Montessori and Natural Parenting" by Deb of Living Montessori Now: A fascinating look at how Montessori teachings intersect with other aspects of attachment parenting, such as breastfeeding, babywearing, and gentle discipline, and how this organically flows into natural learning.
- "Today’s Kids" by Mandy of Living Peacefully With Children: A fitting rebuttal to the idea that we should go back to the "good old days" when children were seen and not heard. As society is beginning to realize that every person deserves respect, I hope with Mandy that this respect will be given to children as well.
- "Creating A Positive Parenting Vibe" by Laura ‘Mamapoekie’ Schuerwegen of Authentic Parenting: Some tips to bring a brighter perspective to your parenting. I've been surprised at how much changing my mindset can change my emotional response to parenting.

- It's Carnival time again! We're calling for submissions for the February Carnival of Natural Parenting! The theme is Parenting Essentials: What (or whom) can't you live without? Submissions are due by February 1 — that's Tuesday!

- "Google Reader shared items: Your public feed for reading recommendations" from LaurenWayne.com: Here's a tutorial I wrote that's highly relevant to this here whole Sunday Surfing thing. If you want to keep track of and share the items you read during the week, follow these steps to set up a public recommendations feed in Google Reader (just like mine!). Thanks to Paige of Baby Dust Diaries for clueing me in.

- I have my very own, new newsletter sign-up.
What will the newsletter be about? I'm thinking it will mostly highlight the best of what's on my sites (Hobo Mama, Hobo Mama Reviews, LaurenWayne.com, Natural Parents Network), as well as fun things I've read recently and interesting conversations on Twitter and Facebook. Does that sound exactly like Sunday Surf? Well, yes, except — delivered to your mailbox! And I imagine it will be more targeted and less lengthy. I'm sure I'll also include what I hope are entertaining tidbits from my life, and funny pictures, so that's worth it, right? There might be other special things going on, which you won't know till you sign up.
How often will it come out? Oh, not often. I don't know really, but there's no way in unholy heck I'm going to be loading your inbox every day, or week, or maybe even month. I'm just too lazy to be a spammer.
To subscribe, just sign up with the link or in the sidebar, and you can easily unsubscribe from a link in any newsletter, at any time. I'm not even having unsubscribe alerts sent to me, so I won't know… Hope you'll join me!
- One giveaway for you that ends this week!
- Smart Mom Teething Bling from Posh Baby Boutique $19.99 {2.3, US/Can}
at Natural Parents Network: Functional and stylish pendant necklace perfect for teething babies to gnaw on or to help nursing babies focus their wandering hands and attention spans. Sponsored by the lovely Posh Baby Boutique. Ends this Thursday, February 3, and is open to US and Canada.
- Smart Mom Teething Bling from Posh Baby Boutique $19.99 {2.3, US/Can}
You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.
Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries (on hiatus), Maman A Droit, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, pocket.buddha, Breastfeeding Moms Unite!, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures, This Adventure Life, The Parent Vortex, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)
Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!
Wow, I didn't know you did this link post. It's great. Thanks!
I signed up for your newsletter... can't wait.
The babywearing pics from the French site were awesome-I definitely didn't realize that it was a global phenomenon-I only knew that African mothers did it due to some West African immigrants at our church who had beautiful wraps made out of the same fabric as their dresses.
Anyway I left a comment in French and mentioned that I found that blog through you and that you were an American who had said that post was one of the best things you'd read all week. And then I apologized for my terrible French, because I'm pretty sure all of my verb endings were wrong. Lol.
Oh and how gross is the Taco Bell thing? We eat some fast food but never Taco Bell because we kind of always assumed it wasn't real ingredients. We love a regional place called Taco John's, but I don't think they have it in Seattle. And Chipotle of course is delicious too, although it's like 10x as expensive as Taco Bell. It's just not possible to have real food that cheap though, you know?
You have been bestowed the Stylish Blogger Award! http://www.pamelamkramer.com/2011/01/new-year-new-reward.html
Thanks so much for including a link to my blog this week -- it totally made my day! I'm off to check out the other good reads too. :-)
Aw, thanks so much for including my link!
My dad gets embarassed by that post, but he rocks :)
Happy new year to you!
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