What's been going on this past week and a half:
Bus to train to plane to car, with two suitcases, two backpacks, two kids, and a carseat!
Into the city for uncle-nephew bonding
Relaxing with Nana … and her fun toy
Snoozing with Papa
Carnival news:
Submissions for the October Carnival of Natural Parenting are due early next month: October 2. Stay tuned for more details and a submission form, but here is the theme for now:Instilling a Healthy Self-Image: How do you instill a healthy self-image in your children? What do they learn from the way you treat and talk about your own body and others? Share confessions, wisdom, goals, or research you've done. Submission deadline: October 2. Carnival posting: October 9.
At LaurenWayne.com:
MomAgain@40 review: We are never alone — Poetry of a Hobo MamaI'm so thankful for this review from MomAgain@40 of Poetry of a Hobo Mama!
From Natural Parents Network:
- Dinners on the Go for Busy Families
- Band-Aids: Badges of Honor
- Wordless Wednesday: School
- Wordless Wednesday: Little Helpers
- How To Side-Car Your Crib
Kissed by the Moon is having a Moon Festival to celebrate the store's one-year anniversary. Every order placed between $25 and $48 will get a free sample, and every order placed over $49 will win a prize that is automatically sent with the order! Things like Babylegs, mystery cloth diapers, and wet bags. Fun, fun! In addition, every order up to $74 wins you an entry to win a Flip Organic Day Pack, and all orders over $75 will be entered in to win a Boba Carrier as well. Order today, because the Moon Festival ends soon!
You can also use one of these codes on your order(s):
5% off $25+ newsletter subscribers with code: MOONKISSED (unlimited use)
5% off $25+ for military families with code: MILITARY (unlimited use)
$5 off a $45 purchase with code: WELCOME (This is a one-time use)
bumGenius freetimes buy 5 get 1 free (solids) code: BGFT0912
GroVia shells buy 3 get 1 free on kiwi, mandarin, or blackberry code GROVIAFALL
Use Code SD40 to Save 40% on the Baby Smarts Deck
Coupon code: SD40
Expires 10.31.12
Check out the new Highclere Castle collection from Shabby Apple dresses, and get 10% off sitewide!
Save 10% off sitewide with code: High
This offer expires 10/10/2012.
Did you know? The people at Shabby Apple know that purchasing a dress online can be a gamble, which is why they offer Fast and Free Returns and Exchanges! They've taken the risk out of finding the right size and the right dress.
The calling cards I bought for my blog at Amy Adele are on sale for 50% off, along with select Christmas gift tags! Customizable cards with charming designs on quality stock, calling cards are perfect for playdate scheduling! Go to the "on sale" category to find all the discounted items, no code needed.
I'd love to gift you a copy of Poetry of a Hobo Mama. Enter my 5-year blogiversary giveaway with 5 winners!5-year blogiversary & FREE copies of Poetry of a Hobo Mama!
To help fund your movie night and inspire your activism:
Fighting the good fight, even when you're little: Won't Back Down movie preview — $40 Fandango GC {9.30; US}
- Giveaway: Birth Announcements from TinyPrints — 2 Winners! — $75 ARV {10.6; US/CAN}
- Giveaway: Plastic Free Book $20 ARV {9.29; US}
Find lots more wonderful giveaways at my Natural parenting giveaways linky! Right now we've got giveaways for huge cloth diaper prize packages, Moby Wrap, Imse Vimse training pants, individual cloth diapers, wool dryer balls, Rockin Green detergent, Potty Time DVD, a wet bag, and more. Some end SOON. Add your own giveaways, and enter to win!
Surf with us:
We love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. If Sunday doesn't work for you but you do a links list another day, feel free to play along. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.
Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.
Disclosure: Deal links are affiliate links.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
Talk about free range. I'm reading a biography called Bud & Me, about two brothers in the early 1900's who rode across two states by horseback when they when they were 5 and 9. When they were 6 and 10 they rode from Oklahoma to New York by themselves.
They almost drowned, an angry donkey chased them, and robbers tailed them for a few days to make sure no bad guys got them.
The country didn't reprimand their dad for being an irresponsible parent, instead the kids were treated like hero's and every town had a parade for them.
Crazy how different just a few generations can make? My friend is a 911 operator and says she gets calls all the time because kids are playing outside. It is ridiculous.
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