Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Sunny cloudy day

I've been in a kind of funk the last several days. Just ask Mikko, who has repeatedly reminded me to stop yelling at him. Sigh. He also likes to point out that everyone makes mistakes. I think, in this case, he's saying the "everyone" is me.

But yesterday took a turn for the better. It started with flowers, progressed to geese and chickens and other assorted farm animals, sailed through chatting with another (random) family over dinner, and truly got rocking at, of all places, Chuck E. Cheese. Usually going to Chuck E. Cheese makes me as happy as when I hit my funnybone, but darned if we didn't have a good time, Mikko and I (with Alrik along for the ride).

I didn't take pictures of the whole day, but I did get a few phone shots of the middle, scenic portion. The part at Flower World, with ducks and all.

Flower World pushing cart

boy in rain jacket walking ahead on gravel path by pond

boy watching fountain on pond — flower world

boy watching water wheel

boy sitting and watching fountain on pond
Can you tell he was transfixed by water that day?
I think he knew he needed his own centering.

chicken with feathers on head — hen at Flower World
Given the drizzly weather, these feather hats were an astute fashion choice.

baby standing up in front of hen coop

baby sitting in front of hen coop

baby sitting in front of hen coop eating a Croc
I like the forced perspective making it look like this goose is pecking my baby's head while I blithely take pictures. When instead he is eating a dirty shoe while I blithely take pictures.

baby standing up holding onto mesh for chicken and geese coop at Flower World

For National Poetry Month, I'm giving away !!!SEVEN!!! copies of my book, Poetry of a Hobo Mama. I invite you to enter and enjoy!

Poetry of a Hobo Mama

Check out Mikko's artistic side in this week's photos on the topic of Kid Art over at Natural Parents Network!

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


melissa said...

May I please visit you so that you can take me to this place? It's gorgeous! Also, I'm feeling you with the funk and the humbling kiddo reminders. No fun, but it does happen to all of us, I think.

Run DMT said...

Awwww...poor you. I think as moms/women we have ups and downs thanks to our hormones. I hope these gorgeous moments with your children helped give you a moment of peace. (((HUGS)))

Farmer's Daughter said...

I love the waterwheel picture! We built a barn with a waterwheel on our farm about 10 years ago when we remodeled and added a creamery. Sometimes people ask if the waterwheel churns the ice cream. I always say no, but that would be really cool if it did! It's for decoration purposes only :)

Momma Jorje said...

I love that goose pecking shot, but didn't even notice the goose until you pointed it out! I just think it is an adorable shot of Alrik.

Melissa said...

Oh, this looks like so much fun! That waterwheel is so neat!

Terri said...

Looks like a great way to get out of a funk. Love the water shots and of course baby photos are adorable. I'm so happy to see your babe playing in dirt with a dirty shoe - eases my stress about my kids forever wanting to play in mud.

I Thought I Knew Mama said...

I'm glad that helped you with your funk! What a beautiful place!

Lauren Wayne said...

@Farmer's Daughter: You are going to have to be our official go-to person for waterwheel construction! One reason Mikko was studying it so long was because he wants to understand and build one. :)

Lauren Wayne said...

@Terri: It was so muddy out that we all got nice and filthy. :) I should point out that the reason Mikko's shoes were off was because he didn't like that they had gotten dirty in the mud. So then his feet got dirty instead. There's four-year-old logic for you.

Unknown said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun! I'm glad to hear you're getting out of your funk. ...Maybe I need to go find some flowers and geese to help me get out of mine—the chaos of moving is really getting me down lately. =(

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